Tokisaki Kurumi snorted lightly, and immediately began to ponder: "I am looking for a suitable way to escape, do I need to directly..."

"come over."

Satisfied voice suddenly came, Tokisaki Kurumi also recovered from his thoughts, turned his head to look at Wuchen who was looking at him with interest, and frowned slightly.

"Does this guy want to cook cooked rice with raw rice?" Tokisaki Kuangsan was quite nervous, and if Wuchen used force, she would be helpless and unable to activate her abilities, so she could only wait to die.

"Very good, good dance." Wuchen gave a thumbs up in praise, and then looked at Tokisaki Kurumi with bright eyes, "It's better like this..."

"What?" Tokisaki Kusan, who was close to Wuchen, stepped back subconsciously, and this guy has to be strong.

"Your gymnastics dance is very good, and the task of teaching everyone radio gymnastics will be handed over to you in the future!" Patting Shizaki Kurumi on the shoulder, Wuchen said suddenly with great satisfaction.

"Ha, gymnastics?!" Shizaki Kuangsan looked at Wuchen with a bewildered face, and then roared frantically: "That's ballet, not radio gymnastics for body training!"


Wuchen scratched his head in embarrassment and said apologetically, "It turned out to be dancing. I always thought you were performing radio gymnastics for me, and I wanted you to be the representative of gym class."


Tokisaki Kuangsan was directly stunned by Wuchen's answer, foaming at the mouth, and he felt a sense of regret for communicating with Wuchen.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 2095 Elf Traffickers [Chapter Three]

"I actually fainted, is this really the murderous madman codenamed [Nightmare]?"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who passed out on the dust-free and uninteresting lawn, felt bored, and after snapping his fingers, he closed the barrier and suddenly disappeared.

In the noisy playground, there are more figures of Wuchen and Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Where did you go just now? Why didn't I see you, I'm hungry again!"

The breathless Yatokami Tohka trotted over, and when she saw Tokisaki Kurumi who fainted on the ground, she frowned slightly, then looked at the calm Wuchen, and took a deep breath.


After taking two breaths of the air, Ye Dao Shen Tohka felt the air in his lungs carefully, and then whispered softly, "It doesn't seem to have any strange smell."

"Strange smell?"

Staring at the girl strangely, and looking at her gem-like purple eyes, Wuchen said indifferently: "We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, and of course we don't have the lewd and extravagant taste you said."


Ye Dao Shen Tohka blushed when she heard the words, and it was embarrassing to be dismantled by Wuchen in person.

"Now the little devils like to think wildly."

Slowly approaching Yatoshen Tohka, she flicked lightly on her forehead, and Wuchen asked, "Where's Tobiichi Origami?"

"I'm eating a bento!" Yatoshen Tohka's small hand covered the place where Wuchen had been bounced, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are not allowed to bounce my head in the future."

"Idiot, don't forget that you are my maid, my possessions." Turning back and looking at Yatoshen Tohka seriously, she left without dust, apparently looking for Tobiichi Origami.

Yoshino's doll Yoshina is still in the hands of the AST members, Wuchen must help her get it back, which is also the fundamental purpose of Wuchen joining Laichan High School.

"Oh, right……"

Seemingly suddenly thought of something, Wuchen stopped abruptly, looked at Yatoshen Tohka and said, "The lunch box is in my office, go get it yourself."

When the voice fell, Wuchen accelerated his pace and left.

"Hmph, count you as an acquaintance, so that I can be your servant reluctantly."

Ye Dao Shen Tohka rubbed her forehead. Although her mouth was rather stubborn, she sounded extremely disgusting with Wuchen, but the smile that could not be concealed at the corner of her mouth deeply betrayed her.

How can people be ruthless if they are not grass and trees, even though Yatoshen Tohka usually hates Wuchen very much, but this is not the case. If she really hates Wuchen, she can go away forever and disappear from Wuchen's eyes since then. , but Tohka did not choose to do so, but instead became a maid without dust by default.


On the huge playground, many students were playing and chasing in groups, and they were having a lot of fun. Only a silver-haired girl sat beside the world in isolation, holding a book in her hand, with a very serious demeanor. Flip the pages.

"Why are you here?"

Suddenly, the girl seemed to be aware of the intruder, she suddenly turned her head and glanced, and saw Wuchen walking with a smile, a strange ripple swept across her calm eyes.

"Why can't I come? You are my student, Origami classmate." Wuchen asked back with a smile, and sat down next to Tobiichi Origami unceremoniously.

"Don't get so close to me, others may misunderstand." Yuan Yi Origami frowned slightly, and then took the initiative to distance himself from Wuchen.

"I told you not to see outsiders, you are my student!" Wuchen, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed Tobiichi Origami's little hand and yanked it over.


All this happened so suddenly, Tobiichi Origami fell into Wuchen's arms by surprise.


The girl was stunned, her eyes looked at Wuchen stupidly, and her beautiful eyes were dazed. For the first time, she had a short-distance contact with a man, and Origami's mind went blank.

"Zizou...Origami-san, you said to keep your distance just now, but now you are so affectionate, you even stare at me intently. Although I know I'm handsome, don't look at me like this, the teacher will be shy."

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