"Stay away from me, kid."

Big Hammer looked at Wuchen's smiling face, and sighed that God was unfair.

Since God created such terrifying monsters as Wuchen, why did they needlessly create these mediocre mortals?It was completely mocked and bullied by the dust-free tricks.

"Ah ah ah, did I hear it wrong? You just kept saying that you wanted to take revenge for the disciples of the Mo family, but now you don't want it anymore? If you keep your distance from me, it will be even more difficult to seek revenge, and you will never be able to do it."

The dust-free face kept as calm as possible, stared at the big hammer, saw his expression about to collapse, and deliberately said: "I forgot to tell you some things, the giants of your Mo family, Yan Dan, and Gao Jianli were actually killed by me. of."


Hearing this, the whole figure of the big hammer seemed to be electrocuted, stunned, and the backward steps stopped instantly.

"Don't think it's unbelievable, I killed Yan Dan just because I was uncomfortable watching that kid. As for Gao Jianli, it can only be said that the guy was unlucky and saw something he shouldn't see, so I can only give it away. He went to the underworld to meet with Yan Dan."

Wuchen said, slowly explaining the reason, his mouth trembled, and when he was continuing to speak to stimulate the sledgehammer, the ground suddenly trembled and swayed.

"I'm going to kill you bastard!"

With red eyes, the sledgehammer rushed towards Wuchen desperately. Due to the incredible weight and strength of his body, the entire ground swayed with the sledgehammer's footsteps, which was quite terrifying.

"Want to die so fast?"

Seeing this, Wuchen was not polite, raised his right arm, and a golden light suddenly appeared on the front of the thumb, rapidly compressing, permeating the edge of everything.

Since Sledgehammer wants to court death, Wuchen will naturally not be polite, "Your dying struggle makes me feel bored, but it is also a time to pass the time, so let you die happily."


The straight beam of light flew straight out and slammed into the head of the big hammer. The speed was fleeting, and the moment it shot out, it penetrated the body of the big hammer.


A scorched blood hole suddenly appeared in the head of the sledgehammer, which was completely penetrated. Through his head, he could see the other side of the world.

At the moment of death, the eyes of the sledgehammer were still open, floating with a thousand unwillingness.

"Let me take a look at your memory... Where exactly did these young people from the farm family hide Rong'er, and where is their base."

Wuchen's right arm grabbed the big hammer's head, his eyes had turned purple, and he began to use his pupil power to extract the memory deep in the big hammer's mind.

Whether it is the farm family, the Mo family, and other remnants, they are all targets of annihilation.

This is very domineering and barbaric, but the essence of every world is like this - the winner is king, and whoever has the bigger fist is the one who decides.


In a short while, all the news that Wuchen wanted came to mind.

"So that's it, Zhang Liang's kid is really witty. Is the most dangerous place the safest place? This arrangement is really unpredictable. It's cunning and insidious to keep Rong'er secretly locked in the Little Sage Villa."

Regarding the farm's site, Wuchen didn't find much, just a vague memory for a moment. As for the place where Duanmu Rong was imprisoned, Wuchen found it, and the location was extremely strange, that is, the Confucian Xiaoxianzhuang.

In terms of normal people's thinking, who would put important hostages under the eyes of the enemy?But Zhang Liang just did the opposite, and even concealed it from Wuchen's eyes.

"Zhang Liang, this stinky boy, if we meet again next time, you will definitely die."

With a cold snort, Wuchen's body ignored the existence of gravity and disappeared under the dark night sky like a shadow in the wind.

As for the corpse of the sledgehammer devastated by Yefeng, this is not something that Wuchen can handle, so he can't take the corpse with him, right?And let alone the corpse of the sledgehammer being devastated by the cold wind, even if it were thrown into the sun and exploded, it had nothing to do with Wuchen. In the final analysis, it was an enemy, nothing more.

Wuchen rushed to the Xiaoshengxian Village, and the robber on the other side also rushed back to the farmhouse. Before, he hadn't found any trace of the big hammer, and thought he came back alone first, who would have even found the big iron. The hammer is not seen.

In this regard, Robber Zhi is also deeply disturbed. After all, it has been very dangerous for the past few days. Song Hai has gathered a large number of forces, Zhao Gao's net, and Qin's golden fire cavalry are all patrolling, in case there is an attack. error.

Although Robber Zhi really wanted to go out and look for the big hammer, his reason told him that he had to stay. He told Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang and others about the news he had heard from Wuchen.

Of course, several hall masters of the farm family were also on the list. Although they were not very harmonious, they all had the same goal - to deal with Ying Zheng's Qin state.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 1959 Farmer's Field Honey [First More]

Although Tian Hu, a farmer, and the Mo clan did not have a harmonious relationship, they both had the same enemy—the state of Qin, so they were able to sit together and listen to the information of Thief Zhi.

It doesn't matter if the temperament is different, but everyone's position and interests are always the same.

"Three days later, the news of Ying Zheng's tour to the east is true. It was said by Wuchen and Luna himself. I heard it clearly at the time."

Thief Zhi had a positive look on his face and spoke very vigorously.


Hearing this, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, including Shaoyu and others, took a deep breath, and then their faces showed joy.Even though Wei Zhuang, who usually talks less and likes to be silent, at this moment his eyes are full of splendid lustre.

Not only other people, Wei Zhuang himself was also tempted. In the past, Jing Ke failed to assassinate Ying Zheng, and a large factor was because he was guarding the many Qin palaces, but now that Ying Zheng came out, the assassination was naturally much simpler.

"Everything will end when Ying Zheng dies. Even if his empire doesn't collapse immediately, the impact of Ying Zheng's death is bound to cause a huge shock, and [-]% of the empire will be in chaos."

Wei Zhuang saw it very clearly. Ying Zheng was the founder of the Qin state. Once he died, some people who were not willing to Fu Su be established as the heir would definitely take advantage of the situation to cause chaos.


Gai Nie nodded in agreement, and the brothers rarely expressed the same opinion, "When I was still in Xianyang of the Qin State, among Ying Zheng's other sons, Hu Hai was the most intelligent and outstanding, and he was deeply liked by Ying Zheng. , the next person to be appointed as the heir should undoubtedly be Hu Hai, and Hu Hai also has supporters, such as Zhao Gao..."

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