"Yes, it is him."

Esdes nodded, and immediately said without concealment: "However, I just intend to keep that guy as a pet, the impression that Wuchen left on me is too deep, it's hard to forget him, that boy repeated Humiliated me four times and had to take him back and feed him!"

Growing up so big, Esdes has always been wearing collars for others. The only exception was last time. Let's not talk about the things that Wuchen suffered, but he also put on a collar, which is tolerable or unbearable. Esdes is always thinking about revenge.

"I see."

Minister Ornest was stunned when he heard it, and he didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with Esdes.Once this woman decides something, no one can pull it back.

"Then congratulations on the success of the general."

Minister Ornest knew that his denial could not change Esdes' will. In this case, it would be better to go with the flow and sell Esdes a favor, so that the alliance between them could be more consolidated.

"Then you must catch that guy."

The young emperor also followed suit. Since Ornest's father has spoken, as a good son, he will naturally be locked up.

Although the two are not related by blood, there is no doubt that the relationship between Osnet and the emperor is stronger than that of his father, and the emperor will agree to all the conditions of the former.


the other direction.


In the pitch-black room, a large swathe of blood suddenly swept out of the void, and the ground was covered with... Looking around, the people in the entire room were all corpses in plain sight. All of them were beheaded, and they were extremely cruel.

"Tsk tsk, this weapon is really scary."

Wuchen quietly looked at the scissors in Hill's hand and couldn't help feeling cold. If this thing came, no matter who it was, it might be reduced to two halves.

Right now, this group of people are dying so tragically.

"Retreat, Maine and Hill."

Glancing at the pink-haired girl, Wuchen took the lead to leave the smoky room, where there were already piles of corpses, all of which were beheaded mercilessly by Wuchen and others.

"Hmph, this guy even dares to boss the two of us. This newcomer is too arrogant and has no rules at all. Facing our two elders, he should please us in every possible way."

Maine hummed, deliberately raising her voice so Wuchen could hear it.

Wuchen walked away, even if she heard it, she turned a deaf ear to Maine's complaints. After joining the Night Raid for so many days, her ears had become cocooned, and she already had immunity.

"Is it……"

Hill's stunned face showed a meaningful smile, "Then you didn't refuse his order."

"Hill, you... Figure out your position for me. The two of us are good teammates in the trenches." Ma Yin blushed half of the sky after a glimpse.

Before he knew it, his teammates were turned against him.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

It was precisely at this moment that Wuchen's pace suddenly stopped, and he looked at the forest on the left with a cold face, where a gloomy gaze looked at them.

"Are there any enemies?"

Hill and Maine made fighting postures one after another, and the two of them looked in the direction of Wuchen, and a girl in the uniform of the special zone police came into view.

"It really is her."

Witnessing the appearance of this person, Wuchen was not surprised. What should come is always coming. In the original book, Hill was ruthlessly beheaded by this guy.

"I spend a lot of time squatting every day, and finally it's time for you - night attack!"

When the voice fell, the beautiful girl immediately turned into an evil ghost, her twisted face floated with murderous intent, and a turbulent chill rushed towards Wuchen and the others.

This person is a member of the Special Zone Guard——Seleuyubitas.

"You wicked people must be punished by justice!" Seleuyubitas came out of the dark woods with a white follower puppy.

Wuchen knew that it was Seleuyubitas's Tegu - the beast change [Hundred-Armed Giant], the dog that has always been called Xiaoke. On the surface, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but it is actually an extremely ferocious existence.

"Is this woman's head broken? The situation is not clear. The current situation is 3V1, and she has no chance or hope of winning."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1621 Justice triumphs over evil? ! 【Fifth more】

"Is this woman's head broken? The situation is not clear. The current form is 3V1, and she has no chance or hope of winning."

Maine sneered coldly. This idiot woman didn't seem to know the basic situation. It was not she and Hill who had the absolute disadvantage, but Seleuyu Bikitas.

"Jie Jie..."

Seleuyu Bikitas heard the words and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a sinister arc.

"There is no weakness or strength in sanctioning evil, just annihilate all of you!"

The voice fell, Seleuyu Bikitas opened his mouth, a dark muzzle was exposed, and a dazzling bullet was shot frontally.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several guns shot in succession, and the dense flames shot at Wuchen and the other three.

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