Da Siming imitated Zhang Liang's appearance, apologized and respectfully said with both hands: "Please take another step to speak, I have an important business to discuss."

"Important event?"

Hearing this, Fu Nian touched his chin and looked at Zhang Liang very strangely, not sure what he was talking about.


However, out of trust in Zhang Liang, Fu Nian didn't feel anything wrong. Usually everyone is like his own brothers. Although these days because of the farce of marriage, there are many estrangements between each other. The essence of learning from Confucianism is not Change.

What's more, Zhang Liang is also Fu Nian's junior brother.


Outside the mirage, the wind was howling and dancing wildly in the sky.

"The ovary... what's the secret?"

About [-] to [-] meters away from the cafeteria, Fu Nian said in a deep voice, "The two of us are sneaky, and we will inevitably be suspected by others at that time, so let's talk quickly."

"Ha ha..."

Zhang Liang laughed, but it was a world away from the one he laughed before, with a chill that he had never had before.

"You... ovary, where are you uncomfortable?"

Fu Nian frowned lightly when he saw this. Zhang Liang, who was in his mind, was as gentle as jade, but he was an uncompromising gentleman with extraordinary conversation, but he was not as terrifying as he is now.

"Senior brother, I'm really uncomfortable, and I still need a good medicine to treat my illness. And in this world, who can come up with this medicine, you are the only one, are you willing to save me?"

Zhang Liang asked calmly, and the fake "Ling Xu" hidden under the long sleeves has also been drawn out.

"What do you mean? There is such a strange disease in the world?" Fu Nian looked blank, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Senior brother, what is the disease, you can say it."


Hearing this, Zhang Liang's eyes narrowed suddenly, the cold light in the gloomy eyes turned into substantial murderous aura, and the long sword hidden under the sleeve also shot out.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Fu Nian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly backed away, but it was too late.


There was a blood hole in Fu Nian's abdomen in an instant, and the icy long sword accelerated to devour his vitality, and Fu Nian's face was pale and weak for a moment.

"You are not the ovary, who is it?!"

Fu Nian clenched his teeth tightly, bloodshot in his eye sockets, he felt strange just now, that murderous look in his eyes, and the ruthless temperament that regarded human life like a mustard, is definitely not something Zhang Liang can have.

"Is this important?"

Zhang Liang looked at him coldly, the tone that was exactly the same as Zhang Liang's, but also changed into a big commander.

"It's you!?"

Fu Nian's face changed suddenly, and he asked in a low voice, "The Yin-Yang family and the Confucian family have turned their battles into jade and silk. Why do you still want to attack me? Isn't Zichen married to your Yin-Yang family? They are all their own."

"Hehe, Zichen? My own person? It's ridiculous to be ignorant."

Having killed Fu Nian and completed the task given by Wuchen, Da Siming was in a particularly relaxed mood, and sneered: "When you are about to die, I might as well tell you that the so-called Zichen is Wuchen... and issued The one who killed your order was him."

"You bullshit!"

Hearing this, Fu Nian's mouth twitched suddenly, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out, "Zichen was brought into Confucianism by the ovary, how could he lead the wolf into the room! It is even more impossible to collude with rebellion."

"But this is the truth. You actually understand that Zhang Liang is just using the power of Confucianism to restore Korea. Why should he still deceive himself now?"

Zhang Liang, who was pretending to be the chief minister, continued to attack Fu Nian, who was in danger, and said, "You know better than anyone who Zhang Liang is."


Hearing this, Fu Nian laughed bitterly, just like what Da Si Ming said, he did know who Zhang Liang was, and the status of Confucianism was far inferior to that of South Korea in his heart, so Zhang Liang secretly colluded and rebelled, so as to lead the wolf into the room. .

"He has no reason to kill me, everything I do is for his own good." Fu Nian clenched his fists, puzzled, and didn't feel that he was sorry for Wuchen, and handed over the third master of Confucianism to him.


Da Siming looked at Fu Nian with disdain, and sneered: "You took advantage of Wuchen, how dare you say it's for his good? You just treat him as a prop for marriage with the Yin-Yang family, how have you ever experienced other people's feelings?"

"By the way, Yan Lu, who was missing from the Confucian school these days, was also killed by that guy!"

Da Si's words were astonishing, and his words instantly aroused Fu Nian's hatred. He gnashed his teeth and looked hostile. He wanted to swallow Zhang Liang alive. If it wasn't for him to lead the wolf into the room, how could Confucianism fall to the ground it is today?

"Even if you die, I will drag you to die with me!"

Fu Nian's eyes flickered with hatred, and he suddenly opened his voice and shouted: "Everyone, there are assassins!"

This huge roar, Fu Nian used his inner strength, and passed into everyone's ears, and all the guests who were eating in the cafeteria heard it clearly.

"Now you're done too!"

Fu Nian smiled gloomily, but Zhang Liang, who was pretending to be the chief minister, gave him a sword expressionlessly.


The heart was destroyed, Fu Nian's life was completely dry in an instant, and he fell to the ground covered in blood.

"Idiot, I wish you could call it that."

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