Staring at Kirishima Ayaka carelessly, Wuchen said lazily: "If you have an opinion, just let the horse come over, don't worry, I won't kill you..."

"Of course, it will only beat you half to death."

Wuchen's harsh words fell into Kirishima Ayutu's ears, and his sweaty cheeks suddenly became angry, and he stared at Wuchen with cannibalistic eyes, as if he was never finished with you.

But the funny thing is that, no matter what, Aya Kirishima didn't dare to do it.

"Damn, what level of ghoul is this guy?!"

Ayano Kirishima wailed in her heart, and the violent aura emanating from Wuchen's body made people dare not act rashly, and even felt uncomfortable breathing, being oppressed, and possibly suffocating at any time, let alone moving.

"Listen to me, you bastards!"

Seeing that Kirishima Aya was cowardly, Wuchen's cold tone spread to everyone's ears.

"No matter who your former boss is, now you just need to understand that your boss is called Wuchen. It's easy to disobey me, that's it."


Wuchen's eyes glared for a moment, and the ghoul that was focused on by his gaze didn't have time to let out a scream.

"This guy..."

Seeing this scene, the members of the Bronze Tree were all terrified of the cold, and immediately nodded wildly like a rattle.

"How can Liwei scare you guys if you don't kill a few people..."

Wuchen smiled without saying a word, and then his eyes fell on Takatsuki Izumi, who was a noble one, staring at her huge body as light as the breeze, "We will start attacking CCG tomorrow, destroy CCG in District 20 first, those white pigeons look really hard. It's too annoying."


The next morning.

The sun just rose, CCG was attacked by a large number of ghouls, jumping up and down busy, this time the ghouls were so daring to the extreme, they even fought against CCG on the road in broad daylight.

Unfortunately, CCG is still at an absolute disadvantage. It was beaten by the ghouls in various ways, and almost the entire line was in a trend of collapse. Pedestrians on the road were scared and fled away.

"Damn, did these smashed take the wrong medicine?!"

Some of the CCGs who resisted were yelling at the CCG at the forefront. In the past, the ghouls were almost always in the dark corners, and the number of times they attacked the CCG in the daytime like this was very few, or even none.

Although the ghouls are powerful, the CCG is not bad, but this time the army suddenly invaded, and the white pigeons were defeated and killed, so that the top of the CCG had to hold a large-scale combat meeting to discuss the serious issues at hand.

Inside CCG's home base.

"Clap clap clap!"

The embarrassed director and Xiuji saw the battle report in their hands, and finally smashed all the teacups in their hands in anger, and roared furiously: "What's going on with those ghouls? They dare to attack us publicly, who is behind the scenes? All this!"

When he was usually gentle and refined and with Xiuji, his eyes were red at this moment, and his breathing speed was several times faster than usual.

"It's an organization called [Bronze Tree]. It's very powerful, extremely mysterious, and it is said that..."

As one of the special investigators, Marute Saihui reported: "The dust-free, who was listed by us as an SSS-level ghoul some time ago, also joined this powerful organization, and there is more news that he is [Bronze Tree]. Boss."

Unlike other ghouls, Wuchen has always been alone and has no hobby of wearing a mask, so it is not a big problem for CCG to get his own information.


He was stunned, and immediately asked calmly: "Are you sure enough to defeat that guy? Because of him, the entire Tokyo is in a mess now, and the CCG is required to immediately destroy this evil organization."

When I saw He Xiuji, I hated ghouls, and even wished that all ghouls were smashed to pieces. All the CCGs who participated in this meeting nodded their heads in agreement, but if Wuchen was here, they would definitely not be able to bear it. Shizu burst out laughing, because when he was the director and Xiuji, he was an out-and-out ghoul.

Not only that, CCG also has a special identity - "V" organization, in other words, CCG is an extremely evil ghoul organization.

In the past, the ghouls were hidden in the dark and lived like mice crossing the street, but now it is a world of difference. After the dust-free upgrade to the big boss of the bronze tree, all the ghouls have become active, and now they are even more aggressive. CCG.

"Ding ding ding..."

At this moment, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"This is..."

He and Xiuji frowned, and immediately answered the phone decisively. Just as he was about to speak, there was a terrified voice of help from the other side of the phone.

"I'm Wu Xu, the real household. We encountered the [One-Eyed Owl] here, and the Wuchen, who is listed as an SSS-level ghoul, they seem to have conspired!"

On the other side, Wuchen and others also frowned.

"Is it appropriate for you to let him tip off like this?"

The noble Gao Tsuki Izumi stared at Wuchen, only to see this guy leaning against the wall lazily, enjoying the comfortable sunshine in the morning, and his comfortable appearance seemed to be very infatuated.

In front of them, Wu Xu called the CCG executives and reported all the tragic situation here to He Xiuji.

"What do you think is inappropriate? Instead of letting us look for CCGs, it's better to let them come to the door. Isn't it more appropriate and quicker?"

Wuchen expresses his thoughts, it is too troublesome to find them one by one, it is more appropriate for them to ask for support, it is best to have them all in one pot.

"That's right, it's better to take the initiative to attract all the white pigeons to annihilate."

Takatsuki Izumi followed and nodded, and it was indeed faster to lure the enemy and wipe them out than to find them one by one.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!

Chapter 2028 Going to the underworld to thank me [third more]

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