"Go to hell, dust-free!"

Yase Xiansheng pressed the remote control again, the light wings trembled, and all the light brewing in the eyes fell, and dozens of curved golden lights blasted towards Wuchen at the same time.

"It's boring."

Seeing this, Wuchen just shook his head very boringly, and then a transparent sphere suddenly appeared around his body.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The incoming light was all bounced off by the invisible repulsive force of the touch, and Wuchen was even more safe and sound, and there was nothing at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

On the contrary, several hovercraft docked around the coast were blown away, setting off huge waves, and Yase Xiansheng, who was caught off guard, was covered in water stains. One head fell into the sand.

"game over!"

He stepped on Yase Xiansheng's head with one foot, and a large radiance of light was already emerging from the soles of his feet. Even though the light was extremely hot, the fatal pressure made Yase Xiansheng cold and sweating.


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Chapter 1541 You are not qualified to continue living [Chapter Three]

This farce, in less than ten minutes, was rewritten by Wuchen with overwhelming strength, easily defeating Yase Xiansheng, and finally he became a loser.

"Kill if you want to kill!"

Yase Xiansheng lay powerlessly on the sand, staring anxiously at the nearby flash, his throat twitching/moving unnaturally, and the fear was hard to hide.

Yase Xiansheng's heart is full of bitterness and depression, this overwhelming absolute power is simply beyond the ability of ordinary people to deal with it, and a terrible idea can't help but sprout in his heart, recalling Wuchen's words just now, Yase Xiansheng suddenly felt very appropriate.

"I can attack Haase Natsuyin, which means that my dimension is higher than hers!"

He just listened to it as a ridiculous joke, but now, based on the situation on the scene, it suddenly feels extraordinarily true.

"Your face... it's so uncomfortable, go to hell, you don't deserve to be alive."

Looking down at Yase Xiansheng, who was in a cold sweat, the light on the dust-free feet is getting colder and cooler, let alone Yase Xiansheng, this island may change!

"So... a scum like you doesn't have the qualifications to live in the world, just disappear!" The voice fell, and the flash of Wuchen's feet also fell down!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a huge fireball on the ground, and Yase Xiansheng did not even leave a body, and was removed from the planet by Wuchen.

"So strong!"

Rafflia's red/moist little/mouth opened and closed, her lips trembled slightly, her eyes were empty and she looked at the huge flame mushroom cloud. Even if she was hundreds of meters away, she could still feel the violent vibration.

"Ugh... it hurts!"

She tried to move her body and change to a more comfortable sitting position, but Raphael just moved slightly and had to sit down again, and the pain all over her body made her face pale as snow.

"Keep messing around and you could die."

The sky suddenly darkened, Raffia's beautiful eyes splashed with ripples, and then she looked up, and what caught her eye was Wuchen who suddenly appeared.

"Where's Xia Yin?"

Witnessing the appearance of Wuchen and the disappearance of Yase Natsuyin, Rafflia immediately became anxious again, instinctively thinking that something was wrong with Yase Natsuyin.

"She's fine. She's in a coma now. But you'll die if you drag on like this. Although I can be immune to Xia Yin's attacks, you're just an ordinary human body. It's a miracle that your body didn't explode."

Wuchen explained softly that she could sense that Laphria was severely injured and her internal organs were completely dislocated.

For Wuchen, Xia Yin's so-called "simulated angel" is naturally not worth mentioning, but for an ordinary human being like Rafflia, it is definitely a catastrophe, and he was hit by Haase Xiayin with all his strength. Incredible.

"Maybe this is life."

Rafflia replied with a bitter face. When she jumped off the spaceship before, she was ready to fall, but sometimes life is full of twists and turns and bizarre. God made a big joke for her, and she escaped in the end. The catastrophe, drifting on this uninhabited desert island.

However, in the end it was inevitable.

"Your injury can't be solved by others. It's not difficult for me, but..." Wuchen stopped at the corner of his mouth, his expression a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Can you really heal me?"

Raphael's eyes immediately burst into a dazzling light when she heard the words, and she was very excited.In life and death, only idiots die, especially when death is so hasty and meaningless.

"My medical ninjutsu is not a problem to save you." Looking at Raphael's clear eyes, Wuchen frowned: "But your internal organs are all dislocated. If you want to recover, you must take off your clothes."

"Just these trivial things?" Laphria was quite surprised, her light tone seemed to be as simple as saying trivial things.

"Is there a problem with your head? Is this a trivial matter?" It would be Wuchen's turn to be speechless. If you talk to Ji Hiragan Shelley, Huangsaka Sayaka or Nangong Nayue like this, Wuchen will believe them even more. Choose to die.


Rafflia resolutely shredded the royal costume, revealing her perfect body... However, although her career line was outstanding, it was not as beautiful as she imagined. Due to the dislocation of her internal organs, most of her body was red with blood. The bruises almost occupy the entire upper body, and some are just shocking.

"Really decisive."

Passing a look of admiration, it is really surprising that a princess can be so free... Immediately, Wuchen placed her hands at Raffia's heart, and a large amount of blue light immediately appeared in the palms, invading Raffia's body for repair.

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