
Originally, the next world was from Fairy Tail or Qin Shimingyue, but when I started writing, I found out that most of the plots were forgotten, so the next world will be a fate series temporarily, and Fairy Tail and Qin Shimingyue will be temporarily put in the back. Write when you're done.


the other direction.

"You don't need me to help you in this journey."

Wuchen looked at System Consciousness Linger speechlessly, always feeling that this guy was hitting him in disguise, "I don't have the ability to shred space now, and it is even more impossible for me to travel through other worlds."

"Someone will call you!"

Ling'er didn't say much, just smiled mysteriously, and then her body gradually turned into a halo and disappeared into a burst of light.

"My temperament hasn't changed at all... I like to sell things as much as before."

Wuchen shook his head, and then sat down bored. Unexpectedly, before he could rest for a minute, he felt an inexplicable force falling on his head.


The void burst, and a deep black hole appeared above the head, deep and dark, and on the other side, connected to the bottomless cosmic space.

"What is this... It doesn't seem to be a space tunnel."

Wuchen frowned, and after passing through several times, he also had a new understanding of space tunnels. He was not very familiar with it, but he also knew something. The bottomless black hole in front of him was obviously not a space tunnel, but an inexplicable contract.

"Is this what Ling'er said? I seem to feel that something is calling me." Wuchen was dazed, feeling the pulling force of the black holes on both sides, and after the last hesitation, he took the initiative to jump in.

He can also hear weird spells!


"Master and Servant? What the hell is that? It sounds familiar."

In the unfamiliar dark space, Wuchen thought to himself. Before entering the black hole, he heard strange words like Master and Servant.


In the dead silent space, a bright light suddenly swept across, and Wuchen cast his eyes on it. After carefully feeling the special energy fluctuation for a while, and realizing that it was not a trap, he finally got into it without hesitation.

"How is this possible? The Holy Grail War is just a fight between seven Masters and seven Servants. Why is there an eighth Master and an eighth Servant now? This is absolutely impossible!"

As soon as he came to the unfamiliar world, there was a shocked voice, and at the same time, Wuchen also understood where he came, and now he showed a knowing smile.

Wuchen opened his eyes subconsciously, and the three figures suddenly invaded his eyes.

"Emiya Kiritsugu? This scumbag is definitely not my Master."

Glancing at the middle-aged man, Wuchen's eyes fell on the two female figures next to him, one of them was a white woman, and the other was a little girl with blonde hair.

"Looks like King Arthur and Irisviel? It looks like my Master is her." His eyes fell on Irisviel's head, and Wuchen looked at the Command Spell in her hand.

"Cough... This lady, I am your Servant, and you are my Master." Wuchen said in a very serious tone, feeling helpless in his heart, he did not understand the so-called spell.

Moreover, the so-called Command Spell seems to be just a pretense, and it is impossible to control Wuchen at all.

"This lady?"

Hearing Wuchen's name, Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel felt speechless. Aren't all Heroic Spirits from ancient times?When did the ancients become so fashionable?

And what happened to Wuchen's clothes, a casual outfit and sneakers, the matching is quite reasonable, it looks very avant-garde, even more fashionable than the people in this society today, how can there be the slightest look of the ancients.

"This guy always feels weird."

Saber looked at the dust-free strangely, and he couldn't tell what was so strange.

"Forget it, our two Servants have an absolute advantage over other weak Masters."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!



Chapter 1674 The long handsome servant does not need a holy relic to summon [the third]

Saber was beaming with joy, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Although I don't know how the eighth Master and Servant will appear, the advantages must outweigh the disadvantages. After all, Emiya Kiritsugu is Irisviel's husband, so there is no doubt that Wuchen must also be an ally in the trenches. The odds are much higher.

"It's strange, what kind of [Holy Relic] did you use to summon this guy?" Emiya Kiritsugu frowned and asked thoughtfully after staring at Wuchen for a while.

"You mean holy relic?"

Irisviel couldn't help laughing bitterly when she heard this. The ghost who came out of Wuchen knew that she didn't even recite the spell, nor did she prepare for the magic circle or anything, but a command spell appeared in her hand inexplicably, and the mysterious visitor Wuchen also didn't know. Appeared as a Servant.

"Holy relic..."

Wuchen actually had a headache, looking at Emiya Kiritsugu's inquiring eyes, he was speechless for a while, then he waved his hand and said impatiently: "The handsome Servant doesn't need holy relics!"


All three were stunned, staring at Wuchen in stunned eyes. It was the first time they had encountered such a wonderful heroic spirit.

"Is this guy missing a string in his head? Or is there something wrong with the summoning ceremony?" Saber complained, dissatisfied with Wuchen, isn't this ironic that the Servants who need to be summoned are ugly!

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