"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

The energy beam that covered the sky continued to move forward unscrupulously, distorting the sky and tearing apart the vast earth.

"Boom boom boom!"

It didn't stop until several big mountains a few hundred meters away were smashed to pieces.

"So strong!"

A group of people stared at the distant sky in astonishment. Even if they were hundreds of meters away, the terrifying explosion caused by the energy beam hitting the mountain could be clearly felt.

Under this unprecedented attack, the word "escape" completely lost its meaning.

At this moment, Arima Guishou and Fangcun Gongshan could feel the violent vibration even if they were separated by a few hundred meters, and even the shock wave that exploded pushed their bodies back continuously.

"Not his opponent!"

Realizing that the strength of the world is so different, Arima Gui will smile again and again. If you fight like this, it is better to surrender as soon as possible. Anyway, it will be self-inflicted humiliation.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2062 The End of Tokyo Ghoul ([-]) [Second More]

It's not that Ma Guijiang and others are sloppy, but the enemy is too defiant, and the invulnerable strength is enough to be immune to all the weird tricks of physical attacks. In the face of such enemies, everyone will have a headache and powerlessness.

"The odds are poor."

After slightly estimating the odds of victory for both the enemy and us, Arima Guijian reluctantly found that once a fight broke out, the winning percentage on their side seemed to be 0...

That is to say, no matter how they fight, even if Wuchen stands and lets them attack, the final victory or defeat belongs to Wuchen.

After all, the ability to "elementalize" is too heaven-defying, even if Wuchen stands still, it is enough to exhaust Ma Guijiang and Fangcun.

"Cowardly? I will never forget the appearance of the two of you in your hands just now." Wuchen sneered strangely.

"Ta Tata..."

Wuchen strides lazily, approaching an inch, Arima Guishou and Fangcun Gongshan will retreat a few meters away, so that they can feel safe.

When facing Wuchen, the two of them didn't have the slightest courage, they just retreated like an instinctive reaction, and they almost had panic attacks.

"It's not the way to go back all the time."

The pace suddenly stopped, Fangcun Gongshan's face was full of anger, and the red eyes were also dotted with endless cold light.


The spine trembled slightly, and a large number of hard objects resembling needle cones roared out, shooting out continuously like raindrops.

"Let's get the knife on you first."

Eagle Falcon's eyes stared at Fangcun Gongshan, the store manager, his eyes were clean, his deep black eyes were as terrifying as the abyss, and the anger of the cold was flowing.

As for the sharp object shot in the face, Wuchen didn't even look at it, regarded it as non-existent air, turned a deaf ear, and continued to move forward.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Without the slightest evasion, the dust-free body was pierced one by one, and the head, abdomen, two pairs of legs, arms, and eyes were all penetrated by sharp needle cone dance objects.

If it were an ordinary person, those who died naturally could not die again.

But, dust-free...

"God is really unfair, why is there such a monster alive? What the hell did we ghouls do?"

Seeing Wuchen showing off this sky-defying ability again, and the wound recovered in an instant, Fangcun Gongshan couldn't help complaining. This kind of monster-like ultimate existence really violated the evolutionary laws of living things.

"In a way, he has left the realm of humans and has become a creature of another realm."

Arima Guijiang's tone was full of resentment, giving the impression that he was also complaining.

No way, any creature has its fragile side.After several blows, no matter how strong a person is, his personality will change drastically.


The barb shot from the store manager Fangcun Gongshan finally pierced Wuchen's body, but Wuchen's injured gap just swept away with a dazzling golden light, quickly repaired, and then the thorn flew out.

The dust-free body is like air, even if it can hit him, it can't hurt him, and continues to walk slowly as usual.

"Can't beat it!"

Both Arima Guishou and Fangcun Gongshan felt a burst of powerlessness. The two of them looked at each other, and suddenly had the intention of retreating.

If the green hills are left, there is no need to worry about no firewood. Everyone knows such a superficial truth, not to mention the outstanding generals Ma Guijiang and Fangcun.

If you know that you will definitely die, but you still go to death without fear of death, is this not a brain-dead behavior? !


With a loud shout, Arima Guishogun's body first turned into a burst of light and disappeared.


Fangcun Gongshan was stunned for a moment, and after realizing that General Arima Gui was gone, the corner of his mouth twitched and he quickly walked away.

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