Sora nodded obediently, and then knelt down on her knees, her soft hands rubbing her dust-free legs rhythmically.

"Bang bang bang! Poo chi! Poo chi! Poo chi!"

Several violent gunshots came suddenly, and then Sora stopped, and then fell to the ground with a "pop", and there was still the smell of gunpowder in the air.


Wuchen opened her closed eyes and looked at Sola, her body was dripping with blood, her abdomen was also blurred, and the finger-sized wound was clearly visible.

"A heroic spirit will enjoy..."

Two figures came out of the dark corner and looked sideways. It was Emiya Kiritsugu, who was wearing black clothes, and his assistant, Maiya Kuu.

"It's a scourge to keep her."

Glancing at Sora, who was unwilling to die, Emiya Kiritsugu said blankly, "If you want to hold grudges, you can only resent yourself for being Kenneth's fiancée."

"Do you think you can hide your ridiculous tricks from my eyes? Emiya Kiritsugu."

Raising his eyelids, staring at Emiya Kiritsugu's cold face, Wuchen sneered coldly: "Even if she's not Kenneth's fiancée, you won't let her go..."

A person who has been distorted by the so-called "partner of justice" will never care how many sacrifices he has to sacrifice in order to achieve his goals. Anyway, in the eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu, these are all necessary sacrifices.


At the same time, mournful crying came and swept away from where it sounded. It was Lancer and Kenneth.

"Damn Emiya Kiritsugu, Sora didn't participate in this war, why did she kill her!" Kenneth asked with red eyes, like a gambler who lost everything.

"Don't think I don't know, although you signed a contract with Lancer, the magic power that maintains Lacner is provided by this woman, and she can only blame her for it."

Looking at Kenneth's hateful eyes, Emiya Kiritsugu answered frankly.

"Lacner, leave that heroic spirit to you to deal with, and kill these unsightly guys for me!" Kenneth roared madly, and handed it over to Lacner. He himself rushed towards Emiya Kiritsugu, wishing to die with him.

"You will definitely complete your mission, Your Majesty."

Lancer is also staring at Wuchen unkindly, and sometimes an astonishing hostility flashes through his eyes.

"Come here Lancer, this is your last performance, try to dance, don't disappoint." Sitting on the chair, Wuchen smiled, leaning on his chin in his right hand, looking at Lancer with an expression of anticipation.

"as you wish!"

Lancer's eyes froze, staring at Wuchen for a while, then turned into a straight black shadow and swooped down, while Emiya Kiritsugu and Kenneth scuffled.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1691 Killing Lancer (End) [Second]

Intensive cold light came oncoming at an extremely fast speed. In just a few seconds, Lancer, who waved his Noble Phantasm, stabbed hundreds of times.

But sadly, Wuchen is like omniscience and omnipotence, able to avoid deadly attacks every time.

"God is merciless."

The body suddenly floated, and Wuchen took the initiative to communicate with Lancer.

"Don't say inexplicable words, just let the horse come over." Holding a crimson spear, Lancer's eyes were as deep as an abyss, and he couldn't see the depth clearly.

"Unexplainable? Don't you think fate is cruel! Let the perfect me meet you, who is full of flaws, God is really cruel and ruthless!" Wuchen sighed extremely narcissistically, and looked at Lancer's eyes, full of pity.

"Too deceiving!"

Hearing this, the long spear Lancer was holding swung out again, and the sharp edge of the spear tip only rushed towards Wuchen's head.


A bright golden light swept all over his body, and Wuchen did not hesitate to use his specialty.


The long spear with cold light pierces through the dust-free head fiercely, and the eyebrows are penetrated, but the strange thing is that there is no blood overflowing from the wound, and the touch is extremely strange, giving people the feeling that it is more like hitting the air.

"What kind of heroic spirit is this guy?"

Lancer hurriedly pulled out the Noble Phantasm that had penetrated into the dust-free head. In just an instant, the pierced wound was repaired at the speed of light, and the turbulent appearance was obviously nothing.

Staring cautiously at Wuchen, those bottomless eyes are as terrifying as the abyss.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Grabbing it out of thin air, a strong gravitational force erupted, an invisible force distorted the surrounding environment, the location of the gravitational wave, the laws of physics lost their effect of existence, and all objects floated up.

Including Lancer as well.

"Get over here!"

With a loud shout, the chakra output in Wuchen's body increased several times, and Lancer, who could barely struggle, lost his body's dominance in an instant.

"court death!"

Lancer's face was fierce, and he didn't resist at all, using the inertia of gravity to pounce on Wuchen.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

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