Wuchen heard the words and answered, stood up and stretched, and said a few times: "Wise people can't talk about it, in the final analysis, they just lived a little longer than you."

"I'm a little tired, I went back to wash and sleep, and I said goodbye."

The voice fell, and Wuchen did not give a few people a chance to react. The body gradually lost its texture and turned into a streamer of light in the sky, like countless fireflies flickering, and disappeared in the eyes of the three people in an instant.

"What an unfathomable guy."

The King of Heroes and the King of Conqueror Lu were stunned, and after carefully feeling and realizing it, he still shook his head, obviously there was no magic power at all, obviously a scum with a combat power close to 5, but Nima was surprisingly powerful, and all the heroic spirits that he fought should not be disregarded, All the Heroic Spirits killed so far are innocent.

"Thank you, Wuchen..."

She glanced gratefully at the direction of Wuchen's disappearance. Saber bowed slightly to thank her. She was originally beaten by the heroic king and conqueror king who sang and sang, and even appeared hesitant. The hand, even though it was only a trivial sentence, allowed Saber to find the confidence to gain a foothold from the confusion.

"Ah ah ah... A group of little brats who haven't grown up, talking about ridiculous royal ways in front of me, should you say you are naive or ignorant?"

In the brightly lit corridor, even in the dead of night, it is still radiant, and the corridor is covered with straight murals, which is indescribably elegant.Anyway, a local rich family like Einzbern is not short of money. To use the next popular saying - Laozi has a lot of money!


Just opened the door of his room, and when Wuchen was about to turn on the light to take a bath, he found strangely that all the chandeliers in the room were on. Not only that, but when he walked into the bedroom, he saw that there were two more on his bedding. silhouette.

"This is..."

Wuchen was suddenly dumbfounded. The addition of two uninvited guests in the room is not the most strange thing. The most strange situation is that these two figures are not wearing clothes, and their delicate and flawless skin is exposed. .

"The pervert/wolf, get out of here!"

The atmosphere was immersed for a few seconds, and then a few pillows slammed unceremoniously... Looking closely, the two turned out to be Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Aoi.


With a snap of his fingers, he shot a spiritual pressure, tearing up all the pillows that came in.

After taking a closer look at the furnishings in the room, Wuchen confirmed that he did not go through the wrong door, and said angrily: "It is my room, no doubt, the one you slept in is also my bedroom, no doubt that the intruder is both of you, How the pervert/wolf has become me!"

"Don't you understand? There are no extra rooms in this castle for us to use, so your room has been requisitioned, and the mere heroic spirit should be honored." Tohsaka Rin and her mother hid under the bedding blushing.


Wuchen looked at the arrogant Tohsaka Rin without a word, this stupid explanation is too far-fetched, the Einzbern family is a local tyrant. do not have it?

"Well, I'm really sorry, Mr. Heroic Spirit, it would be presumptuous to interrupt me rashly. Miss Irisviel arranged me and Rin here. Your Excellency is dissatisfied, and Rin and I can leave."

The gentle and virtuous Tohsaka Aoi tells the reason.

"Uh... It's not necessary. You all sleep here for the time being. I'll just ask the Master if there are other bedrooms. Good night."

Wuchen turned around and closed the door, then walked to Irisviel's room. Unexpectedly, just after opening the door, she saw that she was arguing with Emiya Kiritsugu. Both of them were blushing and their necks were thick, and they were obviously angry.

"It's really strange that they both quarrel?" Wuchen's face was full of weirdness. In my impression, the couple had always been the type of glue and honey, and the quarrel was unprecedented.

"I have something to do, go first, take care." Seeing Wuchen appear, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was unhappy and depressed, left.

"Irisviel, you guys..."

When Wuchen came to his mouth, he stopped again. After all, it was a matter of other people's husband and wife, and he was not qualified to intervene as an outsider.

"Do you want to ask about Aoi and Rin? I'm sorry Wuchen, but I allowed it." Bright eyes understood Wuchen's intention, and Irisviel explained with a desolate expression.

"Really." Wuchen nodded slightly and couldn't help but say, "Then where is my new room?"

"No, there is no new room, I just let you sleep together on purpose."

Irisviel shook her head, and then showed a meaningful smile, her face was very pale, and the smile looked more like a forced smile, "I know why you want to ask, but this matter is very special, so I can only feel wronged temporarily. is you."


Wuchen smiled bitterly, even if it was special, he couldn't betray his teammates, even if there was a reason!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! !


Chapter 1702 You must bear the blame [fourth more]


Looking at the aggrieved Wuchen, the resentment on Irisviel's face was also swept away, and a sincere smile appeared on her jade-like face.

"what's so funny."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and asked, always feeling that this guy was schadenfreude.


Irisviel frowned and sighed softly. Her jade face, which was shattered by bullets, gradually lost its luster, and she said heartbroken: "Kiritsu wants to kill their mother and daughter, I can't bear it, so the two of us inevitably quarreled. stand up."

"Kill them both? Do you mean Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Kiritsugu seems to be a righteous partner, is there no reason? He doesn't seem to kill innocent people indiscriminately, are you mistaken?"

Wuchen frowned, although he was ruthless, as long as those who did not resist and restrained their interests, they might as well let their opponents go.

"Of course there is a reason. Although what Kiritsugu said has some truth, since I have already promised Tokiomi Tohsaka, if I hurt them both again, it will be difficult for me to accept it!"

"Irisviel...you didn't do anything wrong." Wuchen smiled and encouraged loudly: "You are right! Remember that you are a human being with flesh and blood, not created according to Emiya Kiritsugu's plan. The puppet that comes out does not need to obey his will."

"In other words, do you agree with my approach?" Irisviel reined in her disappointment and showed a cheerful smile.

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