Xiao Gucheng said almost one word at a time, he took a step forward with his right foot, the floor burst suddenly, and then lightning struck all over his body.


Xiao Gucheng was covered with golden electric light, and his fast eyeballs couldn't keep up with his movement speed. However, in Wuchen's eyes, he was as slow as a turtle, and in the end he was just a true ancestor.

"The Sixty-One-Six-Stand Light Prison of the Dao!"

Six huge rays of light were created out of nothing. At the moment when Xiao Gucheng’s fist was about to smash into the dust, he was fixed, and he lost basic control of his body and could not move quickly and effectively.

Even if the dust-free is close at hand, Xiao Gucheng can do nothing.

"Ah ah ah... Look at how bad and hateful your son is. I was about to forgive him just now, but now this kid is going to attack me again. Your apology is not sincere at all."

Pointing at Xiao Gucheng, Wuchen sighed in disappointment.


Xiao Shensen and Xiandumu Youma both vomited blood, can Xiao Gucheng be mad at him?After all, his mother and childhood sweetheart were asked to strip/dress/dance. No one can bear this kind of madness!

If I heard that my mother was asked to take off/dress/dance normally, then Xiao Gucheng is sick!

"You kind of come at me!" Xiao Gucheng roared angrily, this guy is too shameless.

His heart was extremely tragic. Ever since he met the calamity of Wuchen, his unfortunate deeds continued one after another. He was not wanted by Wuchen Pit, and it was just as miserable as being possessed by a deceased god.

"That's what I've been waiting for!"

She walked into Xiao Gucheng with a cold face. Although Xiao Shensen looked good, in the end, she was a waste of flowers and a willow.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1546 Don't be too self-righteous [Second]

Looking at Wuchen who came slowly, Xiao Gucheng was depressed and vomited blood.I vaguely understand what this guy is trying to pay attention to. This guy obviously wants to provoke himself on purpose, and then waits for himself to take the initiative to bear all this.

And in this way, Wuchen can beat him up!

"Come back to me, don't touch the ancient city! If you count that person, come at me!" Xiao Shensen also understood Wuchen's intentions, and immediately screamed in shock.

"And I!"

Summoning courage, Xiandumu Yuma also stood up to sing the opposite.

"Yo, this year, I finally know what it means to be in love with each other..."

Wuchen said with a smile, but his heart was unhappy for a while, and he complained a little more about Xiao Gucheng, and planned to torture this damn boy severely.

"But... it doesn't work at all!"

Very rudely ignoring the two women, Wuchen stared at Xiao Gucheng, and said gently: "You said that you shot me rashly, what should I do with you?"

"as you like!"

Xiao Gucheng turned his head, he didn't have the slightest nonsense to say about a smiling tiger like Wuchen. We are two-way people, not from the same world at all, and it is useless to say more!


Wuchen was ruthless, and kicked it mercilessly!


As a man, Xiao Gucheng was attacked on the most important part, and he grinned in pain immediately!


Huge screams of pain came from his mouth, and his face was so painful that Gucheng was twisted and glared at Wuchen. He didn't expect this guy to be such a jerk.

This wants their family to be invincible!

"Enough is enough!" Xiao Shensen, who couldn't bear it, was furious and said solemnly: "Isn't it just a mere strip/dress/dance, I dance!"

In the face of Wuchen's vicious methods, Xiao Shensen can only bow his head and admit his fault. It is undeniable that she really can't afford such a devil-level character. The current condition is to strip/dress/dance, maybe she will change her face to something else. More perverted conditions!

"I promise too!"

Xiandumu Youma stared at Xiao Gucheng reluctantly, and finally compromised the conditions of the dust-free metamorphosis.

"These two are really, Xiao Shensen and Xiandumu Yuma haven't figured out the situation yet, who cares about the two of you, I just want to find a suitable excuse to teach Xiao Gucheng a lesson, it's just a bunch of meat/balls, What catches your eyes…"

Wuchen shook his head in his heart. He was quite lewd, but he also had a principled stand. For example, a broken flower like Xiao Shensen, who would be rare!Just looking at Xiao Gucheng's grief-stricken cheek is very comfortable.

"I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Xiao Gucheng cursed and complained, feeling that what he experienced today was the greatest shame in his life!

"You dare to speak up like this, are you an idiot?"

Wuchen stared at him with pity, this kid is downright stunned, the more he resists, the more cruel he will be to his friends!


At this moment, two loud slaps suddenly came, Wuchen was stunned for a while, his eyes swept away from the root, and he found that there were two more slap marks on Xiao Gucheng's cheeks.

And the person who rewarded Xiao Gucheng's big ears was his mother - Xiao Shensen!

"Shut your mouth for me!"

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