"This has nothing to do with you. Entering 'Xiao', there is no rule that even the personal affairs of the past must be reported."

Glancing at the doubtful Xiao Nan, Wuchen withdrew his gaze, turned and walked away, leaving Xiao Nan alone.

The mysterious person in Xiaonan's mouth is naturally the original Uchiha Madara, perhaps not the old guy Uchiha Madara who is clean, maybe Xiaonan and Uzumaki Nagato, and the three including Yahiko have been ruthlessly beheaded for many years. .

"The strength is strong and the heart is so stingy."

Xiao Nan looked at the leaving Wuchen angrily, cast a big white eye, and immediately followed Wuchen up. She and Wuchen are now a combination of "God Envoys", and naturally they want to perform tasks together.


On the top of the mountain, three looming figures flickered and appeared, staring at the huge village in front of them. Behind them was a strong cold wind whistling past, accompanied by countless sand and dust, like a sandstorm, blowing their robes. of.

"Too slow, no dust."

Chisha Scorpion turned his head and looked at Wuchen who had just arrived in dissatisfaction. His voice was displeased. He was the most annoying kind of person who made him boring and wasting time.

"Feel sorry."

Shrugging, Wuchen's face was helpless, quite embarrassed, and he said apologetically to the Scorpion of Red Sand, as well as Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark and Itachi Uchiha.

He and Xiaonan belonged to the last wave of departure. Originally, he wanted to take Xiaonan to go faster, but she firmly disagreed, and Wuchen followed her on the road afterward, which only took a few hours.

"It's really a nasty place with bad weather."

The dried persimmon ghost shark looked around and frowned slightly after seeing the boundless sandstorm. Maybe he was born a shark and liked water, which was particularly inappropriate for the dry environment in Yanyin Village, and it was difficult to get used to.


Uchiha Itachi nodded when he heard the words, the climate in Yanyin Village was indeed unreasonable, and then he looked at Wuchen secretly with his bland eyes, faint ripples appeared in his pupils, he closed his eyes again, and began to take care of himself. Eyes, mind activated.

The feeling that Wuchen gave him was not that kind of simple danger, it was like an abyss beast lurking in the deep sea. Although it seemed that if you didn't provoke him, it would not attack you actively. It was very warm and gentle, but there was no one. Knowing when this giant beast with a big mouth will attack you secretly, when the teeth full of fangs are opened, it may be the time when life and death are completely eliminated!

This kind of person is often the most dangerous. If you don't move, you will be sure of everything. In other words, Wuchen is the kind of person who carefully sails the ship for ten thousand years, and will not take any risks at will.

While several people were contemplating, Xiao Nan finally arrived late.

"Hmph, the so-called 'group of gods' is nothing more than a little."

Seeing Xiaonan coming, the scorpion of the red sand immediately sneered, and because of Xiaonan and Wuchen, the three of them suffered from the sand attack for several hours in vain.

"Okay, let's find that kid."

Wuchen chuckled, although he didn't care about this so-called "God Envoy" combination, but Xiao Nan, who was beside him with a livid face, didn't think so.

Perhaps in Xiao Nan's view, this is the red sand scorpion challenging the authority of the former Payne.

"Go find Deidara first, as for other insignificant matters, we will talk about it later."

Seeing that Xiaonan and the Chisha Scorpion had signs of fighting, the dust-free exit blocked the road, and at the same time a golden luster swept across his body, like a divine rainbow piercing the void, roaring straight towards the giant village ahead, and in the blink of an eye, lost track.

"It's still such a terrifying speed, it hasn't changed at all."

Looking at the golden rainbow that slashed open the sky, the secretary gave a self-deprecating smile, and suddenly recalled that Wuchen had defeated him and Terumi Mei with the power of destroying the dead. The shark's face was extraordinarily complicated.

"Have you ever fought against him, ghost shark."

Uchiha Itachi asked curiously, and at the same time attracted the idea of ​​Chisha Scorpion and Xiaonan, because the strength of the dried persimmon ghost is obvious to all, known as a human-shaped tailed beast-like existence.

Hearing that, the bitterness on the dry persimmon shark's face was even more obvious, and he spread out his hands, his face full of entanglement and helplessness.

"It's not just a fight, if he hadn't deliberately released water, I would have died many years ago."

Chapter 181 Deidara [Various Requests]

The dry persimmon ghost shark sighed with emotion on his face. If it wasn't for Wuchen to keep his hands, he would have been wandering in the world, let alone joining the "Xiao" organization like this.

The huge fist was clenched tightly, but in the end, he couldn't help but give it away. The self-mockery on his thick face became clearer, and he subconsciously touched the scar on his face. Although it had completely disappeared after many years, it still remained. some traces.

It is precisely because of this that the dried persimmon ghost shark trains himself more frantically, dreaming that one day even if he can't surpass Wuchen, he will at least have a battle with him. Now it seems that the gap at the beginning is not only no Shrinking, but invisibly expanding a lot.

"Sure enough, that man is as dangerous and mysterious as the masked man."

When Uchiha Itachi heard the words, there were stormy waves in his eyes, his face became unnatural, and his expression was abnormally heavy. He naturally knew how strong the dry persimmon ghost shark was. It was self-evident that he could beat him with the dust-free strength, even if it was himself. In the face of Wuchen, I am afraid it is like a stone entering the sea, and it cannot splash much ripples.

"What the hell did that guy do in the years after his death..."

Looking up slightly, looking at the straight beam of light that has not dissipated in the sky, Uchiha Itachi lowered his head and thought, he really couldn't figure out what Wuchen was planning a few years ago.

But one thing is worth affirming, in the years when Wuchen Secret disappeared, he was definitely doing secret things that no one knew about.

"My so-called big brother, what are you doing and what are your plans?"

Putting down his uneasy heart, Uchiha Itachi was more obsessed with Wuchen than before, his eyes ignored the void in front of him, and then disappeared, and swept in the direction of Wuchen's disappearance.

"If I could turn them brothers into my eternal works of art..."

Seeing that Uchiha Wuchen and Uchiha Itachi disappeared one after another, and Xiaonan and the dried persimmon ghost shark also disappeared. Only the red sand scorpion with shining eyes stayed quietly. He had seen the strength of Wuchen and Itachi with his own eyes. If you make a puppet, your combat power will definitely be doubled.

When the heart is hot ~ hot, the fiery look of the red sand scorpion suddenly becomes rigid, and the heart is also cold. A Uchiha Itachi is a very difficult and tough opponent. If you add dustless...

For some reason, the Red Sand Scorpion suddenly felt that if these two brothers were willing to cooperate with each other, the whole world would belong to them!


In the empty lobby, you can clearly see countless iron giants with ghost eyes and fangs. Their faces are ferocious and terrifying, as terrifying as a demon, giving people the feeling that they are demons from hell.

The five figures stood side by side, and Wuchen, who arrived early, stood in the middle, as if waiting quietly for someone to come, and they all began to close their eyes and rest, wandering in the emptiness.

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