Jiuyu Maimi's eyes were wrinkled, and her light tone carried a sense of relief, "You don't have to bear anything when you live, as long as you feel happy, it's enough. The person who can decide your destiny is often yourself. This is dust-free. That guy said it."


Emiya Kiritsugu was dumbfounded. Does Nima need to be so rude, why can a heroic spirit inadvertently turn against his best friend who has followed him for many years?It's just too stupid!

"What is the charm of that kid..."

Emiya Kiritsugu's vicissitudes face was filled with other emotions - jealousy.

"Don't listen to Wuchen's nonsense, he is just a heroic spirit, what is there to say about a dead person! Maiya, don't be deceived by him."

Emiya Kiritsugu nervously explained that the young woman in front of him was his spiritual food. If Kuu Maiya betrayed him, thinking about the consequences for a moment, Emiya Kiritsugu would break out in cold sweat.

Since the appearance of the broom star Wuchen, his former best friend, even his Sarvant, has become unreliable!


Inside the villa of the Einzbern family in Dongmu City.

"What should I eat tonight."

In the brightly lit luxury villa, Wuchen was rushing to the dining room for a dinner party. After the battle, his stomach was also "gurgling" in protest.

"Saber? Are you alone? Where's my Master [Irisviel]?"

After stepping into the restaurant, Wuchen swept around, only to find that Saber was the only one who was thirsty and swept the dazzling array of food at a speed that was eye-popping.

It's hard to imagine that such a petite girl has a more terrifying appetite than a strong man who has been hungry for more than ten days!

"It seems to be in another room, people from the church came before, and it seems that there is a task for Irisviel." Saebr's mouth was full of oil stains, and he seemed to sense his gaffe, and his pretty face couldn't help but turn red. .

"A notice from the church?"

Wuchen frowned when he heard the words, and questioned: "If it is the church, you can use the [Familiar] to pass, why do you come to the door uncharacteristically?"

"I can only ask Irisviel about this specific content, and I don't know what they are talking about. But before that, I want to thank you."

Saebr walked in front of Wuchen, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a sincere and restful smile, and then he bowed solemnly, "The curse on my arm has disappeared, you killed that guy Lancer, right?"

"No need to thank you, it's just a trivial matter, and everyone will not owe each other in the future."

Wuchen didn't care much when he heard the words. He had a good impression of Saber, not to mention that the reason why Saebr was injured before was the consequence of his carelessness.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

At the same time, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the corridor. Looking up, the straight and flawless face and the straight white hair first invaded the pupil.

Looking closely, it was Irisviel.

"The Church of the Holy Church asks us to immediately stop the Holy Grail War and temporarily rob Csater." Irisviel whispered, "You can get a Command Spell after completing the task."

"It's absolutely impossible to stop what should happen."

Wuchen sighed with emotion, and then asked curiously: "I heard that the person who came to inform seems to be someone from the church, is that guy Kotomine Kirei? During the battle a while ago, his Assassin was killed. I remember applying for church protection."

"It's not Kotomine Kirei, but the person who came to inform this time has a lot to do with him." Irisviel shook her head and gave an unexpected answer, "The person who came here is his father— - Kotomine Rizheng."

"I heard Kiritsugu say that that guy seems to be the supervisor of the Holy Grail War." Saber nodded slightly, without doubting, and explained to himself: "Since it was sent in the name of the church, there must be no shady secrets about this mission. , it is estimated that all Masters will participate, even if they can't get the Command Spell, they don't want the enemy to get the Command Spell."

"Supervisor? Are you talking about the old man Kotomine Risei? Actually, he and Tosaka Tokiomi already wore a pair of pants."

Wuchen curled his lips when he heard the words, and said disdainfully, "That guy and Tokiomi Tosaka are in a mess, and the supervisor is even more ridiculous, Kotomine Kirei, the son of Kotomine Risei, participated in this Holy Grail War, and all fairness has become It's not fair!"

"and also……"

His face fell deadly, and Wuchen sneered in his heart: "That old guy has a bunch of Command Spells, give it to whoever he wants, it's also a big scourge, so let me just kill him."

Since the word fairness has lost its meaning, then the supervisor Kotomine Rizheng has also lost the meaning of existence.

In the dead of night, Wuchen's clone secretly sneaked into the church, secretly killed Kotomine Risei, and even Kotomine Kirei was present, but he was helpless in the face of Wuchen.

He could only stare helplessly.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1694 Empty Gloves White Wolf [First More]

"Bang bang bang!"

From Tosaka Tokiomi's house, there were several crisp sounds.Tosaka Tokiomi lost his usual calmness, and his face was hideous, and he even broke some delicate porcelain in anger.

Looking at the debris all over the ground, even so, the raging flames in Tohsaka Tokiomi's eyes were still burning, and he couldn't bear the anger in his heart!

Yanfeng Lizheng is actually dead!

This sudden news hit Tosaka Tokiomi a lot, and Kotomine Li was one of his important allies. With his special relationship with the church, he could also cheat in various ways, but now...

All in all, Tohsaka Tokiomi is very angry now!


The old-fashioned, mood-free voice invaded the ears, Tokiomi Tosaka immediately changed his face when he heard the words. As a noble magician, he must always pay attention to elegance!

"Kirei? I'm deeply saddened by the death of my father." Tokiomi Tosaka showed an expression of pain and sorrow, very painful, after all, he was his vital ally, and it was normal to be sad when he died.

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