"No dust? Have you found Minister Ornest?"

As soon as they walked out of the room where the emperor was hidden, Chi Tong and the others swarmed over. Seeing the emperor's house full of them, they were very excited. Wuchen could be in a state of indifference into the water, but the others turned into robbers. The tools were looted.

"None of them are in the palace." Wuchen shook his head lightly when he heard the words, indicating that Chi Tong and the others didn't need to waste their efforts, "I'm afraid that the peach will die soon."

"I got the exact news from several guards just now that Minister Ornest and his son Sheila mysteriously disappeared with the emperor."

The light in the eyes was abnormally dim, and Chi Tong was greatly disappointed. It was a rare opportunity, but Onesta ran away!


Thinking back on this character carefully, Wuchen suddenly waved his hand and said: "No need to look, I know that Sheila. Although this kid's strength is not worth mentioning, his ability is not bad, I remember that he can send people to other places. "


Looking around, Wuchen said softly: "We are completely surrounded, and we have no time to hunt down the emperor... Minister Onesta and his perverted son will really cause trouble for people."

When the line of sight spreads out, you will be surprised to find that there are a large number of dangerous species in the ruins of the palace.


These monsters let out a sharp roar, with disgusting saliva drawn from their mouths. They are ferocious and strong, and their appearance is close to that of humans, and they are not a simple one or two.

Looking around, there are more than hundreds of dangerous species.

"These dangerous species are a little strange."

Chi Tong and other Night Raid members frowned and said, this is the first time they have discovered a dangerous species whose appearance and shape are close to that of a human being.

"They are actually all human beings, and they are all research objects of DR. Fashion. All of these appearances are given by DR. Fashion. The people who released them are probably the father and son of ministers, and they delusionally try to destroy us."

Wuchen gently explained that if these dangerous species ran into the streets to make trouble, they might be able to wipe out the entire imperial capital.

"The father and son who suffered thousands of knives were caught by me, and they must be smashed to pieces!"

Leonai was furious, the bones of his hands were cracking and cracking, and he wanted to tear the disgusting father and son apart.


Among all the members of the Night Raid, only Wuchen can maintain a real calm. After all, he has experienced too many things, not to mention such trivial things, even people who are more maddened than Minister Ornest have seen them.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1644 Chelsea [fourth more]

Although it is a killer, in the final analysis, the essence of human beings has not changed.


Heart-piercing mourning spread to his ears, and when he looked closely, these dangerous humanoid species, like wild cats that smelled fishy, ​​swarmed over there.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The destructive rays of light roared out in groups, smashing the overstretched comers one after another, and the ferocious light bullets pierced all these humanoid danger species.

Being beaten is as miserable as a sieve!

"Clang clang clang..."

The other idioms of the night attack are no nonsense when they see it. The sword should be drawn, the sword should be used, and the dangerous species are quite deterrent to ordinary human beings, and the night attack can have little effect on them.

Time flies, and it was four or five hours in the blink of an eye. When Esdes rushed back to the imperial capital with a group of men and horses, the sight of the palace that came into his eyes was terrible.

"Are the emperor and minister Ernest dead?" Looking at the burning palace in front of him, Esdes asked calmly without changing his face.

"This one……"

The members of the Hunter Special Police looked at each other, and they didn't know how to answer.

"Hmph, of course not dead!"

At this moment, a purple light suddenly swept across the ground, and a luminous Taiji map emerged, and Minister Ornest and his son Sheila, including the young emperor, came into view.

The deceased Minister Ornest witnessed the ruined palace and cursed: "General Esders, your performance is disappointing, you are [-]% guaranteed to defeat the night attack, so I will allow it. You took away the troops guarding the imperial capital, and now the imperial capital has been attacked by the younger generation who attacked at night, and the palace has completely collapsed, you must take full responsibility for this!"

"The minister is right. I was almost killed by you. If it wasn't for the help of the minister's son, what you saw might be a headless corpse!"

The emperor also followed the help of Minister Ornest.

"Jie Jie... Your Majesty has allowed me to form a special unit to deal with night attacks."

The dark-skinned young man standing on the left side of the emperor, opened his mouth and laughed twice, and immediately raised his arm, "General Esders, my name is Sheila, and I will be a colleague in the future!"


Seeing this, Esdes just snorted and refused to shake hands with Sheila. At the same time, he finally understood why General Budd hated this pair of masters so much.


Meanwhile, in the other direction.

Wuchen and others returned to the original base early, and the scene that greeted them was terrible. The base that was attacked at night has been completely reduced to ruins that no one cares about.

"In the future, I will have to eat and sleep completely."

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