Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the words, so he gave Maine a blank eye, and immediately manipulated the golden mature body Susanoo to let out a deadly light.

"As a human being, it's not bad to be able to do this to such an extent. You can die with peace of mind."


The voice fell, and the big sword that the mature body Susanoo held high suddenly fell, and an unparalleled slash burst out.


The huge golden edge annihilated all matter, even if the air was cut off by it, the space presented a distorted appearance.


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Chapter 1639 Tazmi is dead? 【Fifth more】


DR. Fashion was stunned, staring at the roaring light, his heart was full of despair, and he couldn't regret it for a moment. Just now, when Esdes proposed to deal with Wuchen himself, he insisted on being one-on-one.

Now I suddenly feel like crying without tears, especially since he still has a big move that is useless, staring at the edge that wants to cut off the world, DR. Fashion has a cool heart.


Just when DR. Fashion thought he was about to die, the destructive light suddenly turned a corner and swept away in other directions.

"Boom boom boom!"

No matter how big the building is, no matter how prosperous the street is, it will be annihilated by this invincible blade.

"What's the situation?" DR. Fashion was dumbfounded, touched his still limbs, and immediately slapped himself inexplicably.

"It hurts!"

DR. Fashion suddenly grinned in pain, and immediately said excitedly: "Could it be that this guy, Wuchen, can't control this move? God is so merciful, and gave me another chance to make a comeback!"


On the other side, Maine stared strangely at Wuchen, staring at the ancient well without waves, and always felt a little weird. Rather than saying that God gave DR. fashion face, Maine felt that Wuchen was taking the initiative to release water.

"I want you to finish first!"

Glancing at Wuchen viciously, DR. Fashion inserted a needle into his neck without hesitation, and then injected all the mysterious liquid into it.


A frantic and happy laughter came from DR. Fashion's mouth, and then his body instantly became larger, taking himself as the core, and a behemoth was exposed to the air.

"Turn yourself into a dangerous species?" Seeing the violent aura on DR. Fashion's body, Maine's face changed slightly, and she looked at Wuchen with a little worry.

The height of these tens of meters is a bit exaggerated, not to mention the dangerous species of tyranny, even if the insects with a height of tens of meters move, the mountains and rivers will be broken.

Looking at Wuchen, his face did not change, his deep eyes were as silent as the Dead Sea that could never be seen through.

"I give you a chance to live, and you show me such a childish thing?"

There was a slight ripple in the void, and the short sentence was very light, but it reached everyone's ears.

"You guy..."

DR. Fashion's face showed anger, and he felt that his dignity had been trampled.Looking down at the tiny Wuchen, because he instantly grew tens of meters in size, Wuchen's figure instantly turned into a black dot, as tiny as a thumb.

"go to hell!!!"

With a frantic roar, DR. Fashion controlled the giant dangerous species to roll over.

"It all ends here."

Raising his eyelids slightly, staring at the huge body, the silent spiritual pressure in Wuchen's body erupted, and the dangerous species with not terrifying momentum instantly withered and dismembered, turning into large black stones and falling from the sky.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction."

A gentle word made DR. Fashion feel a deadly oppression. He looked up at the sky, and the sharp black luster roared.

"Puff! Puff! Puff..."

In just a few seconds, the dangerous species trusted by DR. Fashion was smashed into pieces, and his flesh and blood flew in the sky.


In the other direction, Tazmi was personally tortured by Esdes.

"Little devil, are you just like this? You still want to avenge people at this level? I'm laughing so hard!"

Looking at the miserable Tazmi in front of him, Esdes was indifferent, even disappointed, and sincerely hoped that Tazmi would be as terrifying as Wuchen, bringing her fatal oppression.

But the result was a big disappointment. Tazmi was too ordinary. Although it was a bit amazing to wear "Haunted by Evil Ghosts", the gap with Brand was still too great.

"Did you kill the big brother!" Tazmi, who was beaten to the ground, asked angrily, his eyes were red, like a dying beast.

"So what? What if it's not? I've killed too many people, and it's hard for me to remember the people I've killed." Esdes replied casually, who would have expected this sentence to pop up. angered Tazmi.

"Death to me."

Hearing the words, Tazmi stood up tenaciously again, and the long/spear he was holding stabbed towards Esdes' face fiercely, trying to kill him with a single blow.

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