Although Sasaki Hiishi retreated and left immediately, his speed was too slow compared to the speed of light, and he hit him almost instantly.

In front of the light, no one can be an exception!

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge fire group swept across Jin Muyan's body, and the burst of air waves shattered the glass of the building within a radius of [-] meters, and a huge mushroom cloud of flames swept up in the void.

With this kick, Wuchen showed no mercy, and would inevitably suffer great damage.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fiery fireball continued to burn, and the temperature around it increased hundreds of times. Even the steel was evaporated in an instant. The Kaneki Ken in the center can be imagined.

"Sasaki Hiji!"

Seeing this, the ghoul investigators were heartbroken, and all of them looked at Wuchen with anger on their faces.

"Ah ah ah..."

Wuchen glanced at Marutezhai and the special investigators such as Heipanyan, and asked strangely: "Really, when did it start, when a ghoul died, your CCG pigeon is so sad? It seems to be dead. Brothers and sisters."

"What do you mean?!"

The faces of Marutesai, Kuro Iwan and others changed slightly, and they couldn't figure out what Wuchen was talking about.

"What an idiot... No, maybe Arima Gui is too smart to deceive you people who are full of mush in their heads, so that they can't find the south, east, north and west."

Wuchen looked at the group of people with contempt, and immediately sneered: "The Sasaki Hiroyo in your mouth is actually a ghoul. His name is Kaneki Ken, but his memory was later taken away by Arima Guishou."


Marutesai and the others glared at him, as if they really didn't know Sasaki Hiro's true identity.

"Yes, then you can see clearly..." Pointing to the direction of the flames, Sasaki Hiji gradually revealed his original appearance.


In the firelight, there was an extremely terrifying and depressing roar, filled with the smell of endless blood.

"Really ghoul?"

The ghoul investigators were stunned. They fought with ghouls all the year round, and even said unceremoniously that as long as the other party was a ghoul, they could smell the difference by smelling the smell.

This heart-piercing cry is definitely a ghoul.

"Why did Arima deceive us?!"

Several ghoul investigators glared angrily, their fists clenched, and the feeling of being deceived by their own people was really uncomfortable.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2047 Jinmuyan, die! 【Fourth more】

"Why deceive you? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

Wuchen looked contemptuous, the heads of this group of CCGs were as dull as rusted, and Arima Guishou fooled these people into selling them, and they were probably foolish enough to count the money for Arima Guishang.

It can also be seen from this that this group of people respects Arima Guishou very much.


The infiltrating roar that was no less than the wailing of ghosts and wolf howls came from Jin Muyan's mouth. Everyone was clever and looked at Jin Muyan with panic.

I saw that behind his back, a large number of thick Hezi appeared, with a ferocious and terrifying appearance, densely covering the whole body.

"This is..." Seeing this, Wuchen narrowed his eyes and said in surprise: "This is going to become a hero? This kid is incredible, even if he is kicked at the speed of light, he can still become a hero, really Miracle, could this be the opposite of what's going on at the extreme?"

It is actually worth mentioning that Wuchen's kick just now caused a fatal injury to Jinmuyan, but the ghoul's physique is different from ordinary people, and the resilience is not bad, especially Jinmuyan's recovery.


The eyes narrowed slightly, and the dead Chakra in Wuchen's body rushed again, "You are still alive, you can only continue to suffer."

Why did Jin Muyan suddenly change back to the ghouls? Wuchen didn't know the specific reasons. He just temporarily lost his memory, which led to being fooled into CCG by Arima Guijiang. Perhaps because of Wuchen's kick, Jin Muyan Back to the old memories again.

Some people are born to be the kind of people who are favored by the gods, and they are not lucky if they are lucky.

However, even if Kaneki Ken's entire body is transformed into a hero, what can this change?There is no effect at all, he recovers very quickly, and will only continue to ask for trouble.


Straight rays of light roared out, and went straight to Kaneki Ken, who had transformed into a sage.


He just roared very hoarsely. After realizing the danger, he glared at Wuchen and moved away, looking very unwilling.

"Boom boom boom!"

The flash hit the air, and a huge deep pit was dug out where Kaneki Ken stood before, and the charred black hole was clearly visible.

"Is this guy really a ghoul?"

The rest of the ghoul investigators couldn't help being stunned, and then they all stared at Wuchen speechlessly and fearfully, ghouls who can use beams?This kind of heaven-defying existence is simply not something that ordinary humans can contend with.

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