Glancing at Tazmi lightly, Wuchen decisively chose to remain silent. He knew that after a while, Tazmi would be out of luck!


Najeshtan glanced at Leona, then pointed at Tazmi.

"I understand."

Leona nodded, she clenched her fist, and there was a crackling sound, and she rushed towards Tazmi without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang!"

The merciless two punches fell, and Tazmi's head suddenly had a bunch of red bumps!

"You haven't figured it out yet? If it wasn't for Wuchen, you would have been killed this time, and study hard with Maine."

Najeshtan seriously ordered that although Maine is unreliable, he has completely destroyed Tazmi, a rookie scumbag. As for the inclusion of Wuchen, he is deliberately attacking Tazmi, hoping that this guy will be ashamed and brave.

Although Najeshtan has good intentions, Tazmi doesn't have such a long-term vision. He is full of malice towards Maine. There is no way to do this. Some things still can't be changed. For example, the relationship between Maine and Tazmi is as unharmonious as the original, and even worse now.

"I have deep doubts about this guy's abilities!" Glancing at Tazmi, Maine flicked her ponytail and snorted softly, "You can tell just by looking at his face, he looks frustrated!"


Tazmi glared at Maine with a fiery breath. He rolled up his sleeves. If it weren't for the crowd, he really wanted to fight Maine.

"As for you..."

When his eyes fell on Wuchen, Maine's strange sight made Wuchen's complexion change slightly, and he always felt that this quirky girl was deliberately attacking people.


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Chapter 1612 I'm Unlucky [Second More]

"I shouldn't be as frustrated as Tazmi." Pointing at Tazmi, Wuchen asked directly regardless of Tazmi's bitter face.

"You are indeed much better than him, and you are much more trustworthy." Maine nodded lightly when she heard the words, not paying any attention to Tazmi, whose face was green.

"Poor Tazmi!"

Hearing the words, the members of the Night Raid stared at Tazmi with pity. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, or that he was too bad.On the contrary, Tazmi is very hardworking and enterprising, which is also what Brand values ​​him, but well... His competition - Wuchen, is really against the sky!

In the final analysis, it's not that Tazmi's ability is poor, it's that he is unlucky. When he encounters a monster-level opponent like Wuchen, comparing the two, Tazmi has become a garbage, and the name of slag rice is justified. !

"That's it for today..."

It was almost midnight, BOSS Najeshtan waved his hand, indicating that everyone can break up and rest. As a killer, you must keep your spirits up.


In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose from the east and the sun was shining for thousands of miles. At this moment, several figures gathered in the conference room where meetings were usually held.

"Now that the sun is drying, Maine is still sleeping? This boss is too unqualified, she will definitely take me and Wuchen into the ditch!" Tazmi looked at the blazing sun in the distance, full of complaints .

Wuchen, on the other hand, is lazily reading books by himself. Unconsciously, he has developed the habit of reading books. When the world is bored, he will read books and supplement knowledge.

"No dust, it is also the subordinate's job to welcome the boss. This task is handed over to you, speed up, we still have a major task to perform today."

Najeshtan looked at Wuchen, meaning to let him call Maine.

"Finally it's fair." Tazmi breathed a sigh of relief. He and Maine looked at each other and didn't deal with each other. It was better for Wuchen to come out as a scapegoat.

"no problem."

Wuchen nodded when he heard the words, turned to leave the conference room, and walked towards Maine's room.

"A new mission is here, and the target to be removed this time is Eokal, a distant relative of Minister Ornest. This guy used his identity to bully men and women, and he did all kinds of evil, and he did countless bad things... Since no one can punish him, then I will wait for the night attack to come to heaven and destroy him!"

As soon as Wuchen left, the BOSS said today's task.Since the target was a distant relative of Ornest and was protected by experts from the Imperial Fist Temple, in view of the danger of this mission, and now that Esdes had suddenly returned to the imperial capital, Najehitan decided to attack the entire crew at night. .

At the same time, Wuchen also walked to Maine's room.

"Boom boom boom!"

After knocking the door twice, Wuchen saw that no one responded, so he pushed it slightly.


The door was gently pushed open, and the sight that came into view made Wuchen lost for a few seconds.

I saw that Ma Yin was about to get dressed. At this moment, she was only wearing a pink hood and pink briefs, and her fair skin was all exposed under her eyes.

Maine's room was in a mess, and there were still clothes all over the floor, and many underwear/underwear/pants all appeared in the dust-free eyes, and the scene was suddenly extremely embarrassing.

"Boy, choose a way to die that you like!"

Maine's face turned red instantly, her Tegu romantic fort, Pumpkin, had gathered a lot of flashes at the front of the muzzle, mercilessly aimed at the dust-free head, and the light was about to annihilate the dust-free body.

"It has nothing to do with me."

Wuchen's eyes were turbulent, and he said calmly: "First of all, I knocked on the door, and the one who didn't respond was you, so it's understandable for me to barge in. Second, the boss ordered me to come to greet the boss, then you must advance in advance. You have to be prepared. Also, the boss said that there are important tasks developed, and it is impossible for me to wait for you when the time is tight.”

" know what to say."

Maine opened her mouth and found that she was speechless. Wuchen said everything was reasonable. It was her who knocked on the door and didn't respond, and Najeshtan had also mentioned this to her.

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