This seemingly slender young girl has a strange gleam in her eyes from time to time. She is Tian Meng's daughter, Tian Yan. Since Tian Meng was assassinated, she has inherited the position of Tian Menglie Mountain Hall's head.


Hearing this, Tian Hu was stunned for a moment, and his fiery temper was subdued, but he still had a gloomy and hostile expression on his face. If it wasn't because of Tian Meng's mourning hall, he would definitely continue to be angry.

"This is abrupt to me, but I also feel sorry for the death of my eldest brother. You can rest assured that this Zichen will be handled by me."

Tian Hu's eyes showed awe-inspiring murderous aura, and he really lived up to his name, like a tiger with a ferocious temperament.

"Miss, don't be angry, this is also to avenge the deceased Hall Master Tian Meng."

A pair of thieves' eyes were quietly observing this scene, and found that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so they came out to persuade: "If you want to avenge the dead Lieshan Hall Master, you must unify the six farmhouses, Zichen, that kid The backstage is too hard, and the strength of our Gonggongtang and Chiyoutang alone is not enough to deal with him, after all, there are Yin Yang family and Confucian family standing behind that kid."

The person who opened his mouth to persuade was Tian Zhong, the head of the Gonggongtang. This kid has sharp eyes. His eyes are very bright.

"Second uncle, father's death... I never said that it was Zichen's doing. There is something strange about this matter."

Tian Yan, who was guarding Tian Meng's spirit, suddenly had a strange light in his eyes. He seemed to be able to see through everything, and the real secret behind him also surfaced.

"Hmph, to put it bluntly, I still want to be the new Xia Kui." Hearing Tian Zhong's persuasion, Tian Yan was calm on the surface, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Tian Hu's previous remarks sounded good, wanting to avenge his father Tian Meng, but in the final analysis, he was still thinking of himself and wanted to become a hero.

"The place where the peasant disciples found out that his father died is our peasant's territory. If Zichen really killed his father, he shouldn't have died there."

Tian Yan paused and whispered to himself: "Also... I carefully inspected my father's body, and there were two completely different attacks, one of which was caused by a sharp weapon, which caused my father to die. The root cause, the second type of damage, is similar to the tactics used by the Yin-Yang family."

"That is to say, the real murderer behind the killing of the eldest brother this time, maybe someone put the blame on the Yin Yang family?" Tian Hu heard the words, his brows suddenly wrinkled. Understand that it is a living brain or a fool!

"It should be so."

Tian Yan nodded and continued to explain: "When Zichen came down from the mirage, a few peasant disciples who happened to pass by found a woman from the Yin-Yang family behind her, and it was estimated that she was the murderer who attacked her father. The injury was serious, but it did not cause the death of the father, the real cause of the death of the father was the subsequent sword wound."

"And this amazing inside story?!"

After listening to this, Tian Hu asked in disbelief: "Then who do you think is the real murderer who killed the eldest brother? When the eldest brother's body was brought back, I also heard from several of his subordinates that he had sword wounds all over his body, and They are all extremely deadly types, just like they were born and trained to kill, and the wounds are all attacking the vital parts."


Tian Yan nodded, and then said seriously: "My father was killed instantly by the sword master, and he was killed on the spot without the slightest backhand. Only two people can do this kind of thing..."

"One is the Confucian Zichen, I heard that his strength is extremely terrifying and unfathomable, and the other..." Tian Yan's eyes flashed a cold killing intent, "Only [Luo Wang] Zhao Gao's [Six Sword Slaves]."

If Wuchen or Zhao Gao were both here, she would definitely be full of praise for Tian Yan. As if she was on the scene, she told the story of Tian Meng's battle with Concubine Yan and the "six sword slaves" killing Tian Meng. It comes out, although there are discrepancies in some places, but it is commendable to be able to analyze so delicately.

"But even so, we Chiyou Hall, Gonggong Hall and Lieshan Hall still have to join forces. Whether it's Zhao Gao or that Wuchen, we can deal with it calmly."

As soon as the conversation changed, Tian Hu mentioned the alliance again. It is not difficult to see that he was dedicated to the position of Xia Kui.


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Chapter 1942 Suppressing the Mohist Rebellion [Second More]

Tian Yan didn't like this second uncle. In the final analysis, he and Zhao Gao were the same raccoon dog. It wasn't a good thing. To put it bluntly, it was also the position of Xia Kui.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Yan also knew that his father Tian Meng also assassinated Wuchen for the position of Xiakui, and Tian Hu also killed Wuchen for the position of Xiakui. Although the two sides still called brothers and sisters, there was only one Wuchen. Of course there is also a fight.

Although Tian Hu now speaks better than he sings, he keeps saying that he wants to take revenge for his father, but in reality he is hiding evil intentions.

"Farmers are unreliable..."

Tian Yan frowned and couldn't help but start thinking about her future retreat, even if it wasn't for herself, she had to think about her only remaining younger brother.

"The alliance's words... I promise."

After thinking for a while, Tian Yan finally chose to agree to Tian Hu's request. If he refused, it might be bad for this fellow to jump over the wall.To a certain extent, if you want to win the position of Xia Kui, it is also destined that other hall masters are potential enemies. Maybe Tian Hu will take the opportunity to annex her Lie Shan Hall.

"Haha, what I've been waiting for is your words."

Hearing this, Tian Hu was overjoyed, and immediately said excitedly: "In this way, the position of Xia Kui will definitely be captured, Chiyoutang, Gonggongtang, Lieshantang, and Santang join forces, how can that kid Zichen not die? Ha ha……"

" don't talk about me..."

At this moment, a voice full of endless charm quietly opened. This voice seemed to be poisonous, and everyone was startled, and they followed the root cause and knocked over.

With a charming appearance, a mature woman who exudes charm in every move, suddenly flashed into her eyes.

"Tian Mi, the head of Kuiwei Hall?"

Seeing the mysterious woman who suddenly appeared, Tian Zhong and Tian Hu frowned, the former said coldly, "Early in the morning, the weasel came to pay New Year's greetings to the chicken, it's really bad for the fleeting year!"

On the other hand, Tian Yan remained calm, as if he had already encountered Tian Mi uninvited.

"Aiya, Tian Hu, your mouth is really poisonous, how come you don't have the masculinity of a man?"

Tian Mi let out a puff of smoke and said with a light smile, "Also, I'm not here to pay New Year's greetings to all of you. Besides, with the same interests, the weasel and the chicken can join forces to fight against the enemy."

"What I said just now should be revised... If we join forces in the four halls, will that kid Zichen still survive?"


"It's really impermanent, I didn't expect Wuchen to be the East Emperor Taiyi of the Yin Yang family."

In the stronghold of the Mo family, Xue Nu and Duanmu Rong were both locked up by the Mo family. With a ray of sunlight shining in from the window, Xue Nu's cheeks were particularly bitter and bleak.

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