"These two guys... such a powerful aura!"

Staring at the two oncoming figures, the pharmacist took a deep breath, his heart froze, and he muttered to himself in horror, the ninjas of Yinnin Village in the distance may not feel it, but he can really feel the depths of his soul. the depression.

There is no need for deliberate modification, just a casual glance, and there is a sense of trembling in the pocket.

The body is surrounded by a strange sense of depression that can't be explained, it seems that it can even distort the space, and hides thousands of sharp kunai daggers and other malicious auras.

"I've seen a ghost!"

Shaking his head without a trace, Dou's eyes became clear, what just happened was just an illusion, a sorcery, not real!

"Even if the killing intent was not deliberately revealed, I felt cringe just because of my own aura... This kind of feeling has only been felt by Master Orochimaru before, as expected of the monsters who teamed up with Orochimaru in the past."

Quickly restraining his mind, following Orochimaru for so many years, Dou is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves.

After several years of cultivation, Dou is not the rookie he used to be.

"Master Scorpion!"

After a few breaths of work, the scorpion hidden in the puppet finally came to the front of Dou, and he hurriedly knelt on the ground, not even breathing a few breaths.

Dou's expression was restrained, and he didn't even dare to look up at the scorpion. He quietly knelt on the ground, waiting for the latter's questioning.

"What about the whereabouts of Ren Zhuli... and the current situation of Orochimaru."

The scorpion spoke quickly, went straight to the subject, looked down at the half-kneeling pocket, said in a very indifferent tone, and the hoarse voice was like the running-in of steel, which made people shudder.

After saying that, Scorpion's violent murderous aura shrouded Dou's body, and the boundless murderous aura seemed like a nightmare, filling Dou's mind, disturbing his mental thinking.

Even the well-prepared traps were dissipated by this sudden murderous streak.

Looking up at the scorpion's icy pupils, his heart couldn't help sinking, he suddenly remembered the horror of the red sand scorpion, the carefully crafted lies disappeared, and he looked at the red sand scorpion in fear.

It was an instinctive fear that anyone would be afraid of in the face of death.

"It's natural to understand."

After about a few breaths, Dou's breathing became strangely stable, his tone was calm like a pool of stagnant water, without any emotional fluctuations.

"This kid can hold his mind... His acting skills are surprisingly high."

Wuchen, who was secretly peeping in the distance, nodded slightly, with a little bright color in his eyes, but he saw the momentary change in his mood just now.

"Orochimaru really is a talent for training his subordinates."


Ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for an automatic... At least five changes a day! ! !

Chapter 258 Crazy Orochimaru [fourth more]

Touching his chin with his fingers, Wuchen really admired Orochimaru's method of training his apprentices. There were Junmalu and Honglian before, but now this pharmacist pocket looks like nothing.

"Although that snake is a bit annoying, training his subordinates is somewhat capable, which is barely his biggest advantage."

Bai Jue nodded, remembering the disgusting appearance of Orochimaru when he performed the surgery, but in all fairness, his methods of training his subordinates were also extremely clever.

Those who are willing to die for Orochimaru are as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river, and even Honglian, who was subdued by Wuchen two years ago, is one of Orochimaru's best friends. Follow him on the road of no return.

"That pharmacist's pocket is not a mortal thing, and he can still maintain calm in the face of the murderous aura of the scorpion, which is quite capable."

Bai Jue's eyes fell on the calm pocket, and his tone was a little surprised. There were not a few people killed by scorpions, and they were all top-level powerhouses who were outstanding. , However, even so, Yao Shidou's ability to maintain the usual color is indeed beyond his expectations.

"Not only extraordinary, that kid is a winner in life, even Orochimaru is not as good as him."

Hearing the words, Wuchen couldn't help but sigh, secretly things are impermanent, Orochimaru plans for a lifetime, Yaoshi Dou inherits everything from Orochimaru in the end, and Orochimaru has collected many years of ninjutsu research into the pocket's hands, which can be regarded as inheriting Orochimaru. everything of.

In addition, Yaoshidou also learned the immortal method that Orochimaru has been striving to pursue. He is far more powerful than Snake Pill. During the Fourth Ninja World War, he even controlled the army of reincarnation of the dirty earth. Among the powerhouses, there are unprecedented and unparalleled powerhouses such as Madara Uchiha.

"Can the mere boy have the potential to surpass Orochimaru?!"

Bai Jue looked at Wuchen in astonishment. He didn't expect Wuchen to rate Dou so highly. Now, Dou's strength is only mediocre.

Even the thoughtful Hei Jue looked at the pocket with moving expressions.

At the moment, Dou was surrounded by the murderous aura of the scorpion. Although he acted extremely calm and tried to remain calm, his face was pale and frightened, and anyone could see his fear.

Seeing this scene, Hei Jue and Bai Jue both became suspicious. Nowhere could this kid see the potential to be a peerless hero, especially since he was already showing fear.

"Everything has two sides, and just looking at his side can't see through his essence."

Wuchen shook his head, and was too lazy to explain, after all, this is his own unique ability to "see foresight", and he can't directly showdown with Hei Jue and Bai Jue and say that Lao Tzu came from crossing!

His eyes continued to fall on the Chisha Scorpion, and Wuchen watched this scene with interest.

"The two tails are indeed in Orochimaru, in the valley to the southeast under his secret control."

Holding his breath, he took a deep breath and said to Scorpion seriously: "Lord Scorpion also knows that Orochimaru is extremely cunning, and he set up an extremely powerful seal formation in the valley where Erwei was imprisoned— Four Purple Flame Formation."

Recalling the lines prepared in advance, I swore a promise.

"Look at my eyes, pocket!"

The powerful mechanical arm suddenly grabbed the arm of the pocket, and the murderous aura of the scorpion became more intense and full, staring at the fearful eyes that were close at hand.

"What does this guy want?!"

Feeling that his body suddenly floated in the air, Duo's body became cold, even desperate, but he still maintained a poker face from beginning to end, and his eyes were also fixed on Scorpion's eyes full of killing intent.

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