Wuchen suddenly picked up Yun Zhongjun's jade bottle, poured out dozens of elixir, and handed them to the girls, saying: "You can't use what I use, you can only send these elixir. I gave it to you, I don't know if I can live forever, but there is absolutely no problem with youth and longevity."


Moon God and the others looked at the blood-red elixir, and they were all very moved. After all, the elixir of life is not a mortal thing. Wuchen can give them such a precious thing. they.


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Tokyo Ghoul

Chapter 2002 Tokyo Ghoul [First Update]

the world within the system.

Wuchen handed over the collected "Yellowstone Book of Heaven" and "Canglong Qisu" to System Consciousness Ling'er. In fact, he really didn't know what the function of this thing was.

"The task is completed, if you have any conditions, feel free to speak." Seeing the two antiques handed over by Wuchen, Ling'er showed a rare smile.

"Cough, cough... I don't need this anymore. I can get to where I am now, thanks to most of your credit." Wuchen bore a piece of grass in his mouth, and didn't seem to intend to accept the benefits of Ling'er.

Humans must know how to be grateful, and the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by springs.

"But, hehe..."

But this scene didn't last long, Wuchen suddenly changed his face, and said with a wicked smile: "But if I don't take your benefits, won't I give you face, what if it hurts your self-esteem? I'm not that Kind of people!"

"You bastard... It's still good to talk about it. You can say it directly. There's no need to tease others like this." Hearing this, Ling'er was secretly angry. The outside is tender and the inside is tender.

"Is it true that I can agree to any conditions? I feel like I found a wishing machine..." Wuchen whispered unbelievably, and then said bluntly: "Make me as powerful as you."

"Sorry, it's hard to do, and forcing a person's realm to improve is harmful and useless." Ling'er shook his head, it seems that he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

"Then I have no wish." With a wave of his hand, Wuchen intends to postpone it indefinitely. Maybe when it is useful in the future, he actually said it casually.

"Then let's just pass by?" Ling'er snickered.

"Huh? Let's just get on with it? Do you think that I am sent by you! Mutual benefit is the essence of the mission. If there is no benefit, tell me who will work for you? Do you want to hack my salary? Why can't you be so powerful! "

Wuchen spit the stars flying all over the sky, and one sentence made Linger's face speechless.

"Let's talk about it later, and I will come to you when I think about what I am missing in the future." Wuchen humbly said: "Send me to the next world."

"I knew you wouldn't throw a hawk if you don't see a rabbit, how could you just let it go." Ling'er smiled bitterly and sighed naively.

How can an egoist be as charitable as a good man?If you don't raise interest for yourself, it will be a miracle.


With a light wave of Su's hand, ripples appeared in the void, and then a faint black hole expanded, forming a stable space tunnel in an instant.


Like a stone entering the sea, dust-free drilled into it and there was no movement at all.


In the dark night, the sirens blared indiscriminately, and the noisy human noise spread throughout the night sky.

"How miserable, who are those bastard ghouls who gave them the right to live in the world?"

"Damn, why are there monsters like ghouls? They're not even worth the livestock."

"It's not as good as domestic animals. Living under the air is a waste. Domestic animals can fill their stomachs, but we humans fill their stomachs for ghouls!"


Entering the corner of the alley, focusing on a large number of ordinary citizens, looking at the blood on the ground, and the police who often talk about the word "ghoul", they all walked away with fear and disgust.

To a certain extent, ghouls are the natural enemies of human beings. If you want to survive, you must eat humans. Other foods are smelly and disgusting in the mouths of ghouls. This also creates the endless death between the two.How many human beings would like to make themselves food for ghouls?At the same time, the hunger of the ghouls is equivalent to hell, and in order to survive, they have to eat humans.

From a starting point, there is no right or wrong between the two. To put it simply, it is a war that has to be fought for survival.

"Ouch, it hurts."

In the gloomy alley, there was a headache, followed by a blurry face and slowly walked out. When he saw a large number of people in front of him, he was about to ask where it was, but a large number of police were gun muzzles. Aim for dust-free.

"Stop for me, don't move!"

The appearance of Wuchen immediately caused panic, and the human beings fled one after another. They even used their strength to suckle, and the crowd disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"I seem to have heard them talk about the word [ghoul] just now... Could it be that they also regard me as that kind of heavy-tasting monster that eats human flesh?"

Wuchen muttered in his heart, and immediately said loudly: "Listen to me, I am a human being, not..."

"Clang clang!"

However, without giving Wuchen a chance to explain, a dense shuttle of bullets swept over.

"It's definitely a ghoul, go and contact CCG to support us!"

A large number of bullets landed on Wuchen, but they did not pierce Wuchen's skin. Humans can't have such hard skin. The police also deduced that Wuchen's identity is a gnawing species, and only ghoul skin can have such a hard skin. So defensive.

"You bunch of idiots... originally disdain to slaughter the powerless human beings. Since you have to die, I won't send you to heaven to visit God, then I am too unreasonable!"

Wuchen's face became colder, his pupils revolved at an accelerated rate, and a boundless black fire suddenly descended.

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