Akatsuki's leader Yahiko suddenly opened his eyes, and as his voice fell, Uchiha Itachi came into everyone's sight...

Chapter 170 Entering the Dawn [Various Requests]

Recommended Friendship Book: Naruto Through the Ages

The weak and small figure came into view, like a willow branch, weak and powerless, the sudden strong wind blew, and the corners of Uchiha Itachi's clothes danced with the wind, especially his morbidly pale face, which gave people a very fragile feeling. It feels like a patient who has just recovered from a serious illness, weak and inexorable.

Seeing this scene, the members of Akatsuki's organization frowned slightly, including Tiandao Payne, they couldn't help but wondered how powerful Uchiha Itachi was.

There are strong people in Xiao's organization, all of them are all S-level rebels and forbearance, their strength is self-evident, even if they are not as good as the shadows of the villages, the actual situation is similar. The organization came, which made everyone question Yahiko's approach.

People who really know Uchiha Itachi are okay to say, such as Orochimaru, who looked at Uchiha Itachi with glowing eyes. He naturally knew that Uchiha Itachi was the culprit who destroyed Uchiha, and when he had not defected, Uchiha Itachi was The genius of the Uchiha family with the same name as Uchiha Shisui.

There is also the most important factor, which is also the most concerned about by Orochimaru. Itachi is Uchiha Wuchen's younger brother. He once teamed up with Wuchen to attack Yanyin Village. Naturally, he knows Wuchen's power better than anyone else. .

At the same time, there are two people whose minds are extraordinarily complicated. Naturally, it is Tiandao Yahiko, and the dry persimmon ghost who was defeated by Wuchen in seconds in the past. They are all defeated by Wuchen.

It is inevitable that I have a special impression of Uchiha Itachi in my heart.

"Uchiha Wuchen's younger brother... It shouldn't be too weak."

Yahiko took a deep breath and restrained the complicated emotions in his heart. As a former defeated general of Wuchen, he was still the type without resistance. Naturally, he knew Wuchen far better than being beaten by dry persimmon ghosts in an instant. of terror.

Under all the people's astonished gazes, Uchiha Itachi walked straight in, but strangely, the awe-inspiring cold wind just chose to avoid it.

Hurricanes that touch Uchiha Itachi will take a detour.

"Uchiha Itachi...Welcome to join Akatsuki." Payne, the boss of Akatsuki's organization, naturally stepped forward and welcomed Uchiha Itachi to Akatsuki.

But when and where, where and what events, some unexpected characters will jump out to do unexpected things!

"Hey...Is this guy really suitable to join Xiao? You see how weak and scrawny he is. This uncle is deeply suspicious of this, right or wrong."

A harsh and heroic voice rang out, and when he looked up, he saw a man with a red three-section scythe and an arrogant face walking out of the dark shadow. Just by looking at this face, he knew that he was an extremely arrogant person. .

It is Feiduan in Xiao's organization, wearing the "three" ring of "Santai" on his hand.

The oily green eyes of the corners first fell on Uchiha Itachi, looking at the expressionless Itachi's eyes with surprise, and then gave a faint glance at Feiduan who was hanging the sky.

"It has nothing to do with me, if you have any questions, you can solve it yourself."

Ignoring the big-haired Fei Duan directly, the corners retracted their eyes, and put on a look like he was hanging up high with nothing to do with him. The old oily green eyes were vaguely teasing, obviously he saw Uchiha Itachi's true strength. .

This is definitely an unparalleled powerhouse.

"It's flying."

Tiandao Payne turned his head and looked gloomily at Feiduan, his eyes were filled with haze, and when he was about to scold Feidan for not asking for trouble, Uchiha Itachi's voice rang.

"Would you like to try it on."

The dark and deep eyes fell on the unruly Feiduan, frowning slightly, the turbulent pupils swept the indifferent color, Uchiha Itachi said: "The gap between us is too big, from your weapons, it should be a power type. Ninja, that's not bad...but we're not in the same dimension."

Staring at the three-stage scythe that Hidean carried on his shoulders, Uchiha Itachi said softly, with a little persuasion, he is good at illusion, while Hidean is good at taijutsu, this type of ninja is generally very defensive against illusionism. Difference.

"If that's the case, then let you see how powerful Master Feiduan is!"

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and Fit took advantage of the situation to draw the sickle on his shoulders. The weapon weighing thousands of pounds was like a toy in his hand, and it was even more dazzling to play, and it seemed extremely skilled.

"Sure enough, it's an unusual organization. There are all kinds of people... No wonder Sandaime Hokage said that the people who attacked Konoha a few years ago might be involved with people in this organization."

His eyes passed over several people in Xiao's organization one after another, Uchiha Itachi said in a deep voice, especially when he saw Orochimaru, his heart fell even further, and even Orochimaru, one of the "Three Endurances", could join. Akatsuki organization, you can also see Akatsuki's extraordinary.

What Uchiha Itachi cared about the most was that this so-called leader had black iron sticks sticking all over his body, his body was cold, and he didn't seem to have the slightest bit of life energy, apparently like a puppet-like existence.

"Let me teach you a lesson on behalf of the leader, and let you know what it means to respect the old and love the young! Newcomers must have rules that newcomers should understand!"

With a ferocious face, Feiduan came galloping, but the speed was still extremely slow, at least in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, the dark eyes just stared at Feiduan without fear, and the incomparably deep three hook jade was like blood red. Gem-like inlaid in the pupil, glittering with a strange luster.

"What a powerful pupil power, worthy of being Wuchen's younger brother."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Itachi's pupils hotly, and his heart burned with excitement, especially at the moment when Sangouyu flashed, a heart was even mentioned in his throat, and he was almost dancing, and the coveting and rushing in his eyes were undisguised.

It is precisely because he has seen the power of Wuchen's writing wheel eye that Orochimaru will pursue such a persevering pursuit of writing wheel eye.

"Damn, how did you do it?!"

Feiduan's angry voice exploded, his eyes swept away, only to see Feiduan sweating on his forehead, unable to move his body, as if he was forcibly imprisoned, his eyes were full of crimson fire, staring at the three hook jade writing wheel. Eye.

Chapter 171 Xiao - Suzaku [Various requests]

Recommend a good book for friends: Naruto: Romance of the Ages

The abnormality of Feiduan naturally fell into the eyes of all people, and immediately absorbed the sight of all people in Xiao's organization. Seeing that they couldn't move, Feiduan frowned as if their limbs were fixed, and even more so. The person's brows directly condensed into the word "Chuan".

"This Uchiha Itachi's illusion skills are really terrifying, just glanced at Feidan and made him immobile, really a terrible man... As expected of the younger brother of that man Uchiha Wuchen, it really isn't Chizhong things."

Tiandao Payne looked at Uchiha Itachi in astonishment, and then at Feiduan, who couldn't move despite all his strength. He couldn't help but nodded secretly, very satisfied with Uchiha Itachi's performance.

As for the trapped Feiduan, I can only blame him for making the first bird!

"Sharing Wheel Eyes must be obtained!"

Compared with other members of the organization who are simply surprised, Orochimaru is like a mirror in his heart, and it is much clearer that this is just a mere three-column jade writing wheel eye, and a higher-level kaleidoscope writing wheel eye mentality.

Since he defected to Konoha, due to the reason of teaming up with Wuchen during the period, he was affected by Wuchen's pupil power, and he has always been fascinated by Uchiha's writing round eyes, even to a state of madness. Especially the Uchiha Itachi in front of him is the younger brother of Uchiha Wuchen in the past.

The identity of this layer attracted more attention from Orochimaru.

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