At the same time, the body began to blur, and the texture was faintly lost.

"do not go."

Seeing Wuchen's body showing signs of disintegration, Uchiha Mikoto hurriedly turned around, but could not help but find that Wuchen at the moment was like air, invisible to the touch, even if the figure had not completely disappeared, he could not be caught.

It feels like you are in another space.

Wuchen stared at Uchiha Mikoto's face lightly, with a little ripple in the turbulent pupils, and then said very indifferently: "I will find a place to live in seclusion in the future, maybe this is the last time we meet."

Taking a deep look at Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fuyue, the bodies that were gathered and not separated burst apart, and the thousands of Jin Mang began to gradually disappear...

In the empty room, Uchiha Fugaku and his wife were left again.

Chapter 168 My Stupid Brother [Various Requests]

Recommend a good book for friends: Naruto: Romance of the Ages

Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku glanced at each other, and both could see the bitterness in each other's eyes.

"It seems that he still can't let go of my past mistakes."

Uchiha Fuyue smiled bitterly, and at the same time did not forget to look at Uchiha Mikoto, seeing the latter with a little tear in the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but secretly blamed himself, lowered his head and remained silent.

"I never asked him to forgive me."

After being dumbfounded for a while, Uchiha Fuyue sighed and said solemnly: "Mikoto, let's leave Konoha temporarily, there is no Uchiha family here anymore."

"But Sasuke is still in Konoha."

The tears in the corners of her eyes subsided, and Uchiha Mikoto wiped away her tears. No matter when she was, she loved her children deeply and regarded them as beings more precious than her own life.

"Let Sasuke stay in Konoha."

After pondering for a while, Uchiha Fuyue said: "Although it was cruel to Sasuke, but we both live a desperate life, it is safer to stay in Konoha. Judging from Itachi's impeccable way of doing things, I think What agreement should he reach with Konoha, it shouldn't hurt Sasuke."

On the other side, however, another scene unfolded.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was still young, looked at the Uchiha station where flesh and blood were flying and corpses were all over the place. He felt the thick smell of blood in the air. The air in the nostrils will be filled with disgusting blood.

"This, this must be an illusion."


Perhaps because of excessive fear, Sasuke Uchiha didn't realize that there was a stone behind him, and suddenly stumbled to the ground, looking around at the Uchiha family, which was like a purgatory on earth, and it was difficult for him to accept it for a while.

"My stupid brother..."

The ghostly psychedelic sound came slowly, followed by a black shadow that came into view, the deep "eight" mark on his face was clearly visible, and his body showed the temperament of being isolated from the world.

It is Uchiha Itachi.

"Big Brother Weasel."

The young Sasuke Uchiha burst into tears with joy, and quickly wiped away the tears with his arm, and ran towards Uchiha Itachi in a chaotic manner, like a little chick falling into the water, his expression full of surprises.

However, a cold light flashed in Uchiha Itachi's eyes.


One leg swept out, and Uchiha Sasuke, who jumped happily, was kicked and flew, and the young Sasuke flew upside down in a circle of more than ten meters in an instant, pulling the ground out of the obvious ditch.


Sasuke Uchiha's qi and blood rolled, and the bones and organs of his body seemed to be dislocated, causing him to vomit several mouthfuls of blood one after another, his face pale.

The body hurts, but the heart hurts even more!

"Brother Weasel-"

"Don't you understand, my stupid brother, all this is happening in front of me is from my hands."

Unusually cold words jumped out of Uchiha Itachi's mouth. Combined with the cold eyes, Uchiha Itachi was like a beast coming out of a cage, catching whoever bites who, giving people a very awe-inspiring feeling.

The young Uchiha Sasuke stared blankly at the murderous Uchiha Itachi, and for a while, he completely forgot the stinging pain on his body, and could not feel the slightest pain.

"There's nothing to be surprised about, you are the only Uchiha now."

Seeing Sasuke Uchiha lost his mind, Uchiha Itachi's cold voice with a piercing killing intent instantly forced the temperature down by dozens of degrees, pulling the former's thoughts back.

"Impossible, you must be a fake!"

Uchiha Sasuke shivered, and then he came back to look at Uchiha Itachi with hatred. At a young age, his eyes were as sharp as those of a beast, and with his hideous little face, it was reluctantly good.

It seems that Uchiha Itachi is his biggest inverse scale, and he will not allow others to contaminate it.

"It's a good look, and finally it looks like a ninja should have."

The stagnant eyes swayed slightly, and Uchiha Itachi nodded without a trace, but this younger brother's optimistic attitude must be beaten.

"It's not just them."

Qingzhao's eyes looked around, his emotionless pupils were full of indifference to human life, which was very different from Uchiha Itachi, who was usually gentle and kind. Sasuke Uchiha said that he was a fake.

"Even our parents..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Itachi's tone was filled with waves, and then he looked at Sasuke Uchiha's hatred face, his eyes suddenly turned red, and three crimson gouyu became a big windmill.

"Since you don't believe what I say, then let you relive the fragile scene where your parents were killed, while you stood by and could only be indifferent."

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