Situ Wanli, the head of the Si Yue Tang, pretended to be nothing to do with him and hung up high, put all the responsibility on Tian Hu, and betrayed him without any integrity.

"You are the only one who wants to be the emperor. We Shennongtang and Siyuetang don't have that kind of plan." The short and fat Zhu family, who was wearing a mask, also echoed.


Hearing this, Tian Hu was directly swept up in the blood of Qi, and the last mouthful of bright red blood spurted out.


I saw Tian Hu tremblingly pointed at Situ Wanli and the Zhu family, and shouted angrily: "Damn, everyone is from a farm family, don't you understand the relationship between lips and teeth?!"

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold?!"

Hearing this, the Zhu family continued to sneer: "When you attacked the Shennong Hall just now, why didn't you see you say that your lips are dead and your teeth are cold? It's bad luck now, you deserve it!"

"You bloody bastard..."

Tian Hu's anger was like thunder, his nostrils were like cows, and his eyes were red.

"The people of's not easy to kill." Wuchen frowned lightly. As for the people of Shennongtang, this special force is really not easy to solve.

The Zhu family of Shennongtang has a close relationship with Changping-Jun, and they are inextricably linked with each other. There are even rumors that Shennongtang is the life-saving charm left by Changping-Jun to Fusu, and Changping-Jun is Fusu's uncle. Therefore, it is okay to destroy other churches, but Shennongtang and Fusu deliberately let them go, and even at the beginning, Shennongtang was their own.

However, according to Wuchen's idea, Shennongtang is not a good bird, so let's just kill them, but Fusu insisted not to let go, and Wuchen had to sell him a face, just let it go.

"But then again, besides Xiang Yu, this time, I also saw a very big person."

His eyes were fixed on the man behind the Zhu family. This man was quite handsome, with deep eyes and a very smart look. There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth that he didn't care about everything.

"In the next Liu Ji."

Seemingly aware of Wuchen's gaze, this person stood up and greeted him with a fist, polite, and his first impression was that he was very friendly and approachable.

"This guy..."

Hearing this, Wuchen just stared at him deeply and didn't say a word. This Liu Ji is actually Liu Bang, and his reputation even surpassed the current emperor Fusu.

"Tian Hu, you are sure to die today!" At the same time, Tian Yan, who arrived Shanshan, let out a bleak lore, and was shocked when he saw the corpses all over the ground.

"You did it all?"

Tian Yan was dumbfounded, and had a new understanding of Wuchen's strength.

"As you can see."

Wuchen nodded and admitted that he didn't care about Tian Yan's stunned eyes. There were many worlds destroyed by him. Right now, it's nothing to destroy a Chiyoutang.

"You traitors from the peasant family, I want to destroy you all!"

The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Tian Hu, who was driven mad, was also beastly. He didn't even care about Wuchen, and turned around and rushed towards the Zhu family and the others.

"Bone Demon, and Tian Zhong will come together, kill them all for me!" Tian Hu did not forget to greet the two younger brothers to come together, but as everyone knew, a dark shadow had blocked his way.

"Get away from me, dust-free!"

Seeing Wuchen standing in front of him, Tian Hu angrily scolded: "This is an internal matter of the farmhouse, don't interfere with me, otherwise, I will even you..."

"Kill me too, right? It's really wild and boundless, but..."

After the conversation changed, Wuchen stared at Tian Hu's belly and persuaded: "The next time you say something like this, please look at your belly?"

"What do you mean?!"

Hearing this, Tian Hu was stunned, followed by a scorching stinging pain in his abdomen, his eyes subconsciously looked at his stomach, and his pupils suddenly expanded several times.

"When did this start?!"

Tian Hu was stunned. He didn't know what started. His stomach had been pierced by Wuchen, and the blood flowed continuously, but he himself didn't even have some basic reactions.

It seems that nothing happened. If it wasn't for the dust-free reminder, Tian Hu really didn't know anything!

"Go to death with peace of mind, this emperor, it's not just what you say you do, just do it casually."

Wuchen waved his hand with disgust on his face, this guy is a defiant type at first glance, and he is not suitable to be an emperor at all, not even the Hu Hai who was killed before.

Almost all of Chiyoutang's ordinary disciples were swept away by "the treasure of the king", and the occasional fish that slipped through the net was also disabled. Now that Tian Hu, the head of the hall, has died, Chiyoutang has since been removed from his name.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 1980 The real big man [sixth more]


The remaining peasant disciples all gasped involuntarily. Such strength is completely beyond their ability to compete. It is difficult for them to defeat this unfathomable man in terms of numbers and quality.

That thin body contained explosive power, enough to easily kill anyone in seconds. Tian Hu and the disciples of Chi You Tang who were killed in battle explained everything.


Tian Zhong and Gu Yao saw that the situation was not good, and they all scrambled to retreat.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Wuchen was naturally unceremonious. With a big wave of his hand, the ability of "Treasure of the King" was activated again, and dozens of vortex ripples swayed in the void, and then the dense weapons of magic shot out of them.

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