Sheila was stunned, and then said coldly: "Don't you know how to speak human words? Please say that I can understand..."

"Ahhh... It's so hot, what the hell is going on?!"

Sheila, who was lying on the ground, suddenly wailed in pain, and was stunned to find the earth, no... the earth is too reluctant, and the earth that was still hard just now is full of boiling bubbles!

"Is this fucking going to turn into magma! Could it be that Lao Tzu is dreaming?" Sheila said in horror as she rolled around to relieve the pain, while looking at the surrounding surface.

His body has begun to melt and gradually disappear.

"Is it your fault?"

Sheila gritted her teeth in pain, and suddenly wished she had died as soon as possible.

At the same time, looking at Wuchen, it can be determined that he is the initiator. At this moment, his appearance is very strange, and a dark red Samsara writing wheel appears on his forehead!

"I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have never shown this eye on my forehead. You are the first. You are very lucky, but also tragic, because you will not even leave a body behind."

Glancing at Sheila expressionlessly, Wuchen said softly, "The Royal Palace of Heaven."


The space was transformed into shadows, and Wuchen and others came to a strange world, but... the world is full of all kinds of things, which are all made of magma.

Mountains and rivers are formed by magma, rivers are also formed by magma, and the earth is also formed by rolling magma... Everything in this world is formed by magma.

"Ah... so hot!"

With a scream, Sheila fell into the magma, including those dangerous species, and was swallowed by the super-large magma world in an instant.

"This trophy is not bad."

Looking at the emperor tool in his hand, Wuchen nodded with satisfaction. Among the many emperor tools, this is the only one he can see - the Dimensional Square Shangri-La.

Wuchen is the ten tails themselves. She once took everything from Kaguya, and she will use all of her spells, but she has never had a suitable target to enlarge her moves. Now who would expect this kid to be cheap.


Night raid on the base two days later.

Wuchen, Maine and Chitong returned safely. Unexpectedly, as soon as they returned to the base, they received shocking news from the BOSS Na Jessitan, and Rao Shiwuchen's character was also lost for a while.

"Esdes lost? This joke is not funny at all. I still believe that a person like Esdes will lose to Wuchen. How could she lose to Minister Ornest's trash? This information is wrong!"

Lubbock tore the information in his hand to shreds, feeling that his IQ was insulted.

"The news of the imperial capital was tightly closed, but some people saw the clue. At that time, a giant appeared in the sky above the imperial capital, with a height of tens of meters. In the end, he defeated Esdes, which is still an overwhelming kind."

Najeshtan took a breath, and then said solemnly: "There are rumors that it is the strongest emperor, and only the emperor's blood can open the supreme emperor - Supreme Taser."

"Even if the little emperor really uses Taser, it's impossible to crush Esdes."

Wuchen shook his head resolutely, he understood Esdes' strength, and he might be defeated, but it is not scientific at all to crush Esdes.


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Chapter 1660 Esdes surrenders [the third more]

Of course, the form of the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is no absoluteness. Sometimes, a momentary carelessness may lead to the loss of the whole game. This kind of thing abounds.

And if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible for Esdes to be defeated.

"Anyway, the intelligence clearly pointed out that Esdes was defeated." Najeshtan deepened her tone, no matter how far-fetched, the fact is the fact.

"That Teigu [Supreme Taser] is very powerful."

Wuchen touched his chin and said, looking quite scared.

If you ignore his playfulness and eager smile, everyone may think so, but with a look of anticipation, he obviously wants to challenge, and there is no sign of fear.

"I'm afraid the emperor of Esdes was sealed by Minister Ornest, or else it wouldn't be crushed."

Wuchen secretly guessed that in the original book, Leone is a living example, and her emperor's tool was sealed. If Esdes also loses the emperor's tool, then the strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and she will be greatly reduced by the strongest emperor's tool." Supreme Taser" was defeated with overwhelming strength, and he could barely speak.

"Then, I will announce a new order next."

After breathing heavily, Najeshtan said with a solemn expression, "That guy Esdes, intends to cooperate with us!"


Lubbock and the others exclaimed that Najehitan's remarks were not light. Hunter was the mortal enemy of Night Raid, so there was no reason for the other party to surrender, especially since many members of Hunter were killed by Night Raid.

"The original prediction was indeed correct."

Wuchen smiled, and there were no surprises, and said easily: "If Esdes is defeated, it is understandable for her to cooperate with us. After all, everyone's enemy is the empire, and Esdes can't handle the empire alone. It makes sense to jump into a trench with us."

"What about Hei Tong?" Chi Tong asked nervously.

"The hunter also chose to join us in our night raid." Najeshtan smiled excitedly. She couldn't digest this huge pie for a while. With Esdes and her "hunter", the overthrow of the empire was inevitable.

"Black pupil..."

Chi Tong also had a pleasant smile on her face when she heard the words. It was as gentle as light, and it felt like she had eaten honey, which showed the status of Hei Tong in her heart.

"Everyone, prepare a little, and meet Esdes in three hours."

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