"Give it to me."

The corners of his mouth swept a three-point arc, and Wuchen chuckled lightly: "As long as these islands are all sunk, then neither the Master nor the Servant will survive."


The voice fell, and a high-density energy ball appeared at the front of the dust-free thumb. Due to the excessive force, the surrounding void was twisted and collapsed arbitrarily.

"No one was allowed to order you to release the Noble Phantasm?!" Emiya Kiritsugu shouted angrily.


Wuchen heard the words and glanced at Emiya Kiritsugu lightly, and said coldly: "If this kind of thing is considered a Noble Phantasm, then I have too many Noble Phantasms!"

"Wang Xu's flash!"


With a flick of the finger, the energy ball popped out and flew straight to the scattered islands on the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

The calm sea trembled, splashing waves dozens of meters high, and then those scattered islands were removed very simply...


Looking at the exaggerated coverage, Saber couldn't help but be a little stunned. Such a large distance will raze all the islands hundreds of meters away, and the power is self-evident.

"No matter what, as long as there are enemy Masters and Servants on this island, they will surely die!" Wuchen told the story as if in the breeze, as if he had made a small piece of water for eating and drinking, which was unbelievably calm.


Emiya Kiritsugu, who had recovered his senses, was furious, and he locked the dust-free flames with fire, always feeling that this guy was always going against him.

"You sink all the islands, what am I going to do!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's face was full of bitterness. Wuchen's flying ability can carry up to three people, so he will stay, and now the island is sinking, which makes him feel bad.

"That's your business, Mr. Master." Wuchen showed a harmless smile. To be honest, he was deliberately harassing Emiya Kiritsugu!

"Goodbye, Emiya Kiritsugu, let's go swimming and go to Higashigi City."

With a chuckle, the gravitational force covering Emiya Kiritsugu's body was completely eliminated.


A dark shadow fell straight into the sea.

"Is it really okay for the Master like this? It would be dangerous to be attacked by other Servants." Saber asked anxiously, glaring at Wuchen, and then looked at Irisviel.

"It doesn't matter, since Kiritsugu let us leave first, then he has other ways to rush to Dongmu City, everyone must believe him."

Irisviel did not have much emotional fluctuations, and explained with a smile: "I believe Kiritsugu, he will definitely be able to get through this difficulty."

"Master, your relationship is really deep, and you are envious of others."

Wuchen made a jealous expression, and then pointed to the sea below: "Maybe you didn't find it, but I, who have special abilities, happened to find that Emiya Kiritsugu was being chased by a group of sharks..."


Eastwood City.

In some obscure and unknown room, two middle-aged men were talking, one was dressed as a middle-aged priest, and the other was Tosaka Tokiomi, who was dressed in a red suit with an elegant and calm demeanor.

"Kirei, have you found the trace of the eighth Heroic Spirit?" Tokiomi Tosaka looked at the man in front of him expectantly.

"I found it, this is the video of that guy. My Assassin attacked him at that time." Kotomine Kirei handed over the saved video to Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"Did that guy find Assassin?" Tokiomi Tosaka asked calmly while staring at the video with interest.

"It doesn't seem to be. Assassin is good at assassination, and the eighth Heroic Spirit didn't find him." Kotomine Kirei said truthfully.

"Really? It seems to be a trivial character, don't worry." Tokiomi Tosaka breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and labeled Wuchen as a bargain.

"its not right…"

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, Tosaka Tokiomi frowned and asked, "Since he didn't find Assassin, why was Assassin killed by others?"


Kotomine Kirei reluctantly replied, "Although Assassin was not discovered, that guy seemed to be provoked. He used the Noble Phantasm to kill all the islands, and Assassin was also instantly killed. All the islands were sunk by him at that time."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward Jiageng, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!

Chapter 1677 Provoking Discord [Second More]

"That is to say, he vented his anger and used the Noble Phantasm to smash all the islands. The power seems to be good, and it seems that he is also a powerful Heroic Spirit, but...after all, he is a mindless idiot."

Tohsaka Tokiomi was dumbfounded. It was the first time he had met and heard of such a willful heroic spirit, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. The more heroic spirits of this kind are sometimes easier to deal with, an IQ index report shows that the strength of Strong characters are the trickiest.

"It's good to be impulsive."

Then Tohsaka Tokiomi laughed relievedly, and said in a tone that was not fearful: "Don't worry, this kind of powerful stunned young hero is nothing to be afraid of."

"The kind of poisonous snake that knows how to forbear and hide in the dark is the most terrifying!" Tokiomi Tosaka smiled gracefully, pouring himself a glass of red wine with joy, fortunately Wuchen is a big idiot who doesn't know how to advance or retreat. !


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