"Shooting yourself in the foot? Are you an idiot?"

Wuchen sneered unceremoniously: "Although your appearance is unexpected, it can barely relieve the fatigue. Only the existence of a clown like you can make me feel the joyful value of living in this boring life!"

"You bastard... arrogance should be stopped in moderation, and you thought that the current me was the same me I used to be? Wrong, and still a big mistake!"

Vattola's face was full of arrogance, and he said in a deep voice: "If I think about it, you won't even have time to reflect, and you will be --- bang bang bang!"

Before Vattola's voice could fall, there was an explosion in the air.

"Boom boom boom! Kakaka!"

Immediately afterwards, a large depression appeared in Vattola's abdomen, and his chest was almost smashed through!Vattola's face was full of pain, the huge stinging pain made his body lose support, and he lay on the ground and rolled in pain.

"How could this guy...have the ability to beat me."

Vattola looked at the coming shadow, and saw that his expression was stern, full of contempt and disdain, as if looking at a bug, which damaged Vattola's self-esteem, and suddenly roared unwillingly: "Yoshu, you Some sorcery must have been used!"

"Just a bat... You seem to be getting carried away... Really think that the so-called true ancestors are invincible? Do you really think that you can compete with me by swallowing two true ancestors? I can tell you, even if you swallow a hundred true ancestors, I can easily destroy you! You don't even know who is standing in front of you, and you still want to defeat me?"

The sound of rolling thunder exploded in the vast sky, and the surroundings were silent and dead.

"Hundreds of years ago, I stepped into a realm that you can't imagine... A few hundred years later, I am so powerful. To be honest, I actually don't know it myself..."

Grabbing Vattola's head, staring at his sunken belly, a lot of light emanated from the dust-free fingertips.


A huge flash of light crackled, and the surrounding space was suddenly distorted, shattered by this energy ball, and then Wuchen threw Vattola into the distant sky like throwing garbage.

A huge energy ball accompanies it.

"Wang Xu's flash!"


A huge silver beam pierced the sky, and the spaces it passed through exploded. A conspicuous trace appeared, and the edge went straight to Vattola.

"Boom boom boom!"

The virtual flash exploded, and the blue sky was banned by a flash of light. Everyone quickly closed their eyes, otherwise they would be directly blinded.


The girls choked a few times and looked at Wuchen in astonishment. It was the first time they had witnessed Wuchen go mad, sweating coldly, and the overwhelming terrifying strength made people gasp for breath.

When the strength of the strong reaches a certain level, they will develop a unique momentum, just like the domineering of the overlord, with a strong deterrent power.

"Isn't it hit... After that kid devoured the two true ancestors, his strength really got a dimensional improvement, and he was able to escape even when his abdomen was about to be pierced by me. It's incredible."

"Not only is the strength improved, but the resilience of the body has also improved." A cold and piercing voice suddenly came, and Wuchen turned his head and saw that it was Xiao Nagisa.

No, it's more appropriate to call it Agulola at the moment!

"Tsk tsk tsk... There's a good show to watch now. This guy devoured Xiao Gucheng and indirectly angered Agulola."

Wuchen smiled gloatingly. In fact, he wanted to thank Vatora. He was worrying about how to kill Xiao Gucheng without being discovered by Agulola. Now Vatora has helped a lot!

Take the initiative to take the blame for Wuchen, and sure enough, the male protagonist is often used to take the blame!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1575 The Shocked Nangong That Month [First Update]

Wuchen was quite excited. Although he guessed that Vatora would kill Xiao Gucheng, it was only after Xiao Gucheng awakened all the beasts. He didn't expect that Vatora couldn't wait to devour Xiao Gucheng, which indirectly angered Agu. Rolla.


Staring at the rushing magic power, like Agulola, who is like a storm, a hint of hesitation flashed in Wuchen's heart. Vattola is not what it used to be, let alone swallowing the ancient city of Xiao, and also borrowed the power of the "dark oath" to swallow the first true ancestor. The power of the two true ancestors was occupied by him, and the strength will inevitably increase sharply. Is Agulola his opponent?

"Agulola, I advise you not to humiliate yourself, my goal is not you, blocking me will let you try the power of your own beast, and... If you are not wise, I don't mind taking back your first Beast No. [-]."

Vattola is obviously not interested in Agulola, his eyes are fixed on Wuchen, the black magic power that erupts in the body is almost substantive, and the power, precision, range and content that pervade the soul are stronger than Agulola.

"Boom boom boom!"

Agulola is not one to back down easily. Her tender body erupted again with a burst of ice magic, and the surrounding temperature dropped hundreds of times, becoming extremely bleak, and almost instantly devoured the surrounding forests, turning them all into ice sculptures. !

"This guy is real!"

Realizing the danger of Wuchen, he hurriedly ran to Jihirai Shelley and others, and opened the golden Susanoo to protect a few people. He knew that this was Agulola's beast, the demon's Cangbing, whose ability was freezing. , the ability is quite extraordinary.

"How did Nagisa become like this?" Lanyu Shallow asked worriedly. Xiao Nagisa in such a state is as cold as ice, like a goddess of ice and snow. No one should enter. It is completely opposite to the optimistic and upbeat Xiao Nagisa. The whole body was filled with the aura of isolation, and the biting killing intent made Lan Yu Shallow feel even more afraid.

"It is estimated that Agulola is not Vattola's opponent." He shook his head lightly. In all fairness, Wuchen was not optimistic about her. After all, Vattola devoured the two true ancestors. There is no doubt about the magic power, and listening to his confident tone, it seems He also controlled the beasts of Xiao Gucheng!

"Who attacked me?!"

At this moment, Wuchen suddenly felt a tingling pain in his waist, turned his head with a grin, and cursed angrily: "If you dare to pinch me next time, your ass will bloom!"

The person who suddenly attacked Wuchen without saying hello was Nangong that month.Taking advantage of Wuchen's carelessness, Qianqianyu hand swept towards the tender meat on Wuchen's waist, and made a [-]-degree turn unceremoniously.

"When did the First Primogenitor's [Battle King Domain] be destroyed? Also, what did Vattola's tone mean? Did you do it?"

Mei's eyes were fixed, and Nangong's eyes were fixed on Wuchen's body that month.

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