"Are you looking for me again?"

The indifferent tone suddenly sounded behind him, the young man was startled, turned his head suddenly, a big hand covered his face.

"Little devil, what's the matter with following me? If you don't give me an explanation, you will be cut into pieces today!" With a stern face, Wuchen grabbed the man's neck and threatened seriously.

There was a strange feeling in my heart, this person's skin was very smooth, as smooth as satin.

"Bastard, let me go, do you want to murder!"

This person struggled to speak, and his body struggled and swayed, his voice was quite pleasant, and there was no Adam's apple exclusively for men. Although the first impression was of a boy, it was not the case.

"Could this guy be..."

Staring at this person for a moment, Wuchen noticed that there was an obvious bulge on his chest/front, and then looked at the purple eyes, and suddenly thought of a person coming out.

"Could it be Xiandumu Youma?"

Wuchen stared carefully at her shatterable outline, saying that it was a boy would be too absurd, and thinking of the recent "Library" member who appeared in Itogami Island, she was almost 80% sure that she must be Xiandu Woody hemp.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1544 Xiao Gucheng's mother [sixth more]

After knowing the identity of the girl, Wuchen released her hands that bound her, staring at Xiandumu Yuma with a cold look, without concealing her purpose, she said bluntly: "Give me an explanation for following me, or I will You will regret it."

The low tone was full of warnings and injustice, and anyone would be unhappy to be followed for no apparent reason.

"I'm following you? Stop kidding, I don't know you at all!"

Hearing this, Xiandumu Yuma loudly refuted: "Please don't falsely accuse others, I can sue you for slander! Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you are a member of the Special Zone Police Force on Itogami Island. Now it is a society ruled by law, and you need evidence when you speak. !"

"The unreasonable kung fu is top-notch, and I really don't have any evidence." Wuchen's eyes were full of surprise, and she quietly looked at Xiandumu Youma, her tongue-in-cheek kung fu was surprisingly good.

"No evidence is a false accusation, and I can report you for dereliction of duty!"

Xiandumu Youma glared at her and complained constantly, and Shui Lingling's eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and the sad words "I am very wronged" were written.

"Do you know that there is a saying that disasters come out of your mouth?"

Ignoring the girl's grievances, Wuchen said lightly, "Since you don't know me, why do you know that I am a member of the Special Zone Police Force?"

Hearing this, Xiandumu Youma was stunned and speechless.

"Is there nothing to say?"

Wuchen stared at him quietly, grabbed Xiandumu Yuma's head with both hands, his right eye also changed, and the purple reincarnation writing wheel was exposed to the air.

"Let me go, bastard!"

Xiandumu Youma retorted loudly, struggling with her body at the same time, but her arms/legs could not be bent. Her strength was not worth mentioning to Wuchen.

"You'd better be smart and don't move around. Last time I extracted other people's memories, that guy turned into an idiot in the end, so you'd better be obedient, otherwise you might be an idiot!"

Wuchen said coldly, one sentence made Xiandumu Youma's face pale.

"Boom boom boom!"

When he was about to extract Xiandumu Yuma's memory, a violent sound of breaking the door broke into his ears.

"Bastard, what do you want to do to Yuma!" A familiar voice came, and Wuchen's indifferent face immediately turned into disgust.

"How can this kid meet him wherever he goes? The ghost is still alive!" This familiar voice was Xiao Gucheng, but there was also a plump woman.

"Xiao Gucheng's mother?" After a brief absence, Wuchen recognized the identity of the person.

"Gu Gucheng, save me, this guy wants to molest me!"

Witnessing the appearance of the savior, Xiandumu Yuma hurriedly called for help. She had investigated Wuchen long ago, and it was as terrifying as the rumored one. The strangest thing was that she could extract other people's memories!

"Release Yuma!"

Xiao Gucheng roared, golden lightning flashed from his body, and it crackled loudly.

"If you don't want to die, get away from me."

Glancing at Xiao Gucheng coldly, Wuchen also had a three-point anger in his heart, and he hated this idiot who thought his true ancestor was invincible in the world.

"Your Excellency has gone too far."

At this moment, Xiao Gucheng's mother suddenly spoke up. She was fair-skinned and beautiful, especially her career line was particularly proud and majestic, very eye-catching, and she spoke very kindly.

"Did I go too far?" Hearing this, Wuchen sneered again and again, "Let's not talk about this guy following me secretly for the time being, and now he even said that I molested her for no reason. Do you still think I've gone too far?"

If it was placed in the past, Wuchen would have already dismantled such a person into eight pieces!

"This..." Xiao Gucheng's mother, Xiao Shensen raised her brows slightly, giving her a headache. She also knew that Wuchen was not easy to mess with, so she could only say helplessly: "Let go of her, yes. I arranged for Yuma to follow you!"

"Then I'll be polite!"

Wuchen's expression froze, turned into a flash of light and rushed towards Xiao Gucheng's mother.

"You bastards are looking for me!" Xiao Gucheng cursed.

Wuchen ignored him, staring at Xiao Gucheng playfully, subduing the powerless Xiao Shensen in an instant, the golden sword pressed against her throat with a playful look on her face.

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