"You're the only one left!"

As he approached Vatora, Wuchen's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Damn it!"

Vattola was in a cold sweat, and his eyes did not dare to meet Wuchen's eyes. He was afraid that he would be afraid of the invincible edge, so he couldn't help kneeling down and surrendering!

"I won't kill you, I'll just take your soul, and..."

"Then I'll throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!" Before Wuchen could finish speaking, Agulola glared at Vattola with gritted teeth, looking like she wanted to eat Vattola alive.

"Idiot, I hope you don't anger women again in your next life..."

He glanced at Vatora sympathetically. If he wanted to complain, he could only blame this guy for devouring Xiao Gucheng, completely angering Agulola, and he would just let it go if he had to avenge Xiao Gucheng.

"go to hell."

The power of the residual fire sword was suppressed to the limit, and Wuchen flashed in an instant. Under Vattola's surprised gaze, the edge of the flame swept towards his head.


Vattola's body was immediately separated and beheaded by Wuchen.

"Hmph, it's so easy to let him die. It's too cheap for this hateful guy. If you want me to see it, you must throw him into the sea to feed the marine creatures!" Agulola snorted coldly, her eyes glowing red. , seems to be still silent in the grief of Xiao Gucheng's death.

"Then the fish will be polluted by him!" Wuchen said half-seriously and half-jokingly, and the girls burst into laughter.

However, killing Vatora directly is also the result of Wuchen's deep thinking. This guy devoured the true ancestor, or two. If he feeds this kid directly to the fish, as Agulola said, what if he is resurrected? ?True Ancestor's repair ability is still extremely abnormal, and Wuchen feels that it is safer and more appropriate to kill Vatora directly.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1580 Outer Dao Reincarnation Innate Technique [Sixth More]

Staring blankly at Vatora's corpse, Wuchen finally took the final step - extracting his soul!

The soul of the True Ancestor is undeniably powerful, and there are still two True Ancestors, and Vatora himself is the monster closest to the True Ancestor, and swallowing them is also beneficial to Wuchen.

"Go back first, and leave this place to me and Agulola!" With a wave of his hand, Wuchen signaled that everyone else can go back.

"you two……?"

Doubtful eyes stared at Wuchen and Agulola, Nangong smelled an unusual meaning that month, and his bright eyes stared at Wuchen and Agulola, swept around, trying to find the flaws between the two.

"The two of us? What malicious intentions do you have?" Agulola's straight face was also rather strange when she heard the words, staring at Wuchen with some puzzlement.

"I remember you still have to go to school. It's almost 1 o'clock now, so be careful to be late." Wuchen reminded Ji Hiirai Shelley and others out of "goodwill".

"Oops, I'll let you go this time!"

The girls retreated in fear. For good students like them, being late for class is a very serious matter!

"what's your plan?"

After more than ten seconds, all the girls dispersed and rushed to Caihai Academy, leaving only Nangong Nayue, Agulola and Wuchen.

It was Nangong that month who spoke up, and she continued to ask, "Don't you want to..."

Nangong's eyes that were as delicate as spring water were filled with quirks. Seeing Wuchen staring at Agulora's pretty face, he suddenly wanted to understand something and said with contempt, "As soon as Xiao Gucheng dies, you will kill her sister? As for Agulola, the buy-one-get-one-free deal! Your kid is very scheming!"


When Wuchen heard the words, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and the corners of his mouth were hesitant.

"Don't think that you are my immediate boss, you can slander me at will, I can sue you for slandering me, you should know what happens if you slander me!"

Staring at Nangong that month angrily, Wuchen could be sure that this guy did it on purpose.

"I can resurrect you!"

Staring at Xiao Nagisa's face, Wuchen knew that it was only Agulola who was manipulating this body at the moment, and said confidently: "It will not be a problem to use the [Heteropathic Reincarnation] technique with my pupil strength."


Hearing this, Agulola just responded lightly, not as excited as she imagined, and then suddenly realized something urgent and asked, "Can the ancient city be resurrected?"

"Absolutely not!"

Without thinking about it, Wuchen refused directly, resurrecting Xiao Gucheng?What a joke!The eye-catching vampire bat is finally dead and can't be dead, who will resurrect him?


Agulola's bright eyes have dimmed obviously, and there is no brilliance at all. It can be seen that Xiao Gucheng's sudden departure has hit her a lot.

"I think if Xiao Gucheng is alive in the sky, he will definitely want you to live well." Nangong said in that month: "You can't live up to his kindness."

"Not bad!"

Wuchen gave a thumbs up, sighing that Nangong was very good at talking that month, and then said softly: "The soul of the first real ancestor, the soul of Xiao Gucheng, and the soul of Vatora are completely integrated, and the three have been integrated into one. That's why Vatora's strength will increase sharply, and then I will take the same method to integrate you..."

"You mean..."

After hearing the words, Agulola said in surprise: "Are you willing to let me devour their souls? Did I hear it wrong? Anyone who swallows the souls of three strong men will become stronger."

"You heard that right." Looking at Agulola's eyes, Wuchen replied calmly: "After all, it was originally yours, and the souls of Valtola and the First Primogenitor are just incidental interest."

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