Seeing the thick beam of light, Master Class felt dead in his heart, and he couldn't help but start to complain about Zhang Liang. If he hadn't cooperated with Quicksand to provoke Wuchen, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

"Boom boom boom!"

The organ Qinglong was hit from the front, and the sky in a radius of dozens of miles trembled violently. Huge depressions appeared in the sky, and the energy fluctuations spread out, directly destroying the surrounding mountains and razing them to the ground.

The scattered energy fluctuations set off an unprecedented storm that swept across the vast sky, and everything that was touched suffered a devastating blow.

"Looks like you're using too much force..."

Looking up at the depression in the sky, the sky nearly ten kilometers long was blasted into a black hole by "Wang Xu's flash", and the blue sky was filled with an abyss that could never be repaired.


Everyone in the Yin Yang family looked at Wuchen in fear, all of them were sluggish and dazed, and then looked at the shocking crack in the sky, which was obviously a natural disaster.

The question is, is such a thing a human being can do?It's too wicked!

"What are you still looking at? Hurry up and settle the group of white tigers."

Seeing a group of people staring at him in a daze, Wuchen yelled loudly, there were no flowers on their faces, what's so beautiful?If you have the time to be in a daze here, it is better to take this opportunity to destroy the last tactical beast army of the Mo family.

"After this battle, the Mo family exists in name only." Looking at Wuchen, Luna said with a trembling lips, and secretly said in his heart: "Fortunately, the Yinyang family didn't stand on the opposite side of this guy, otherwise..."

After thinking about the fate of the Mo family, Luna suddenly trembled unnaturally.


In the depths of the valley, there was the hysterical roar of the White Hu of the Organ.

Looking closely, the canyon where the Qin army and the organ beast fought just now has become a Jedi in the world at this moment.

"As I imagined, this group of wine bags and rice bags can attack the city and pull out the village, and there is only one dead end to deal with the beasts."

None of the Mo family's organs were injured or killed. In just ten minutes, about seven or eight hundred Qin soldiers were slaughtered. Bones and blood were everywhere, and the air was permeated with the smell of blood.


Seeing the appearance of Wuchen and others, more than [-] white tigers swooped down suddenly, their blood-filled fangs stretched to the extreme.

"These guys are really greedy. It is already a big victory to wipe out seven or eight hundred Qin soldiers. They even want to destroy them together with us."

Just like before, Wuchen raised his right hand again and made a handprint.

"Xianfa Mingshengmen!"


Countless red logs fell from the sky, and the speed was so fast that they were unable to escape at all. The white beards of the organs were instantly wiped out, and the mighty and domineering white tiger became a piece of scrap metal that no one cares about.

"The people of the Mo family, apart from the giant Tianming, seem to have a big hammer and a robber."

After grumbling, Wuchen and the others continued to move forward. Duanmu Rong and Xue Nu were no longer members of the Mo family, otherwise they would not have been locked up.


At this moment, the crisp and unkind Jiaoyue blocked Wuchen's approach, his eyes moved, and an unexpected cheek invaded Wuchen's eye sockets.

"Are you the last reinforcement? Chi Lian? But what's the use of you? Did you come out on your knees to beg for mercy?"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1949 Catch Red Practice Alive [Chapter Three]


Hearing this, Chi Lian sneered and said, "Sorry, Wuchen, I haven't planned to surrender yet."

"So that means... are you going to fight? Zuizu, people are really magical creatures. They know that they will kill themselves, but they still persevere. This kind of spirit of seeing death as home, apart from being stupid, is there anything special. the place?"

Wuchen stared at Chi Lian calmly, his mouth squirming, just as he was about to continue to open his mouth, Chi Lian suddenly waved his hand to the inside of the jungle.

"Come on, bring out my sister Xue Nu." With a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, Chi Lian smiled calmly.

"Ta Tata..."

Suddenly, the sound of messy footsteps came to mind from the woods, and then the snow girl who was bound up came into view.

"Are you going to threaten me?"

With a stern light in his eyes, Wuchen warned: "Maybe you kneel down and beg me, and I can let you go. However, you chose another extreme way."

"Ah ah ah, this is too contradictory."

Hearing this, Chi Lian smiled even more happily, blinked and said, "Xue Nu is a member of the Mo family, what's your business? If I remember correctly, you should be a member of the Yin Yang family or their leader."


Xue Nu opened her mouth, her expression a little embarrassed, and it seemed a little hard to tell, and finally lowered her head.

"Where's Rong'er?"

Wuchen raised his brows when he found that there was no Duanmu Rong. The main purpose of his trip was Duanmu Rong and Xue Nv. As for the extermination of the Mo family, it was just a matter of convenience.


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