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Chapter 1626 Tazmi, who failed to pretend to force [fourth more]

Brand's eyes were deep and bright, filled with an invisible fiery flame, staring at Tazmi, the short stature, and Brand's eyes were enough to melt him easily.

Seeing this, Tazmi's heart beat even faster, and he looked up at Brand in horror. He used to feel that Wuchen was abnormally dangerous, but compared with Brand, some aspects of Wuchen are really cute and kind!


The long and noble tune rang out of thin air, followed by the bustling ship, which instantly became extremely noisy and filled with panicky voices.

"Damn, my head hurts, what's the situation?"

"My head hurts too. Damn it, could it be Minister Ornest's subordinate?"

"Everyone, hurry up and cover your ears, don't listen to this melody!"


The tourists on the cruise suddenly screamed in fear. The screams were full of endless pain, like headless flies slamming around. Everyone showed a painful expression and was very sad.


There are even people who can't resist the pain, and they jump directly into the water and choose to cut themselves off.

"This is……?"

At the same time, Chitong and Wuchen on the other side also fainted on purpose. Chitong's whole body was tightly pressed/on Wuchen. Due to the distance, Wuchen inevitably touched something that shouldn't be. Where it touches, so does Chi Tong

"It's just acting, you don't need to be so professional."

Wuchen opened his eyes, Chi Tong had half a pretty face, and pressed it directly on Wuchen's neck, and he could feel the fiery touch.

"Don't talk, continue to pretend to be stunned, and when those people come out, the two of us unexpectedly ambushed them."

Chi Tong opened his eyes and glanced at Wuchen, then closed them, and then pretended to be dead and pressed on Wuchen's neck, motionless and extremely professional.

"It's a waste of professionals like you if you don't make movies in this world." Wuchen stared at Chi Tong, dumbfounded. Although this guy said it calmly and simply, his casual tone didn't seem to care about being taken advantage of by Wuchen.

However, since Chi Tong's entire body was pressing against him, Wuchen could still feel Chi Tong's accelerated heartbeat, but he was actually very nervous.

"such a pity……"

It is undeniable that Chi Tong's plan is not perfect, but it is not bad. It is a good plan to deliberately pretend to stun and paralyze the enemy, and when the enemy appears and relax, come out and give a fatal blow.

However, in this world, no matter when, there are some disruptors.

"Damn it, how did this happen? Where did the tune come from? It's so powerful that it flickers when you walk."

Tazmi covered his head, his head was also stinging and uncomfortable as if torn, and he was dizzy, walking around like a dizzy duck, and he couldn't even tell the most basic east, west, north and west.

"Ah ah ah... There is still one who can persist, not bad. I thought that the people who could board this ship would be wiped out, but I didn't expect that there would be a fish that slipped through the net, which is not bad... ... However, it is precisely because of your extraordinaryness that you are not simple, boy, you should be a night raider."

The three beastmen came out of the cabin, and the person who spoke was Liwa, the former general of one of the three beastmen.But now he has become Esdes' lackey.

"What did you three do?"

The song stopped, and Tazmi looked at the three in front of him with a pale face, and the glowing eyes were dotted with stars.

"Oh...do you still have the strength to speak? It's really extraordinary."

One of the three beastmen, the blond kid, his name is Niu, he stared at the unyielding Tazmi with astonishment, and said in surprise: "You can still burst out with such a strong will, you are definitely not an ordinary human, you are a night attack. members without a doubt."

"With Tazmi, the king of hind legs, I knew that your plan was going to fail." Wuchenpi teased Chitong with a smile, his voice was as thin as a mosquito, only Chitong could hear it.

"Is it."

Hearing that Chi Tong's performance was mediocre, looking at Tazmi, who was drawing his sword and was about to compete with the three beastmen, he immediately showed an expression of admiration, "Tazmi is not as cowardly as you think."

"Then look carefully."

Wuchen also stared at Tazmi who was confronting the three beasts with great interest. He really didn't know where this kid got his courage 1V3.

"Give me away you scumbags."

Tazmi held a broad sword in both hands. Immediately, he kicked the ground with both feet, and his body suddenly jumped up, swept to the sky, and finally slashed at the three "three beasts" with the help of the power falling from the sky.


Seeing this, Liwa snorted lightly, and then rushed out in a flash, shouting: "Where is this bear child? Go home and play at home, there are many flaws!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The voice fell, and the tragic Tazmi flew out immediately, and was kicked more than ten meters away by Liwa. Tazmi was lying on the ground with his head on the ground, pouting his ass, and was extremely embarrassed. .


Wuchen, who couldn't help it, laughed, and glanced at Chi Tong, this guy was also disappointed.

Chi Tong originally saw that Tazmi practiced so hard before, and his strength must be improved, but according to the current form, the essence of Tazmi as an embroidered pillow has not changed.

"This kid has a frustrated look on his face. It looks like the type of premature death. It's useless to catch him. Niu, hurry up and send this unsightly clown to the sky. You can tell by looking at his face that he is a serious waste."

Liwa ordered with great disdain, Tazmi was born with the expression of a passerby, and it was not even worthwhile for Liwa to extract information.

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