"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the sound of broken porcelain suddenly rang out.


Wuchen turned his head slightly and stared at the stunning and enchanting woman who was burning with rage. After seeing the debris all over the ground, the cold light in his eyes flashed away in an instant.

"Tian Mi, figure out for me that this is a mirage, not your Kuiwei Hall."

The person who shattered all kinds of china from embarrassment turned out to be Tian Mi with an angry face. At this moment, she was staring at Wuchen furiously, and the anger in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Your yin and yang family is so despicable? You go back on your word!"

Tian Mi's heart was accumulating more and more flames, her whole body was glowing red, as if she was about to be burned, and her whole body was filled with fiery heat waves.

"Going back?" Wuchen raised his brows slightly, and said calmly: "I don't know what you are talking about, but please pay attention to your identity, this is the mirage of the Yin and Yang family, not for you, a shrew. Venting place."

Wuchen's cold words almost stunned Tian Mi, glaring at Wuchen, Tian Mi shivered angrily, "How dare you call me a shrew?!"

"Yes, in my eyes, you are a shrew who can't believe what you say." Wuchen repeated softly again looking at Tian Mi's eyes that could burn people.

It's been so long, Zhang Liang's head hasn't been brought, and he still dares to throw things in the mirage. Isn't this a shrew?

"It's not just me who can't keep my word. Since the Yin Yang family has cooperated with our Kui Kui Hall, then the sect master... why do you still contact that woman Tian Yan? Is this not going back on your word?"

Tian Mi's every word is precious, and she is sending someone to observe Tian Yan's every move secretly.

"Even if you go back on your word, you are the first to be untrustworthy. Zhang Liang's head dragged on and on, my patience has been exhausted, so I can only find another way out. If I knew that Kuiweitang was so useless, I should have decisively destroyed it in the first place. Get rid of you, instead of talking about cooperation with you, in the end, this is the way I handle it naive."

In Wuchen's words, Tian Mi and her Kuiweitang were worthless, and he didn't care about Tian Mi's livid cheeks that wanted to kill. Wuchen was not frightened.

"Are you going to tear up the cooperation agreement?" Tian Mi asked coldly.

"If I want to tear up the agreement, you have already been smashed to pieces, but it is undeniable that with a better partner, it is also possible for me to tear up the agreement. So if you don't want you and the forces behind you to be destroyed, just work hard."


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1973 Let you taste torture in the world [fifth more]

"Damn bastard, stop talking to yourself there!"

Tian Mi glared angrily. Originally, Wuchen and Tian Yan contacted, but this has touched her bottom line. Now Wuchen has this attitude, which really angered her.

"You are a little complacent, have you forgotten what I said before?" With a cold expression, Wuchen said coldly: "It seems that your value needs to be repositioned, so as to avoid being so arrogant as you are now."


Hearing this, Tian Mi snorted with disdain, suddenly changed her charming cheeks before, and said with a chuckle, "I said Sect Master, do you know why I gave Sister Duanmu to you."

"Don't call me Sister Duanmu, you are not qualified, the two of you are not familiar." Looking at Tian Mi, Wuchen found that this woman was becoming more and more unpleasant to the eye.

"Ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, when Tian Mi heard Wuchen's disgusting tone, Tian Mi was not disgusted, but smiled in relief, but this laughter was thorny, and Wuchen felt very uncomfortable.

"Miss Tian Mi..."

When Wuchen was about to issue an expulsion order, Tian Mi suddenly spoke up.

"Cult Master, is Miss Duanmu lack of physical strength these days and has not eaten? Even if you eat some food, is it still coarse grains such as gruel?"

Tian Mi suddenly changed the subject, sounding nonsense on the surface, but Wuchen frowned.

"Why do you know?"

Eyes narrowed, Wuchen keenly smelled something was wrong, not to mention, Duanmurong really had these symptoms, but Wuchen didn't care, maybe it was just a change of environment.

"Could it be..." Thinking of Tian Mi's nature, Wuchen's face suddenly collapsed, and he said sternly, "Could it be that you poisoned Rong'er?"

"Not bad!"

Looking at Wuchen's eyes, Tian Mi admitted frankly and explained: "My strength is not as good as the leader, so I can only do it from other aspects, not like talking about the leader's friends, they will be more careless. "

"It turned out to be poisoned..."

Wuchen's eyes rolled, and the instinct to hide the killing intent burst out in an instant.

"Tian Mi, do you know what your actions belong to?"

Wuchen forcibly suppressed the rampant anger in his body, and said hoarsely: "God has opened a bright road for you, but you ruthlessly rejected it, and instead chose the gloomy path leading to hell, are you so stupid? Can the medicine help?"

"You guys still dare to talk to me with such an attitude?!"

Tian Mi's face twitched when she heard the words, the dust-free women were poisoned, this guy dared to be so arrogant, he really didn't care about Duanmurong's life or death.

"Jie Jie..."

Wuchen gradually revealed his essence, blood mist rolled in his eyes, and the whole person was as cold as ice, "Perhaps you know my past and feel how stupid your actions are."

The voice fell, and the dust-free eyes began to spin, and the writing wheel eyes radiated an ominous light.

"What do you want to do?"

Tian Mi was terrified, and when she saw Wuchen's blood-red eyes, her body boiled uncontrollably, and her whole body was filled with an indescribable oppression.

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