"What a strange metaphor."

Wuchen frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then said softly: "If it was me, I would deliberately approach it and launch a sneak attack to take it down in one fell swoop when there is a suitable opportunity... Hold on, the feast you mentioned should be It's not me, is it?"

Seeing Esdes' fiery eyes, Wuchen asked angrily: "If the meal in your mouth is me, then I will take back what I said just now, and I must give you a brand new answer!"

"Let's talk about it." Esdes asked expectantly.

"If it's me...then...you're going to be out of luck, Miss Esders!" His eyes gradually became cold, dustless turned into black and swept out, and the deadly gloomy wind rushed towards Esders!

"So fast!"

Esdes' pupils shrank suddenly, although he was surprised that Wuchen suddenly attacked, he reflected it immediately and made a cold counterattack.


Esdes stomped lightly, and then with herself as the center, a huge ice wall rose from the ground, wrapping Esdes in layers, making it airtight from the outside world to defend against dust-free shocks.


Wuchen saw contempt in his eyes, and immediately his eyes spun, and the ice layer instantly disintegrated, and in just a few seconds, it suddenly evaporated and disappeared.


The black fire baked the ice layer around Esdes, peeling off at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Esdes was also exposed to dust-free attacks.

"Still so strong..."

Esdes sighed slightly when he saw this, and his beautiful pupils immediately dimmed, but this was only a momentary moment. Esdes was not the kind of person who would give in.


With a slight wave of Su's hand, the dense ice cones burst out, whistling in an overwhelming formation.

"Fire escape..."

Both cheeks bulged slightly, staring at the flying ice, a large mouthful of flames blew out from the dust-free mouth, "The fire is smashed!"

The sea of ​​fire with amazing density and range flew out in an instant, and the ice cones were melted into water droplets before they approached the monstrous sea of ​​fire.

"A woman who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, even thinking of torturing me... It's just a fool's dream."

Wuchen sneered coldly. The reason why Esdes was willing to be teleported to other spaces with him was to find a suitable opportunity to approach him and then give him a fatal blow...

"This crazy woman really belongs to the type with a sick head." Wuchen is averse to the cold, and he understands Esdes' strange character, and it is necessary to be caught and tortured.

And torturing someone who is stronger than yourself is more successful than taming those scumbags.

"Esdes, you seem to think I'm too bullying." A cold arc appeared on his face, and Wuchen suddenly laughed unknowingly.

"This guy..."

Seeing this, Esdes had a bad premonition in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable being stared at by Wuchen's playful eyes. Usually, when he tortured others, he used that kind of eyes!

"Since you took the initiative to send it to the door, then I can only do it in the same way. You like to train others so much, why don't you be generous this time, how about being trained by me once?"

When these words fell, the dust-free body instantly disappeared.

"where it goes?"

Esdes was startled, and quickly looked around, searching for traces of dust-free, and at this moment, a big cold hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

And what worries Estes even more is that her body and limbs lose most of their strength in an instant, and there is no extra strength to resist the powerful force of Wuchen.

"I'm not a gentleman. You can call me a rude butcher. When I meet someone who doesn't agree with me, I will only treat them in one way - fist!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1652 The Privilege Of The Victor [Sixth More]

"Damn it, the force is too strong to break free!"

Realizing that he was bound by Wuchen, Esdes immediately struggled with all his strength, but sadly, Wuchen's hand seemed to be the hand of God, even though five fingers were only gently pressing her, Esdes was There is simply no extra strength to escape.

Even because of the excessive force, Esdes himself was dripping with sweat, and Wuchen's full smile was even more difficult to hide, silently taunting Esdes' overreaching.

"Just use that one."

With a ferocious gleam in his eyes, Esdes decided to use his own skill. In such an embarrassing situation, only that kind of trick can be surprisingly successful.


With a murmur, the world in Esdes' eyes instantly froze, everything stopped flowing, and time went straight down at this moment.

"Damn, where is this damned monster from..."

Esdes rubbed his sore shoulders and escaped from Wuchen's bondage, his eyes locked on him with hatred and hatred. At this moment, Wuchen was like a stone, motionless.

"I can't hurt him yet, I can only count on this guy to leave this hellish place." Looking around the dark space, the whole world consisted of Esdes and Wuchen.


The ice sword inserted into Wuchen's body and ripped open it, but Esdes avoided the fatal point, hoping to use it to coerce Wuchen to compromise.

"When I leave here, I will take care of you. Tsk tsk, I can meet you in my dreams. Your existence is both surprising and terrifying!"

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