In fact, just as Wuchen thought, the reason why Tokisaki Kurumi came to this school was for Shidou Gokawa, dreaming of becoming one...

"What a boring woman. Although she is beautiful, you think too highly of yourself."

Wuchen looked back and stared at the girl's figure. Even though there were a lot of people, Tokisaki Kurumi clearly exposed his eyes, and Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head.

The beautiful woman Wuchen has seen many times is that although Tokisaki Kuangsan is like a poison, people can't help but want to stretch out their hands and put their mouths away, but hundreds of years of light and shadow have already wiped out the inner feelings of Wuchen. Some primitive ambition.

I only have one impression of Tokisaki Kurumi - very ordinary, just so-so.Moreover, in Wuchen's view, Shizaki Kuangsan is an out-and-out broom star, and it is enough to have bad luck to find someone who is unlucky.It's not Wuchen's nonsense, this guy will only attack those who are interested in him, and the people who are interested in Tokisaki Kurumi become corpses.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2088 The Tragic Five Rivers Shidou [Second More]

In fact, Tokisaki Kurumi took the initiative to speak to Wuchen, not rashly, but had his own intentions.

Before that, Tokisaki Kurumi had inquired about Shidou Wuhe, but unfortunately, Shidou Wuhe was blasted out of his house for some unknown reason.

As for the reason, the instigator is Wuchen now.

For a long time, Tokisaki Kurumi was quite confused about the reason, and to this day, she is still confused and confused. The secret of such an important person as Shidou Wuhe was actually blown out. It is really curious.

"Hmph, the conspiracy between you... I will see through it sooner or later." Tokisaki Kurumi no longer hesitated, and walked towards the teaching building instead.

A farce came to an end.


direction on the other side.

"Thank you, Mr. Principal, walk slowly and don't send it off."

In the empty teaching building, Wuchen sent the school's principal away with a smile, then turned his head and stared at the beautiful girl with dark circles speechlessly.

"Well, I'll take the liberty to ask, I'm here to be a physical education teacher... Does this have anything to do with you? I said your hands are too long." Looking at the silver-haired girl, Wuchen was quite surprised. asked strangely.

Looking closely, this person has a perfect appearance and a good figure. The front is convex and the back is curved, and the concave is convex. The fair and delicate skin is even more red and red, and the pink lips are as fragrant as the fragrance of roses. I can't help but want to take a bite.

However, the only fly in the ointment is that the extremely thick dark circles under the eyes seriously affect the beauty.

"Lingyin, go back, there is nothing to do with you here. Also, tell Wuhe Qinli to stop her own business."

Wuchen waved his hand, issued an expulsion order impatiently, and then said: "The puppet of Shigenno may be kept in AST's Tobiichi Origami, and I will leave when I get it."

However, Murasame Reine just smiled and didn't care.

"From now on, I'll be your assistant. Please give me more advice, Xiaochen... No, Mr. Wuchen, everyone will live in peace in the future."

Murasame Lingyin looked at Wuchen, and finally changed her words quickly. If Wuchen was called Xiaochen, for some reason, she always felt very strange.Although Wuchen looks young and immature, the vicissitudes of the eyes and the light-hearted attitude in the face of everything are not at all like what a teenager can have.


Wuchen rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Do what you want, I have already let you go back, don't complain to me if anything goes wrong in the future."

Then, Wuchen sat on his desk, flipping through today's class schedule, and happened to find that the next physical education class was the class where Shidou Wuhe was.

"I'm here to give you a pillow. Maybe I, a physical education teacher, can quit my job and go home after just one day."

"It's not bad to tease young people occasionally." Looking at the playground outside the window, Wuchen said to himself.

"You're not too old."

Murasame Lingyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. On the surface, Wuchen looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, very young, but when he spoke, he was young and mature, giving the impression that he was like a super old monster who came out of a coffin.

"By the way, it is worth mentioning that Tohka is also enrolled, and she is in the same class as Shidou Wuhe." Murasame Reine said suddenly.

"This should be arranged by Wuhe Qinli?"

His brows were slightly wrinkled, Wuchen's tone was a little low, and a strange color flashed on his cheeks, and his bright eyes were even more intriguing.

"You shouldn't be..."

As if he had discovered a new continent, Murasame Lingyin looked at Wuchen with a very shocking look, and suddenly smiled, making fun of Wuchen, saying, "You must be jealous of Shidou and Tohka's class... Really, I used to think you were a serious monk, but it turns out that you also have emotions and desires."


Wuchen laughed dumbly, what is there to be jealous of in this worthless world?Is there anything you can't get?Need to be jealous of Shidou Gokawa?What's so special about him?Even with his unique ability to seal the elf, Wuchen got it, and being jealous of Shidou Wuhe is completely empty talk.

"What I'm worried about is..."

Walking to the window, Wuchen looked at the rows of teaching buildings not far away, and suddenly smiled: "I want to tell you that the relationship between Tohka and Wuhe Shido is very bad, I just hope Tohka sees Don't suddenly draw your sword and kill him when you arrive at Shidou Wuhe."


Murasame Lingyin was stunned by Wuchen's answer. If you think about it carefully, what Wuchen said is not unreasonable.

When Shidou Wuhe attacked Tohka for the first time, he really angered him, and if it wasn't even a dust-free rescue, Shidou Wuhe would have been killed by Yatoshen Tohka.

In fact, just as Wuchen had guessed, in the classroom on the other side, Yatogami Tohka had just met Wuhe Shidou, and the two of them sparked instantly.

"Why are you here?!"

Yato God Tohka waited extremely unhappy for Shidou Wuhe, and only after seeing the latter sweating, did he say angrily, "It's really bad to be with you, a bad boy!"

"What the hell did Shidao do?"

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