"Anything else?"

Murasame Lingyin heard the words, and his eyes were also cast, and he looked at Wuchen with some curiosity. Although this guy is very indifferent, the questions raised are often sharp.

"You... can you move away from me now?" Wuchen said abruptly. At this moment, Murasame Lingyin was completely lying on his body, which was quite uncomfortable.


Muramura Lingyin's mouth twitched a few times before realizing that she was almost lying in Wuchen's arms, and her posture was extremely ambiguous.

"Sorry, I've been thinking about the Commander just now, so... all in all, I'm sorry, I'll definitely pay attention to this kind of thing in the future!" Muramame Lingyin blushed and was extremely embarrassed to leave Wuchen's body.

"No problem." Wuchen said nonchalantly, not caring about anything.

"Well, there is something I want to discuss with your Excellency..."

Looking at Wuchen nervously, unconsciously, when Muura Lingyin and Wuchen were talking, they also used a kind of honorific. Even Muura Lingyin himself did not realize this slight change.

"Say." Wuchen is just a simple word.

"This bastard is short every time he speaks, do you really think he is a golden tongue!" The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, and Murasame Lingyin glanced at Wuchen rather resentfully.

"I want to trouble you with one thing." Taking a deep breath, Reine Murasame said solemnly: "One day in the future, if the commander runs wild and cannot suppress the power in his body, I hope you can help him, according to Based on the data I got from [Ratatoskr], you and Xiao Shi have exactly the same physical data, and probably have the exact same data, so please... be sure to take action at a critical moment."

The meaning of Murasame Lingyin's words is very simple. Wuhe Qinli has gone wild, Wuchen must date her, she must win her favor, and it is best to seal Wuhe Qinli's power.

"No problem." Without blinking his eyes, Wuchen was surprisingly easy to talk.

"Are you..." The eyes looked at Wuchen in amazement, and Muramune Lingyin didn't expect Wuchen to agree so easily, "That Wuchen Jun..."

She pursed her dry lips, and when the moved Muura Lingyin was about to thank her, Wuchen burst into a sentence, which made her head roar, and she stumbled and fell to the ground with a stumble, unable to stabilize her body.

"Don't worry, I promise to beat Wuhe Qinli and beat her."

Staring at Wuhe Qinli, Wuchen's eyes glowed brightly, and finally he added, "Dating or something, it's better to die, just like Yatoshen Tohka, forcing her to obey by force, really , thanks to this little girl who ran wild and found a rare and good toy, don't disappoint me!"


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update!


Chapter 2102 Wuhe Qinli went wild [second more]


After hearing Wuchen's eagerness to speak, Muran Yulingyin's head roared non-stop, and the whole person became petrified, staring blankly at Wuchen, who was dancing.

If someone said that they wanted to beat Wuhe Qinli, Murasame Lingyin would definitely laugh at the other party's overreaching, but if it was Wuhe Qinli, he couldn't help worrying about Wuhe Qinli.

What if her commander was maimed by this brutal boy?

"You don't need to thank me." Seeing the Murasame Lingyin who stared at him in awe, Wuchen said slowly, "Don't worry, I'll make a move."

"Let's deal with this arrogant girl now."

Wuchen's eyes were beating with an ominous brilliance, and the whole person's eyes were all focused on Wuheqinli's head, and his eyes were reversed in an instant, and the blood-red pentagram kaleidoscope writing wheel radiated a strange light.

"What kind of eyes are these?"

Murasame Lingyin's heart trembled for a while, her whole body was chilly, and Wuchen's unfamiliar eyes made her feel an unprecedented depression.

"Don't be foolish." Seeing Wuchen looking straight at Wuhe Qinli, Murasame reminded her submissively, but as soon as the words fell, she regretted it.

"I want to fool around, you have already been wiped out." He glanced at Murasame Lingyin lightly, Wuchen's tone was like an ice cube, as cold as it was.


Murasame Lingyin choked for a moment, and looked into the dust-free blood-red eyes, she sincerely felt that she was fragile and insignificant, being stared at by those ominous eyes, her secret was invisible.

"Lingyin, report all the information about [Nightmare] to me." Wuhe Qinli intensified his tone, and his splendid eyes were dotted with flames visible to the naked eye.

"I'm afraid this won't work."

A simple sentence sounded suddenly, questioning Wuhe Qinli's decision, the scene seemed to freeze in an instant, and breathing became inexplicably difficult.

Looking up, the person who spoke was clearly Wuchen, and Murasame Lingyin's heart jumped to her throat, "It's all this time, this guy is still fighting against the commander, isn't he courting death?"

Wuhe Shidou was injured, which indirectly touched the bottom limit of Wuhe Qinli. This usually arrogant commander was already on the verge of running wild, and it was too late to extinguish her anger, but Wuchen threw a match. , completely ignited the powder keg that was about to explode. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

"What did you say? I have to repeat it again!" Wuhe Qinli turned back suddenly, staring at Wuchen without blinking, a dangerous light brewing in his eyes, "You have no right to care about my business, close it for me. your mouth!"

When people's emotions are out of control, they often become irritable, and everyone is no exception, including Wuhe Qinli.

"You're right, I'm not qualified to take care of your business." Wuchen smiled slightly, and then sneered again: "But the mouth grows on me, this is my business, let me ask, you are qualified to take care of it. ?"


Not long after these words fell, the spiritual wave hidden in Wuhe Qinli's body erupted uncontrollably like a raging flood.


The crimson spiritual wave is more terrifying than the materialized flame. In an instant, it annihilates all the substances it touches. Combustibles like sofas and chairs are almost evaporated in the blink of an eye.


The spiritual wave hit the wall, and the whole house began to crumble. The fire attribute attached to it burned the wall to a charred black. It was horrible to see, and there was choking black wolf smoke everywhere.

If Wuchen hadn't set up the barrier, and outsiders couldn't see the situation of Wuhe's family, I'm afraid someone would have called the police.

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