Vattola said with dull contempt, with a touch of contempt in his words, and then his eyes were fixed on Xiao Gucheng, and he stared at him with a different kind of gaze.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Xiao Gucheng's blood is good, but his blood... I guess it must be delicious food!"

Very disgusting licked his tongue/head, Vattola's eyes turned to stare at Wuchen carefully, witnessing the huge blood hole in his abdomen, all of which were bestowed by Xiao Gucheng, who exchanged bodies with Xiandumu Youma.

"It's rare for this guy to get hurt. If I miss this opportunity, I might not have the chance to get it in my life!"

Vattola was very ambitious, and his ambition finally defeated his reason. Wuchen was hit hard at the moment. Vattola didn't think he had much more strength, and the human body was very fragile.

"It was put together!"

Wuchen whispered gloomily, unexpectedly, Xiao Gucheng and Xiandumu Youma switched bodies, so that when facing "Xandumu Youma", he was careless, in fact, this goods is Xiao Gucheng!


At the same time, a bad shadow swooped down, carrying a strong impact, and almost instantly attacked the city, with a pair of dark eyes full of evil spirits.

However, Wuchen just glanced at him lightly, and immediately raised his calf without hesitation, a dazzling light covered it, and immediately kicked out.

"Light speed kick!"


Straight rays of light shot straight out, hitting the shadows—Vattola!

"Can he attack with such a serious injury? How abnormal is this guy's physique?!"

Looking at the flash of light, Vattola's pupils shrank, slightly panicking. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so defiant, and a skull the size of a head in his abdomen could use such a powerful trick!

"Boom boom boom!"

The speed of light was too fast, and Vattola didn't even have time to defend. As a result, he was in an instant tragedy. He was forcibly suppressed and annihilated by the beam of destruction, and a huge mushroom cloud of flames climbed into the void based on his body.


The deceased Vattola fell into a deep pit, and this guy was scorched all over again!

"The plan is all in vain... Has everything I tried failed?"

Xiandumu Youma's eyes were dim and dull. Originally, this method could catch him by surprise. It could solve Wuchen and kill Nangong Nayue. Who would have thought that it would eventually become a bubble, and even Vattola, an invisible ally, was hit hard. , half-dead lying on the ground and wailing in pain.

"That's it."

He spit out the dirty breath that had been accumulated for a long time, and Wuchen's body suddenly felt much more comfortable. He completely ignored the blood hole in his body. The ten tails' resilience was extremely strong, and this injury would automatically recover.


Just when everyone thought it was a failure, a sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded!

"This is……"

Wuchen was stunned when he saw this, and suddenly remembered a neglected little character, he turned his head suddenly, and his eyes were fixed on the iron knight who subdued Nangong that month!

"Xandumu Aye..."

I forgot about her in the fierce battle just now, so that Wuchen only remembered the master behind this!

"I should have ordered it to help Gu Gucheng kill Wuchen, why did he suddenly run to deal with Nangong that month?" Xiandumu Yuma was overjoyed after seeing the Iron Knight subduing Nangong that month, followed by endless doubts.

"Idiot! Haven't figured out the situation yet!"

Wuchen snorted coldly when he heard the words, and the wounds on his body gradually healed. He said hoarsely: "Didn't I tell you before, you are just a chess piece, a prop. You are the clone of Xiandumu Aye. , the body contains her power... Now who is controlling it, do you still need me to say... So can you understand what it means?"

"Could it be that……?"

Hearing this, Xiandumu Youma's face drooped down, staring at the steel knight who grabbed Nangong that month, and already guessed who was controlling her.

"You're careless, that month!"

The iron knight spit out the words, which sounded nondescript, but Nangong knew who it was that month, "Xandumu Aye, you are a demon heresy, even using your own daughter!"

"In terms of her strength, she won't be so easily subdued. Could it be because Xiao Gucheng's beasts were injured when they attacked the prison barrier?"

Wuchen's eyes narrowed slightly, carefully examining the changes in Nangong that month, and quickly captured an unexpected scene, dazzling scarlet blood fell from Nangong's fingers that month.

Her breath is also getting weaker and weaker, her face is dark, especially her eyes are filled with gray.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1557 Xiandumu Aye [First Update]

Not only was it dust-free, but everyone noticed the abnormality of Nangong that month. It was originally just a few drops of blood. After a few seconds, the blood droplets fell from less to more.

Nangong Nayue's face became more and more pale and weak, and the dark circles under his eyes became thicker and thicker, until finally, the entire face was completely black like splashing ink.

"You don't seem worried at all."

Throwing Nangong Nayue aside and turning a deaf ear, the iron knight, with a nondescript tone from his mouth again, continued talking to himself: "I have fought Nayue for many years, and every time she can suppress me. I'm not reconciled, this time I finally stepped on her body and succeeded once."

"Success? Have you been a prison head show for ten years!"

Hearing this, Vatora stood up with difficulty, took the lead in sarcasm, and sneered with contempt: "You haven't found out that Nangong has disappeared that month. In the end, you are still careless."


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