In a brief trance, Tian Zhonggong vaguely saw Wuchen's hideous face, his body was full of icy despair, and his dead eyes had no emotion at all, like a machine.

At the same time, Tian Zhonggong was locked with a cold and suffocating suffocation, and instinctively wanted to escape, but was stunned to find that his body was completely disobedient, and he couldn't move his legs at all!


Tianzhonggong scolded, sweating coldly, knowing that it was caused by Wuchen's murderous aura... At the same time, the shining master also arrived as scheduled, glanced at Tianzhonggong's ugly face, and was merciless at the moment. A big foot.

"Light speed kick!"

The flash slammed into Tianzhonggong with all his strength, and violent fluctuations came from his body, and his face was violently attacked, and he was directly kicked into a pool of liquid unknown substances.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the fiery air waves and shock waves burned everything. The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed and disappeared cleanly!

Fragile objects such as glass were all turned into dense crystal fragments... And Tianzhong Gong himself was even more tragic. The physical appearance no longer exists, a face was kicked out by Wuchen's living kick, and now he is a pile of liquid metal.

"The power is so great! Could it be that there is a fifth primordial ancestor in this world?"

The Tianzhong tribute turned into a flowing liquid metal, and the terror of dust-free climbed to a terrifying level that had never been seen before. This ferocious thing did not look like a human being.

"I hate the kind of person who likes to take hostages... When I meet this despicable villain, I always show my strength to conquer him, just like Xiandumu Aye... However, in my eyes , you are just a piece of trash that no one wants, and you are far different from Xiandumu Aye."


Ji Hiirah Shelley and Huangsaka Sayaka, as well as Lan Yu Shallow and Xiao Gucheng's younger sister, Xiao Nagisa, rushed to the scene of the incident.

"I have already cleaned up this kid, and you are here. The people from [Lion King Agency] are really unreliable. Picking things like underwear can waste more than ten times more time than ordinary people!"

Wuchen looked at the women with large and small bags and complained.

"How dare you attack us? Do you know that this island will be called Wuchen in the future!"

Hwangsaka Sayaka, who has always been the most courageous and arrogant, took the lead in taking a few steps forward, her eyes shining like a torch, exuding a pressing and oppressive cold light.

"This guy…"

Glancing at Huangsaka Sayaka angrily, a huge flash of light appeared from Wuchen's fingertips, aiming at the pool of liquid, Senran's eyes radiated endless cold light, and the sound of ghosts and wolves could be heard in the dark.

"Forget it, using that one here will cause too much movement..."

After the energy ball condensed for more than ten seconds, it suddenly went out. Under the surprised gaze of several people, Wuchen finally turned and left lazily. A living person turned a deaf ear, and ignored Tianzhonggong directly as air.

"Senior plan to let that guy go?" Ji Qi Shelley asked in surprise.

"Of course I didn't let him go. Don't forget that this is an urban area. There are too many passers-by... Secondly, that kid from Tianzhong Gong will come to me sooner or later."

As long as Yase Natsuyin is always by Wuchen's side, Tianzuka Gong will continue to "visit" himself, and Shihirai Shelley's worries are completely unnecessary.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1569 Destroy the Battle King's Domain [First Update]

Tian Zhonggong's face was close to constipation. Today, his confidence was swollen. He thought he could easily win, but he was defeated and returned, and he was not an opponent at all!

"Wait for me, I will never give up!" A face was violently distorted, and he glanced at Wuchen and others viciously, and the condensed eyes of Hanguang seemed to imprint Wuchen and others in his heart forever.

"If there is a chance in the future, you must be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces."


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the next morning, a dust-free home.

"Why do you buy so much cat food? Does any of you have cats? I remember that no animals are allowed in the apartment."

The dust-free on the sofa asked lazily while eating snacks: "Also, where are you guys going? Don't go out for anything if you have nothing to do, you are all good psychic mediums, that kid Tianzhong Gong is staring in the dark. . Once you go out, the kid is estimated to be with you."

Looking intently, Lan Yu Shore, Ji Hiiragi Shelley, Hwangsaka Sayaka, Akatsuki Nagisa, Hase Natsune, Rafflia and others were all ready to go for a hike.

"It's long-winded, and those who don't know may think you are an old man of several decades." Huangsaka Sayaka said disdainfully, "Can't we still beat that guy with so many people? You are too underestimating us. Now, although the combined strength of everyone is not as strong as yours, there will never be a problem with picking up a Tianzhong tribute, and you have to stop looking down on people."


The girls nodded in agreement, Huangsaka Sayaka had the demeanor of a big sister at the moment.

"'re right, anyway, your legs are on your own body, and I can't stop you wherever you want to go, but I still want to remind you, and leave quickly when you are in danger."

Wuchen is relieved when he thinks about it. What Huangsaka Sayaka said also makes sense. With a tribute to Tianzhong, Ji Hiragana Shelley and Huangsaka Sayaka can easily solve it, and there is no need to worry about it.

"Senior, we probably won't be back at noon, there is lunch I prepared yesterday in the refrigerator." Ji Hiiragi Shelley's reminder sounded from outside the door.

Wuchen just nodded silently when he heard the words, looking at the figures of Yan Shou Huan Fei, his head couldn't help but feel a little dizzy, unknowingly, he stole Xiao Gucheng's script, not to mention Lan Yu Shallow and Ji Yi Shelley, who are his sisters Also staying at home temporarily.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Gucheng is still missing.

"Master Wuchen!"

At this moment, a nondescript monster suddenly appeared on the ground. He had no clothes on, his skin was pale, and there was no gender distinction.

This is the only Bai Jue specially created by Wuchen in order to facilitate contact with Xiandumu Aye.

"Has it been completed over there! Xiandumu Aye's work efficiency is very high." Putting down the snacks in his hand, Wuchen's calm eyes made waves, and the evil spirit was raging in Pentium.


At this moment, the capital of the First Primogenitor's War King Domain.

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