Wuchen sneered again and again, and in his heart he had already sentenced Tianzhonggong to death.Shelley Jihirai and Natsuyin Yase were just the bait he threw out, in order to attract the stupid fish, Tianzuka Gong.

There are hundreds of thousands of people on Xianshen Island, and it is not easy to find Tianzhong tribute in the crowd, so Wuchen thought of this scientific research opportunity to attract Tianzhong tribute, and the kid couldn't wait to think To resurrect the sages into human beings, they will definitely take the opportunity to sneak attack on Shelley and Xia Yin.

Dust-free can also kill this hidden mouse in one fell swoop.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1583: The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction! 【Third Update】

The resolute eyes are full of sternness, Wuchen quietly stares at the passing cruise ship, and his eyes are filled with calmness. To be honest, it may be the reason for overconfidence, and there is no need to worry.

Taking [-] steps back, even if there is an accident, you can still use the "heteropathic reincarnation technique" to revive. Perhaps confidence is the source of this. In any case, Wuchen is invincible.

"Speaking of which, our special zone security team was attacked a few days ago, and we lost important things..." As if remembering something, Nangong reminded that month: "The submarine was stolen."

"Is it?"

Wuchen only responded lightly when he heard the words, and then turned around and walked away, as if everything had nothing to do with him, but only the moment he turned around, there was a raging red light in his eyes.

"If you guessed correctly...it should be the guy from Tianzhong Gong."

The corner of his mouth said something and left, and the corner of Wuchen's mouth swept away a conspiracy-successful smile.


"Hahaha... That pervert finally got careless this time. I thought he would protect those two little girls with every step of the way! I finally got the chance!"

Watching Wuchen'an leave in the distance, Tianzhonggong showed a frantic smile... These days, he has been extremely unlucky.

Everything was ready, only the existence of dust-free, Tianzhong Gong did not dare to cross the Thunder Pond half a step, who let the difference in strength stop him.

Now that Wuchen is finally indignant with Ji Hiirah Shelley and Yase Natsuyin, Tianzuka Gong is very excited.


The golden skull in his hand flashed a dazzling light, as if urging Tianzhong Gong to hurry up.

"Don't rush, I will immediately follow by boat, and I hope you will also promise to travel!" Tianzhong Gong's face flashed an excited twisted smile, and then secretly left the port and sneaked into the place where he had hidden the submarine.

"Is that guy really coming?"

Looking at the lazy white clouds in the sky and the warm sunshine, Yase Natsuyin closed her eyes comfortably, and her eyes were staring at the distant ocean at the same time.

It seems to be looking for traces of Tianzhong Gong.

"It should be, senior (Wuchen)'s predictions are rarely wrong." Ji Hiraga Shelley just nodded lightly, she was carrying a black bag in her hand, and the thing inside was the Xuexia Wolf.

"Let's go eat first."

Ji Hiiragi Shelley smiled lightly, and after realizing that there was no sudden situation, he immediately took Xia Yin to go to lunch together. However, the peaceful good times did not last long, and an unexpected accident happened soon.

"Boom boom boom!"

The traveling cruise ship shuddered violently, followed by a loud explosion.


Shelley Jihirai and Natsuyin Yase, who were caught off guard, didn't respond for a while, and accidentally bumped into the fence. , Both/legs are immediately red and swollen, and you cannot continue to move sensibly.

"Who did it?"

Ji Hiiragi Shelley's eyes spread like a tide, and she closed all the surrounding scenery in her eyes, but to her disappointment, there was nothing on the sea, and nothing attacked them.

"The threat is from underwater." Yase Natsuyin secretly guessed.

"Ah ah ah... That white-haired kid has suddenly become so smart, it's really surprising!" An arrogant voice fell from the sky, and a man wearing a white gift and a plaid hat invaded the sight of the two.

It is Tianzhong Gong with a sinister and twisted face!

"In order to hunt you two kittens... but it took me a lot of effort, just pay me with your lives, and I can barely forgive your crimes!"

Tianzhong Gong laughed wildly.

"How did this guy get here?"

Ji Hiiragi Shelley turned his head and glanced at the bottom of the boat, and found an army-green submarine. He suddenly understood something, and his delicate face was even more stern.

"You guy actually attacked us with a submarine's torpedoes, completely disregarding the lives of others... You really are a deranged person!" Ji Hiiragi Shelley's tone revealed a bad tone, and Xuexia Wolf had already taken it out.

"Is the scientific research still carrying weapons? Sword Witch, you are really careful." Tian Zhonggong frowned slightly as he looked at Xuexia Wolf, and was quite surprised by Ji Hiirah Shelley's actions.

"that is because……"

The indifferent tone resounded through the sky, and the voice that Tian Zhonggong didn't want to hear suddenly entered his ears, and the whole proud old face instantly turned green, blue and white, very exciting.

"Although it is scientific research, it is normal for accidents to happen. In order to deal with your clown, I let her wear it secretly. Do you understand now? All this is waiting for you."

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"


The black light that fell from the sky was ruthless and ruthless, crushing directly towards Tianzhong Gong... Although he immediately realized the danger and made evasive actions, he was inevitably broken by No. [-]. Shred.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

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