
At this moment, a familiar voice of Wuchen suddenly came from the void. Looking up, there was a large wooden organ flying out of thin air.

"The Vermillion Bird of the Mo family?"

At a glance, the name of the organ beast was mentioned, and Wuchen saw the old face who manipulated Suzaku again.

"It turned out to be Master Class." Wuchen was too lazy to show a smile, and asked: "Old man, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here. You are so fully armed to entertain me, don't you want to kill me?"

"Wuchen, as long as you are willing to surrender, we can spare you from the Mo family if you are willing to surrender." Master Ban rode on the organ Suzaku, his voice was quite loud, and the voice reached everyone's ears.


Everyone in the Yin Yang family was fine. They knew that Zichen was Wuchen, but the soldiers of the Qin state were obviously not right. They whispered, and looking at this posture, Wuchen seemed to have an inextricable relationship with the Mo family.

"Wuchen? This seems to be a rebellious name. Why do people from the Mo family call the Confucian Zichen so?"

A kind of Qin army was confused and couldn't figure out what the old man was talking about. Only some shrewd people noticed the unusualness, and then passed it on from ten to ten, and everyone looked at the dust-free. The eyes have also changed.

"This vile old man!"

Concubine Yan, Luna and the others looked at each other, both disgusted and disgusted with the cunning old man Ban. The old man kept letting go of Wuchen, but at this moment, in front of Qin Jun, he deliberately exposed Wuchen's identity, it was not obvious Want to kill Wuchen?

"This stinky old man looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but he is actually very cunning. The people of the Mo family are all so hypocritical."

"No problem."

Wuchen just waved his hand, and a ray of light shot out of his fingertips.


The organ Suzaku's flank was suddenly hit with a fatal blow, and there was a clearly visible loophole. The Suzaku, which was flying high, was also struggling to stabilize its body and seemed to fall quickly.

"A nasty bastard who doesn't know what to do."

Seeing Wuchen so ignorant, the old man no longer held back, he waved his big hand, and the white tiger with more than [-] heads immediately began to run wildly, "Immediately annihilate the Qin army for this old man!"

"Don't worry, don't help Qin Jun, let the white tigers slaughtered completely, who let them hear what they shouldn't hear."

Wu Chenyin laughed, the Yin Yang family took the initiative to move out of the way, and let the Mo family go to toss the golden fire cavalry of the Qin State, more than [-] white tigers were enough to easily wipe out the seven or eight hundred Qin army.

In front of black technology, ordinary humans are just tiny grains of sand.

"As for us..."

Seeing the place where the Suzaku fell, Wuchen ordered with a cold face, "If you guessed correctly, the old boy from Old Man Ban may have activated the Azure Dragon, I want to see what is the difference, and save Xue Nu and Rong'er by the way. "

The Qin army behind him was completely ignored by Wuchen and others. Anyway, these soldiers were sent by Li Si, so if they died, they had nothing to do with them.

In addition to helping Wuchen and others exterminate the Mo family, these Qin troops also had a special mission to monitor Wuchen and others.

And just as Wuchen thought, after the organ Suzaku was shot down, Master Ban and others took a lot of effort to land, and immediately started the hidden organ Qinglong without stopping.

The monster is about to break out of the cage!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1947 The demise of the Mo family ([-]) [First]

"Hurry up, prepare quickly, or you will miss such a good opportunity. If you can't solve Wuchen this time, it will be more difficult to kill Wuchen in the future."

Master Class urged loudly, and in front of them, was a super monster.

This bronze monster has a mighty head, and its appearance is close to a dragon's head. At the same time, there are two huge eyes inlaid in its eye sockets. Its huge body is dozens of meters high. He also made a shocking dragon roar from time to time.

Not only that, this monster also has two broad wings, and when it swings a little, a raging storm can be heard. It is also covered with various long tubes, and it is estimated that [-]% of the contents are explosives.

"The shameless people of the Mo family can really cheat. This era will make explosives...?"

The Yin and Yang family who came riding on horses looked up at the huge Qinglong. The leader was naturally dust-free, especially when he saw the wooden long tube with two wings hanging on it, he couldn't help but think of a strange thing. --missile!

Although it is fundamentally different from the missiles in the previous living world, the first impression it gives is the same.


At this moment, a violent gust of wind hit the face, and suddenly the ground began to shake, the trees were broken by the middle, and the terrifying wind and waves gave people a feeling of being in a typhoon.

"Damn monster!"

Wuchen is fine. Although this kind of storm is exaggerated, it is still far from affecting him, but the rest of the Yin Yang family are all staring at the monster soaring in the sky, their bodies being blown backwards.

As a last resort, the dust-free body overflowed with substantive chakra, covering several people tightly.

"This is the organ Qinglong?"

The Shao Siming giant looked at the large mechanical beast hovering above his head, his face was strange, and he said softly: "Where does it look like a dragon? It looks like a bird no matter what..."


Everyone in the Yin-Yang family also nodded their heads. In terms of appearance, it was very different from the imagined Longtian.

"It does not matter."

Wuchen didn't care about it at all, and said indifferently: "This blue dragon and the previous white tiger organ beast, I am afraid that the Mo family's confidence lies in it. After destroying it, the Mo family will inevitably collapse."

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