The surface is a face that meets an old friend, but Yase Xiansheng's tone is as cold as ice.

"Are you planning to use the status of my royal family? [Simulated Angel] That kind of thing needs the blood of the royal family as a psychic medium... You are fallen, Xiansheng."

Loveria stared at Yase Xiansheng with stern eyes, which was extremely oppressive. Of course, this was under the ignoring of her embarrassed appearance. If combined with her bleak appearance, it gave the impression that it was just the last king of the waning mountains.

"Degenerate? That's a bad word."

Yase Xiansheng shook his head, and his calm face was replaced by enthusiasm, "What kind of great feat is this to make you angels and return to God? Use the dirty word [fallen] to describe my plan. ...that's blasphemous!"

"You are crazy!"

Raphria scorned, and at the same time she blinked her beautiful eyes lightly. Realizing the problem, he asked, "You guys? Did you find other psychic mediums with royal blood? Could it be...Yase Natsuyin?!"


Yase Xiansheng nodded, then raised his brows slightly, and said solemnly: "But I encountered some troubles, and the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. She was temporarily protected by a powerhouse called Wuchen, and I didn't have a chance to start."

"Dust free?"

Hearing this, Laphria had a strange expression on her face, and she lowered her head to think for a moment. She did not have the name in her mind, but she still felt grateful. Dismembered.

"Xiansheng, you are indeed a madman."

Taking a deep breath, Lafuria finally stood up, walked to the side of the spaceship, looked out at the blue sky, looked down at the endless sea, and felt very calm in her heart.

"Shut up, I don't have time to catch up with you now, grab her for me, Luo!" ordered the blonde in the leather coat, who was the boss who hired Kensei Hase - Beatrice Basler!

Hearing that she was still the descendant of the Third Primogenitor, upon hearing Beatrice Basler's order, her subordinates nodded immediately and approached Laphria.

"Want to capture me alive?"

There was an undisguised sarcasm on her face, and under the stunned gaze of several people, Rafflia jumped into the vast ocean without hesitation!


Both Yase Xiansheng and Beatrice Basler scolded secretly, but they didn't expect Lafuria to be so decisive and choose this method of suicide.

"She may not be dead, get ready to search the sea, I guess she will end up in the islands near Itogami Island."

Yase Xiansheng analyzed with gleaming eyes.


Inside the apartment, the sound of rushing water can be heard.

Dust-free lazily soaked in the water tank and fought with Vattola. He was really tired, and he planned to go to bed/sleep after taking a shower.

"Shelley, where's the little girl named Xia Yin? I remember asking you to invite her as a guest at home."

I suddenly remembered that when I came back just now, there were only two people, one was Hwangsaka Sayaka, the other was Jihirai Shelley, and Hase Natsuyin didn't even have a figure.

"Invitation? No way!"

The unpleasant breath was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and Wuchen, who was soaking in the bathtub, could only shake his head helplessly.

"Miss Huangsaka, you really have more than enough success." Wuchen sighed disappointedly: "That little girl is a very important person. Shelley, when you go back to school, you must keep an eye on her."

"Senior, what's the reason?"

Shelley in the bathroom/outdoor asked in a low voice, Wuchen is older than her, so they are all called seniors.

"All in all, she is very important, and it is not convenient for me to disclose anything, but please be sure to monitor her. Anyway, you are classmates in the same class, so it is convenient to monitor. If I, a big man, follow her, I may be regarded as a lewd criminal. What?" Wuchen was full of depression.

Hearing this, Hwangsaka Sayaka, who was watching TV, pouted and said in a decisive tone, "You are, and you will get pregnant if you stay with you for a long time!"

"Your uncle!" The corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched wildly, and he complained in his heart. At the same time, he yelled angrily: "The three of us have lived together for a while, right? Are you pregnant! Please don't make up rumors! Also, The word "pregnancy" should be used sparingly in the future, or others will misunderstand it!"

During this time, the word "pregnancy" made Wuchen's ears cocooned, but Huangsaka Sayaka continued to shout every day.

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely take good care of Xia Yin." Shelley assured her with a firm face.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Wuchen's heart finally landed safely. After wiping off the water stains on his body, he put on new pajamas, and at the same time threw all the changed clothes into the washing machine. Something, face swept across embarrassed.

"The two of them are really, so careless..." Wuchen smiled bitterly: "Huangsaka Sayaka is really arrogant/tender, and she wears black."

"Boom boom boom!"

Just walked out of the bathroom/room and walked to the bedroom, when I was about to sleep, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

"Really, it's almost midnight, who is so boring? Is it that month in Nangong?"

Helplessly went to open the door, Huangsaka Sayaka was completely possessed by slackers, and guests never opened the door. As for Ji Hiirah Shelley, it seemed that she also went to bed early, only Huangsaka Sayaka was watching TV while eating snacks.


The door was gently pushed open, and an extremely unexpected figure came into view, and Wuchen was immediately stunned.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1533 Thirty years of professional demolition of green horses and bamboo plums [First Update]

The person who catches the eye has a curly golden hair, a delicate appearance, and evenly distributed facial features. The places that should be raised are never flat, and the places that should be raised are definitely not sunken.

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