The black shadow swooped down at a high speed, and could only capture the blurred afterimage. Xiandumu Aye was eager to see the scene where the dust-free corpses were separated.

But she was destined to be disappointed!


At the same time, the entire Itogami Island began to shake violently, and the huge island was gradually sinking slowly, and even many coastal areas had been eroded by seawater, and a large amount of dense seawater continued to spread to the center of Itogami Island.

"This [Dark Oath] is really extraordinary, it can eliminate all supernatural abilities and magic. The magic power that builds Itogami Island also belongs to this type. I am afraid that it will be eliminated by the [Dark Oath] in a short time. This island It will sink soon... Xiandumu Aye is also considered a super genius, he can do things like eliminating all supernatural abilities and magic, tsk tsk... not easy."

Wuchen bowed his head generously, and glanced at Xiandumu Aye in admiration.

As for whether she is a bad person or a good person, Wuchen doesn't care about that, it's just a trivial matter... There is no good, bad or evil in this world, everyone only has different positions and beliefs... In other words, in simpler words , the victor is justice.

Xiandumu Aye was judged to be evil because she lost to Nanmeng Palace that month, so the winner Nangong that month was justice!

"Success!" Xiandumu Aye raised her eyebrows with joy, clenching her fists tightly.

The iron knight of Xiandumu Aye, Ying, seemed to be approaching Wuchen, and when he was about to drop his sword and kill him, Wuchen continued to stand still in a daze, his eyes flashing strange light from time to time, Like finding something interesting.

"go to hell!"

With a sudden shout, Xiandumu Aye's eyes were full of murderous intent, and at the same time, the sharp blade of "Ying" also swept towards Wuchen's neck.

"It's a pity that such a powerful character died..."

With a sigh, Xiandumu Aye's eyes dimmed a little, and he felt a bit sad.After all, Wuchen can be regarded as a peerless genius like her.


The sound of body shredding suddenly sounded, very crisp, and it came naturally, without the slightest obstruction!

"That's it."

With a sigh of relief, Xiandumu Aye said to himself with burning eyes, "I can't forgive this crazy world... Those who used to despise witches are all guilty!"

Looking around, the whole Xianshen Island fell into her eyes, Xiandumu Aye continued to mutter to himself: "Let's rewrite the world now, Xianshen Island is just the first stop to get redemption."

"I said, you have a disease in your head? Your enemy is still standing here, and you are clamoring to change the world... Funny, it's not impossible to change the world, but you are at least worried about your safety for now."

The owner of this voice is as terrifying as a natural enemy to Xiandumu Aye. Her peaceful and indifferent expression suddenly turned into panic and consternation.

Turning his head with difficulty, the scene that caught his eye made Xiandumu Aye's pupils shrunk. He thought that the dust-free, who had died, was alive and safe, with nothing at all.

"How did this guy do it, why did the entire Itogami Island's capable users lose their abilities and magic power, why can this guy break this iron law?"

Xiandumu Youma stomped her feet angrily. When encountering such a thing that she couldn't understand, it was inevitable that she would be upset and restless.

"Is that the [Dark Oath]?"

Looking at the simple book in Xiandumu Youma's hand, Wuchen grabbed it immediately.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

The flash of gravity caught Xiandumu Aye by surprise, and without the slightest reaction, the "dark oath" in his hand disappeared, and he watched it leave him, but was unable to deal with it.

"Game over."

The hanging heart landed peacefully, and Wuchen quietly stared at the unwilling Xiandumu Aye, and explained lightly: "You may be puzzled, why can I ignore the ability of this technique..."

"Not bad." Xiandumu Aye nodded stiffly when he heard the words, staring at Wuchen, expecting a reasonable answer.The power users and magic of the entire Itogami Island are affected by the "Dark Oath", why are you okay?A normal explanation must be given!


After rationalizing his thoughts, Wuchen replied in a deep voice: "Whether you can understand it or not, you have to figure it out. No matter what ability it is, it is a ridiculous cloud in front of absolute strength. Secondly, I am not a native human in this world. , this may also be the fundamental reason why [Dark Oath] can't affect me, and I don't understand such things as magic, how can I limit the ineffectiveness? Delusional limit all my strength with a broken book. The powerhouses I killed are going to cry!"


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Chapter 1564 Get Xiandumu Aye! 【Second Update】

When these words fell, Xiandumu Aye's face was particularly wonderful, blue and white, black and green... The colors changed, only the unexpected, nothing that could not be seen, Wuchen's words really choked her. Not light.What kind of answer is this?All that fell into Xiandumu Aye's ears were bullshit, without any basis or reason.

What does it mean that I am not from this world?Is it contempt for everyone else on this planet to be indigenous? !

"Forget it, it's nothing to say. As a mortal, you definitely can't understand what it means." Wuchen shook his head, not bothering to worry about such a small problem.

"Don't think that you have won, I still have the means, even if I die, I will pull your back!" Xiandumu Aye twisted her delicate face, and the tone revealed that she was determined to perish with Wuchen.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Then, under Wuchen's frowning gaze, her body burned with purple flames, centered on Xiandumu Aye, gradually engulfing all parts of her body.

"This is…"

Wuchen frowned. In this scene, he had some familiar information in his mind, but he forgot what it was called.

"This is the so-called [fallen soul], dedicating one's soul to the devil, and then turning into a real devil, the true posture of a witch... In a word, she is crazy!"

A pleasant but tense voice came out, Wuchen turned his head and saw that it was the sweating Xiandumu Yuma, and Ji Hiirah Shelley including Huangsaka Sayaka and Nangong Nayue and others.

"Hahahaha... they're all here?!"

There was a sweet voice from Xiandumu Aye's mouth, which was very different from the pure sound of nature just now. This time, there was a kind of demonic charm in the mixed tone.

"Aye, why did you do this?" Nangong Nayue obviously recovered her memory, but her height hadn't recovered yet, and a look of complexity appeared on her lonely face.

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