"Strange, I remember that the two of them left Dongmu City."

Wuchen murmured to himself, his lips squirming, and when he was about to speak, Tosaka Tokiomi's old and desperate voice rang first.


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Chapter 1698 Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Aoi [fifth more]

"I'm sorry, Miss Irisviel, it's my rudeness to let you see me so embarrassed."

Tosaka Tokiomi's tone was very subtle, and even because of the distance, it fell into Irisviel's ears vaguely, and he didn't understand the specific meaning clearly.

"Patriarch Tohsaka has something to do, but it's okay to say it."

Irisviel took a few steps forward with confidence and took the initiative to approach Tosaka Tokiomi, who was about to die. Wuchen and Saber were both here, and she didn't have to be afraid of Tosaka Tokiomi's conspiracy.

"I want to entrust their mother and daughter to your Einzbern family to take care of."

Weary eyes glanced at Tohsaka Aoi, and the tearful Tohsaka Rin, Tohsaka Tokiomi bowed his head ashamed, and immediately showed an apologetic expression, blaming himself: "I won't hold grudges against others until now. I can only blame myself for being blind. I don't care if I die, but I don't want to hurt Aoi and Rin."

"You know that you have no eyes?"

Wuchen heard the words humming, full of ridicule and disdain, this guy is too self-righteous, thinking that he controls the master who has calculated everything, so he will be killed by himself in the end.

"Watch your tone, I won't allow you to look down on my father!"

The girl with ponytails and emerald eyes suddenly flashed in front of Wuchen, her eyes locked on him with indignation, and she shook her fists extremely demonstratively, as if I would hit you if she dared to talk nonsense.

"This little girl's film..."

Seeing this, Wuchen can only roll his eyes. If other heroic spirits are provocative, they can beat the other party to relieve their anger, but if the object is a little girl less than ten years old...

"Rin, shut up. He's right, this Holy Grail War, it's true that I was so complacent that I ignored the dangerous people lurking around me."

Tohsaka Tokiomi waved his hand with the last of his strength, and then looked at Irisviel with hopeful eyes, "The Tohsaka family will withdraw from this Holy Grail War, I hope you can take care of their mother and daughter for me."

"This one……"

Hearing this, Irisviel hesitated for a moment, looking at Tokiomi Tosaka's eager eyes, she couldn't help showing pity, she couldn't bear it, and finally gritted her teeth: "Okay, I promise your choice!"

"In this way, I can die with peace of mind." Hearing this, Tokiomi Tosaka smiled and finally closed his cloudy eyes with satisfaction.

"It's really a farce, but Tosaka Tokiomi is a bit conscientious, at least better than Emiya Kiritsugu's scum who uses his wife as bait."

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head with emotion. He also vaguely understood Tokiomi's plan in his heart, and his impression of him changed a little.

Nothing is absolute. If Kotomine Kirei kills Tohsaka Tokiomi, what if he attacks Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin again?This kind of thing is not impossible, Kotomine Kirei's unpredictable moody person, no one knows what he will do.Tohsaka Tokiomi can take precautions and entrust his family to Irisviel. It is normal that he can use this line to protect San, and their Tohsaka family has withdrawn from this Holy Grail War, so there is no threat to the Einzbern family.

"I can't get the Command Spell, it's probably all taken away by that kid Kotomine Kirei, let's go back."

After about a few hours, Wuchen and others came out of the Tohsaka family. During the period, a funeral was held for Tohsaka Tokiomi. Irisviel also took the initiative to comfort Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin. Pretty poor.

On the bustling street, the car that Wuchen and his party took was parked in front of a supermarket. Irisviel said that he would help Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Aoi to buy some basic household utensils.

"There's so much to do with women, it's always like this."

Sitting bored in the car, Wuchen's casual words attracted three hostile gazes. When he turned his head, he saw Saber, Tohsaka Aoi, and Tohsaka Rin.

"Cough, cough... I made a slip of the tongue!"

Wuchen immediately apologized after scolding badly.Under the same roof, you can offend a strong man, but never offend a woman!

"You wait first, I'll go see why Irisviel is so slow, really, just buy some household utensils, does it take so long."

While Wuchen complained, he got out of the car on the other, and just as he was about to close the door, an unexpected figure caught him.

A red-skinned strong man stretched out his hand and grabbed the dust-free shoulder, his rough face was full of heroic smiles, and he shook the huge wine barrel on his other hand and laughed: "Isn't this the eighth heroic spirit? Let's have a bar together! I also invited the guy Jin Shining before, the banquet between kings is not free to participate in, do you want to come together!"

This person is Rider, the King of Conqueror Iskandar, and his Master is Webber Velvet.

However, Wuchen just glanced at him feeling bored, and said in a sullen mood: "I'm sorry, I'm just an out-and-out layman, and I'm not interested in the so-called king's banquet."

"Ah ah ah, don't be so ruthless to refuse, even if you are not interested in participating, I remember that your ally Saber is still a famous [Knight King], this kind of thing, she should be interested."

Regardless of the dust-free situation, Rider looked at Saber in the car.

"Knight King, what do you think? Don't you want to talk to other kings about the way of kingship?" Rider asked expectantly as he got into the car with a rough face.

"I'm sorry Conqueror King, my attitude towards this kind of thing is the same as Wuchen."

Saber also shook his head and refused to participate in the banquet of kings.


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Chapter 1699 The King's Feast [First More]

"Ahhh...that's a real headache."

Seeing that neither Wuchen nor Saber was interested, Rider sighed in disappointment, drooping his head, looking rather disappointed and depressed.

"Come on, Rider, don't think everyone is as boring as you!"

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