"You...why didn't you die?!"

When he and Xiuji turned his head to look, what caught his eye was a smiling Wuchen.

"When the hell did you do it? Why don't I feel anything?!" He Xiuji looked at the scar on his abdomen, his face twitched violently.

"When did you do it?!"

Not only was he surprised when he was with Xiuji, even the others were stunned, staring at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and everyone's cheeks were filled with puzzlement and fantasy.

It must be understood that they, these top experts, have not seen how Wuchen made his move.

"You didn't die? Something's wrong, I obviously crushed you to pieces, why did you come back to life again? When did the ghouls start to have such incredible resilience?!"

He Xiujishi's pupils suddenly solidified, and his face was shocked. He just saw Wuchen being disassembled into eight pieces with his own eyes, and the person who sent Wuchen back to the west was He Xiujishi himself.

Now that this guy is back from the dead, how could he not be surprised when he was with Xiuji? !


Hearing this, Wuchen just looked at He Xiuji with sympathy, and said: "Just because you want to kill me? Child, how naive are you? Have you graduated from kindergarten? How stupid!"

To put it in layman's terms, it was just the elementalization of the glittering fruit just now. It's a pity that he was too stupid when he was with Xiuji. It was ridiculous and ignorant to think that he had killed Wuchen.

"What did you say?! Believe it or not..."

When he was with Xiuji, the old face who was choked by Wuchen's words was ashen, but he was speechless. Who asked Wuchen to say it was an uncompromising fact.

"It's best not to be too arrogant!" While repairing his body, he dragged the time with Xiuji, "The more arrogant people are, the faster they die!"

The resilience of the ghouls is quite amazing, especially when they are with Xiuji, they are the best among them.

"Really?!" Wuchen's face froze when he heard this, and when he heard the threatening tone of He Xiuji, he immediately became murderous. He hated others threatening him the most in his life.

Especially when he was with Xiuji now, he was clearly catching turtles in the urn, but he had to put on a confident look. It looked really disgusting and sick to the stomach.

Isn't this what it is?Obviously the situation is extremely unfavorable for He Xiuji, this old guy is still going to die, he deserves to be beaten!

"It's not good, it's irritating him!"

When He Xiuji, who had been observing the change in Wuchen's expression, saw that terrifying face, covered with a layer of cold frost, and when He Xiuji regretted it, a dazzling light fell from the sky, shattering He Xiuji's body in one fell swoop.


The fierce knife was merciless, cut through thorns, and cut off Xiujishi's right arm. He was lying on the ground and rolling in pain, and there was a dust-free contemptuous laughter echoing in his ears.

"I want to ask, I'm just arrogant, what can you do with me?"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2038 Can it be too fast? 【First Update】

"Damn it, my hand!!!"

He cried bitterly when he was with Xiuji, rolling around like a madman, suffering excruciatingly.

In terms of the resilience of ghouls, especially powerful SSS ghouls like Hexiuji, if an arm is cut off, it will not affect their combat effectiveness at all.

Because if you need to, you can completely regenerate one. This kind of trivial matter is just a matter of grasping.

"Hey, how do you feel? It's very ecstasy, Mr. Shuuki, why don't you grow an arm? The ghoul's recovery ability is very strong, let me see your regeneration ability."

When Wuchen stared at He Xiuji with a deep expression on his face, it was obvious that there was something in his words in a meaningful tone.

"What does it mean to be dust-free?"

Takatsuki Izumi and the store manager Hoshimura Kozen, both looked at Wuchen in confusion, staring at the murderous cheek, and the pain on his face when they looked at He Xiuji, and immediately understood this matter, which was better than theirs. imaginary complex.

"What the hell did he do?"

Both Takatsuki Izumi and Hoshimura Gongzen were at a loss. Then, when they looked at He Xiuji in a strange way, the guy waited for a long time, and he didn't grow a new arm. Instead, because of the pain in a certain position, his cheeks were twisted. Braving the cold, combined with the ghoul's terrifying eyes, the whole person was like a ghost possessed by Xiuji.

"What the hell is that? Fire?"

After all, they are not ordinary people. They stared at He Xiuji's broken arm for a while, and the father and daughter understood why He Xiuji was in such pain.

Looking carefully, the place where Wuchen cut off his arm was actually burning a small flame.

"Black flames?!"

Fangcun Gongshan's face was unbelievable, the black flames were like willow branches, floating with the wind and could be extinguished at any time.

But what is intriguing is that even if he used Hezi to fight the black flame when he was with Xiuji, he couldn't blow it out. On the contrary, Hezi would also be affected and burn with black fire.

"This is such a happy time with Xiuji, Wuchen actually used this cruel trick on him." Gao Tsukiquan suddenly became Wuchen's younger brother, she knew that this was a trick called "Amaterasu", and also cannot be extinguished.

Ordinary people will be affected if they touch it a little.

"Damn, that damn bastard!"

When He Xiuji cursed Wuchen in his heart, he wanted to eat this guy alive, staring at Wuchen with hatred, blood was already flowing out of his eyes, and when Xiuji knew that Wuchen was deliberately torturing him, and was slowly burned by Amaterasu. It's better to die... Wuchen's move is probably just to avenge the one-shot revenge just now, it's really a villain's heart!

"Zizou, at this point, do you still have this murderous look on your face?"

When Wuchen looked at the crazy He Xiuji in a dull manner, he gradually became less interested in this guy and lost his last interest, "It's almost time to send you on your way, in heaven, don't miss me."

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