The kid who was caught off guard was immediately blown away, and he was blown away by a dozen meters, even rolling and crawling, and then he was lying on the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner, his head was on the ground, and his butt/butt was pouting high, which was extremely funny.


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Chapter 1593 Confronting Esdes [First More]


Liva and Daydas stared at the embarrassed Niu in astonishment, their eyes were unbelievably round, their expressions were extremely exaggerated and they locked on the immobile Wuchen, and their heads were a little dizzy.

"Crack! It hurts!"

Daidas slapped himself, and the burning pain made him understand that this was not a dream.

"This is... how did he do it? [Teigu]?"

Esdes's watery eyes flashed with surprise. The moment just happened was too fast. Everything was just between lightning and flint, and she didn't have any extra time to react.

When he realized it, Niu had already been blasted away in embarrassment.

"I can be sure that you are not the prince now..." Esders sat on the chair elegantly, with his legs crossed very lazily, "The prince the minister told me is just an ordinary political enemy, no Strength is only for ordinary humans... Although Niu's strength is average, he can definitely beat ordinary humans, so you should not be."

"Is it..."

After hearing this, Wuchen wiped off the sweat, and then patted off the dust on his body, exuding a burst of fiery temperature in his body, and after steaming the wet clothes to dry, he said softly: "In this case, then it is a misunderstanding, and I say goodbye."

"Wait a minute..."

The elegant voice came again, and Wuchen turned his head to look, and it was the smiling Esdes.

"Anything else?"

Wuchen asked, he felt a chilly aura locked on him, like being stared at by a hungry beast, and the high-density suffocation could even make the illusion of a dead body sinking into a sea of ​​blood in his mind.

However, Wuchen remained shocked and unaffected.

"This guy can actually ignore my murderous aura?"

Ripples appeared in his calm eyes, and Esdes' bored expression gradually became interesting, "But you beat my subordinates, don't you think you should apologize?"

"Apologize? You want me to apologize?" Wuchen sneered after hearing this: "I can tell you, let alone your subordinates, even if I beat you, wait for me to apologize? Don't think about it!"

"I don't know what to do!"

Liva and Daydas glared angrily when they heard the words. They looked at each other and attacked from different directions... They were all strong men who followed Esdes to fight. One enemy ten is absolutely no problem.

"You bugs..."

His eyes were lightly wrinkled, his pupils flashed a little bit of badness, and the silver revealed scarlet three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes. Immediately, the deep writing wheel eyes glanced at the two people who were attacking.


The two of them suffered heavy injuries in an instant, and fell to the ground with pale faces, and Wuchen didn't even move his hands.

Seeing this, Esdes looked surprised, and immediately asked, "Liva, Daidas... you two are becoming more and more useless."

"Don't scold the two of them, because you met me like this, and I can easily solve you without the need to do anything."

The scarlet three-hooked jade writing wheel stared at Esdes and said, "So, please don't humiliate yourself."

"Lord Esdes..."

At this moment, Liwa's difficult voice sounded, staring at Wuchen's eyes with fear, and said in horror: "This guy is not an ordinary human, his eyes are very strange, the one just now seems to be a kind of illusion and hallucination. Something...but very real."

"Is your consciousness still awake?"

Staring at Liwa in surprise, Wuchen was quite surprised, then looked at his bloody right hand, nodded and said: "This guy is very decisive, using pain to drive out hallucinations, he has a lot of combat experience."

"Are you also an [Eiji] capable person?"

Focusing on the dust-free eyes, Esdes was full of doubts. She did not remember that there was such an imperial tool as an eye. Forty-eight imperial tools in the empire were recorded accurately, and this ability had never been heard of before.

"Teigu? I don't need that ability, it's superfluous to me." Wuchen shook his head, and then turned to leave regardless of Esdes's idea.

"Where is this deserted countryside...?"

Wuchen looked around and found that there were mountains and mountains around, and there were no people around. It was probably a very remote place, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Why do you encounter such annoying trivia every time you cross..."

Wuchen smiled bitterly, he had nothing to do with the scumbag prince, and he had nothing to do with him, just that his appearance was somewhat similar.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, snowflakes suddenly fell in the clear day, and the sunlight could be reflected under the sunlight. Looking closely, a large amount of ice slag was swept up in the sky, followed by a bleak cold wind as scheduled.

"You guy..."

The pace stopped, and Wuchen ignored the void in front of her. Even if she didn't turn her head to look deliberately, she knew that Esdes was coming, and she didn't seem to plan to let Wuchen leave.

"I'm very curious about your abilities. Stay and be my subordinate. No matter what your status is, I can make you gain glory, wealth, and golden treasures. There are only things you can't think of, and nothing you can't get!"

Esdes raised her voice to tempt/seduce, in this era when human life is as cheap as grass, it is lucky to be able to eat a full meal, she is convinced that Wuchen will abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

"To be your subordinate? Sounds good."

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