The corners of his mouth evoked a murderous smile, and the dust-free strolled towards the place where Brand and Liwa were fighting. The devilish smile made one shudder.He threw Chi Tong out, in addition to wanting to save Chi Tong, the real purpose was to kill Brand and create a good environment.

As the best villain, you not only have to entrap your enemies, but also plan on your own people!Even teammates are no exception, all those who defy Wuchen's will will surely die.

"Damn it! That old man even wanted to kill me!" The place where Liva and Brand fought had already been reduced to ruins, and a sea of ​​fiery fire was burning all around.

Both Liva and Brand were extremely sad. Before the two of them began to fight, they were attacked by General Budd who had summoned the thunder and lightning. The terrifying divine punishment attack was so terrifying that even if they survived, they were also struck by lightning. He was hit hard, and Brand smelled of burnt all over.

Liwa was no better either.

"Tazmi, it will be yours from now on."

Handing the broadsword that summoned the "ghost-infested" armor to Tazmi, Brand showed a painful expression, and the lightning strike really hit him hard.

"Brother, you..."

Although Tazmi was quite excited, looking at Brand's painful expression, he still couldn't hold back the sadness in his heart.

"Idiot, I'm not dead yet. It won't be too late to cry when I'm dead." Brand laughed and scolded: "Take [Demon Haunted] back for a while, this guy will be dragged by me."

"No, brother, I..."


Brand did not give Tazmi a chance to speak, and directly kicked Tazmi out of the sea of ​​​​fire with a forceful kick. In the world of flames, only Brand and Liwa were left.

"It's great, Brand, do you sacrifice yourself for others? Your style really doesn't look like a killer." Liva stood up and said, "You want to die with me?"

"Of course not, I'll leave after I kill you." Brand shook his head, he had no plans to die now, and let Tazmi take away the "haunted by evil spirits" because in Brand's current state, there is no There is no extra energy to use it, so it is better to let Tazmi take it.

"Yo, Brand!"

At this moment, a voice that surprised Brand suddenly sounded. Looking at the source, it was Wuchen who came with a smile.

"You're not dead?"

Brand was surprised that it was a miracle that he was alive after the terrifying attack just now, and Wuchen is now completely fine and unscathed.

"That's natural, but Bud is dead and can't die anymore."

The dust-free humans and animals walked harmlessly to Brand, with a meaningful arc at the corner of his mouth, "Brand, I have something to tell you."

"Is it important?" Brand frowned, then asked, "But it doesn't matter."

"Really generous."

Wuchen smiled, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his right arm pierced Brand's heart like a blade.

"You have to stop me from killing Tazmi... Can I ask you to die?"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1633 Thank you for my kindness [fifth more]

This sudden scene not only stunned Brand, but even Liwa, the archenemy, was in a fog, dazed and dazed.Aren't these two teammates in a frenzy?Aren't all the people in the night raid all in love with each other?How could such a good drama of cannibalism suddenly be staged!

"How dare this guy? How dare he? How dare he..."

In Brand's mouth, he kept repeating this sentence, and his stunned eyes gave the illusion that he was dreaming - Wuchen didn't come to save people, but killed him directly!


Wuchen's strength was deeper and deeper, Brand's body was blurred, and the stinging pain spread all over the body. Brand was in cold sweat and raindrops, and his face was suddenly pale as blood. The clenched fist had to be loosened, and Brand had no extra strength to continue fighting with Wuchen.

"Tsk tsk..."

Looking around, Wuchen tried to find traces of Tazmi, but found helplessly that the kid had disappeared in advance, and it was estimated that he had escaped again.

"Fortunately, that boy is always able to sneak away ahead of time... However, it is a pleasant surprise to be able to kill you this time. Brand, I thought you would escape too."

Wuchen teased with a playful tone, looking at Brand who was in pain, the depths of his eyes were as cold as ice, without the slightest pity or sympathy.The path is chosen by himself, no one forces him, and if he goes wrong, he will pay the price.

"No dust? BOSS will never let you go!"

Brand had a dark face, and roared aggrievedly. If he could die in the hands of the enemy, he could still feel relieved. Anyway, he was killed in battle, but he was killed by his own people inexplicably. What is this?Brand was extremely distressed.

"Tsk tsk, I'm so sorry. No one knows about this!"

Pointing to Liwa, Wuchen said with a smile: "Brand and Liwa, one of the three beastmen, fell after the battle, and I, Wuchen Uchiha, saved people heroically. In the end, although I didn't save Brand, I did. To help you avenge Xue Ghen, behead the Liwan boy... What do you think of such a script? Did you feel moved to tears when you heard it!"


When the words fell, Liva and Brand couldn't hold back, and they were hit hard by General Bude before, and the blood they couldn't hold back spurted out...

"You despicable and shameless villain!"

The eyes of the two of them stared at Wuchen angrily. This guy's ability to make up stories is unparalleled. He puts all the guilt and responsibility on Liva and Brand, but Wuchen himself is the savior, very cunning and insidious. , this gorgeous script might even allow Najeshtan to honor the culprit.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes that want to tear me to pieces. I said before that I didn't intend to kill you, but your kid insists on making trouble with Tazmi. If you want to complain, you can only complain about you. Naive and ignorant! Don't worry, Tazmi will meet you soon too."


Wuchen increased his strength and instantly crushed Brand's heart.


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