Looking up at the sky, there is an elusive smile on the dust-free face.

Looking up, I saw lightning flashes and thunders in the void, dark clouds rolled, and the sounds of beasts resounded through the starry sky like thunder, spreading to the end of the world, and a majestic king descended like a king who dominated the world.

"The movement in the brain is really scary enough..."

Wherever the King of Conqueror's "Shenwei Wheel" went, lightning roared, and the thick lightning resounded unscrupulously, with the momentum of destroying the world.


Immediately afterwards, the smile on Wuchen's face subsided, and he muttered to himself: "Although the flowers are pragmatic and the ending is a bit monotonous, I can also find some good fun..."

"So it's you, the eighth heroic spirit..."

"Boom boom boom!"

The King of Conqueror's "Shenwei Wheel" landed, producing a huge roar, drawing a scorched gully on the ground and stopping not far in front of Wuchen.

"Go all out to conquer the fifth, this will be the last battle, don't let the performance disappoint you." The light flashed in Wuchen's hand, and a golden sword took shape in an instant.

"Hahaha... I can't ask for it." The King of Conqueror laughed when he saw this, glanced at Webberville Witt, and motioned him to get out of the car and leave here.

Webberville Werther glanced at the King of Conqueror worriedly, and finally hesitated for a while, but left the wheel of Shenwei wisely, after all, he was just a burden and a burden.

"You shouldn't shoot at this guy, right?" Pointing at Webberville Witt, the King of Conqueror asked in a deep voice.

"Don't compare me to Emiya Kiritsugu, the master who kills the enemy? It's ridiculous, only Emiya Kiritsugu, who fears the enemy, can be so despicable!"

Wuchen snorted coldly, and there was endless ridicule and disdain in his words.He scoffed at Emiya Kiritsugu's approach, assassinated his opponent's Master, and forced Sarvant to surrender. This is a trick that Emiya Kiritsugu is good at. For example, Lancer in the original book was killed by Emiya Kiritsugu so much. His Master Captured, Lancer was ordered to commit suicide.

"Before the fight begins, with all due respect, I have one last question to ask you... If you keep your mouth shut, this king will not be able to rest his eyes."

The King of Conqueror stared at Wuchen with lowered eyes, not daring to underestimate the thin body, he asked in a deep voice, "You seem to have more Noble Phantasms than Archer, and the lightsaber in your hand is at least as well. An A+ level..."

"My last question is... who the hell are you?!"

The curious Conqueror King could not help but ask with anticipation, it doesn't matter if he loses, but if he dies, he doesn't know who killed him, it's too tragic.

"This guy has no idea what curiosity killed the cat."

Suddenly remembering the famous words of the previous life, Wuchen's eyes became complicated and vicissitudes, and his thoughts were reversed. He has lived for hundreds of years, and he has been put on too many names.

"King of Conqueror, it's just a name, is it necessary to be so persistent? Even if you know it, it doesn't make sense."

Wuchen murmured, how good it is for everyone to gather together, and to ask for a name after death, boring!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 1717 I'm not a heroic spirit, if you can, treat me as a god! 【Fourth more】

"It doesn't make sense? No! It makes a lot of sense!"

This question not only confuses the King of Conqueror, but also makes Sarvant and the Master puzzled. The existence of dust-free is too weird and evil, beyond everyone's understanding. This guy obviously has no magic power to use. But the strength is shocking everyone's attention.

Even some boring people have spent a lot of time searching through all the historical myths and stories, but have not found a hero who matches Wuchen. For example, Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Tokiomi have done this, but both No strong hero found suitable for dust-free status.

"Who is this guy... Maybe only God knows."

Not only was Rider's Conqueror King Iskandar puzzled, but his Master, Webber Velvet, was also deeply puzzled.

Looking at the myths and stories all over the world, it seems that there is no one with the same ability as Wuchen. There is only Gilgamesh. Although he and Wuchen can also use the ability of "King's Treasure", anyone with a discerning eye can find that the so-called "Treasure of the King" can be used. The "Treasure of the King" is actually just one of Wuchen's many abilities.

"Really? Are you sure you want to know my past?"

He glanced at Rider Conqueror King Iskandar in surprise. His eyes were as terrifying as the abyss. He stared at the Conqueror King for a moment, and he said plainly: "Conqueror King, you have heard of Pandora. The story of the box?"

"Pandora's box?"

The King of Conqueror was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately looked at Wuchen in surprise, frowning and said, "Are you trying to say that you are also a monster in Pandora's ink cartridges!"

"You can understand that." Wuchen nodded, then smiled and said: "If you know that I have a long life, I am worried that your combat effectiveness will decline. When I fought a god before, she was like this. ....people who know my past, can't face me with all their strength..."

"This guy……"

When Webberville Witt heard the words, his brows froze deeply, and a clearly visible word "Chuan" was hard to hide, "This guy is just as unfathomable as a god."

"Hahahaha... Is your past enough to scare others away! Interesting!" The King of Conqueror laughed arrogantly when he heard this, and immediately stared at Wuchen: "That's interesting, I want to know about your past, not just me, That's why everyone wants to know about your past! That includes the guy Archer, I have already vaguely guessed his identity - the ancient king of Uruk, Gilgamesh known as the king of heroes!"

"What an ignorant man."

Wuchen sighed helplessly, and said softly and casually: "I don't have a fixed name. In past historical occasions, I was once feared as a god, and I was once feared as a devil. There are countless worlds that have been destroyed by my own hands, the gods I have killed are as many as crucian carp crossing the river, and there are many worlds created by me, if you don’t mind…”

"You can be your opponent....is a moody, boring god." In the end, Wuchen came to this conclusion for himself.

"Hehe... God? I already have this kind of awareness!"

King Conqueror was not surprised when he heard the words, but the doubts in his heart were relieved. Just as he said just now, when facing Wuchen, King Conqueror had already had the consciousness and determination to challenge God. The heroic spirits who fought each other regarded him as a super monster like a god.

"This is the best, since you don't attack, then I will bully the small."

Wuchen showed his awe-inspiring eyes, seeing the King of Conqueror motionless, as if he was preparing for something, Wuchen took the lead in turning into a flash of light and rushed towards the King of Conqueror.

In fact, the identity of a god is not a big deal. For example, the Archer hero king - Gilgamesh, this guy has two-thirds of the godhead, and he is half-human and half-god against the sky.

It's just that Gilgamesh is too far behind compared to the dust-free, who has spanned countless dimensions!

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