"What kind of magic is that? It's very powerful." Esther looked at Wuchen with a thirsty look on his face.

"This..." Wuchen felt a headache when he heard the words, how to explain what Sharotunyan is?The fundamental explanation is different, the different worlds, the forces between each other are as difficult to understand as the sky.

"Actually, it's mainly because I'm too handsome. This Scarlet is also a female elf. I'm fascinated by it and don't want it. As a result, I regained consciousness, hey, what a sex elf..." Wuchen's too handsome face caused the disaster .

"You die for me, mine is Scarlet, it's not like that." Claire glared at Wuchen with a blushing face, this guy was too irritating.

"You do not believe?"

Wuchen was full of disappointment, and immediately said: "Restia just likes me, she knows that I am handsome and can attract other women, so she wants to use Claire to drive all the women around me. Let's go, in the end she's getting rid of Claire, hey... Restia is such a scheming bitch, if you want to possess me, I'll just say, I'll sacrifice myself to fulfill her. Hey...but that's not Blame her, everything is the fault of being too handsome, I'm really a sinful man."


Staring at the dust-free Restia, she almost vomited blood when she heard the words, and roared furiously in her heart: "I've fallen in love with you? Do you think I'm blind! This stinky boy is so cheap, why is he alive until now? "

"I'll find Wuchen to make it clear now."

Restia took two steps, then stopped again, suddenly remembered something, and sneered: "Stinky boy, this is a trick, trying to deceive me? Dreaming!"

"It's still a long time in the future, you have so many women, there are so many loopholes." He took a deep look at Wuchen, and then Restia disappeared.

"That woman can't be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, can she be so endurable?!"

Wuchen frowned slightly and found that Restia did not appear. She shook her head in disappointment. What she said just now was aggressive, and the purpose was to make Restia angry. Who would have thought that this woman's patience is more than imagined. The one should be stronger.


At this moment, Scarlet screamed, and saw a crimson light group flying out of its body.

"Crazy elf."

Esther looked up at the sky with a small face, and answered very seriously.

"That's what the bad woman gave me..."

Claire gritted her teeth. At this moment, Scarlet also returned to her original appearance, but she was lying on the ground half-dead, and her shiny hair was dull, like withered weeds. Obviously, the runaway just now had a great effect on its physical strength. , so that he fainted now.

"Go away, man."

Wuchen blinked his eyes lightly, and the evil light group was immediately wrapped in a black flame, "Amaterasu!"

In the blink of an eye, the black ominous flame devoured the whole body of the mad elf, leaving no vaporized residue, and vanished into ashes.

"Go back, Claire, remember this lesson."

Glancing at Claire, I saw that she was holding Scarlet in a heartbroken manner, and Wuchen persuaded: "Your talent is good, it's only a matter of time before you become stronger, don't rely on the strength of others, if you want to become a strong person, There are no shortcuts to this journey.”

"I understand." Claire nodded her head firmly, wrapping her arms around Scarlet, not letting go.

"It's all resolved?"

Alice, who came with the members of the Knights, saw Wuchen and Claire leave the arena, and her face was full of confusion. Was this too fast?

"I don't have time to spend elsewhere."

Wuchen shrugged, this kind of small trouble is of course solved quickly, is it possible that it will drag on for a few hours?

"By the way... It's okay if Restia doesn't come out, but hehe... A revenge for a revenge, as the saying goes, revenge doesn't last overnight."

Wuchen laughed wickedly, and he must be repaid a hundred times by being calculated, otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss?Restia can count on Claire, but Wuchen, why can't she count on Kazuki Kazuto?It's fair!

And it can also take the opportunity to provoke the conflict between Kayakami and Restia.


PS: 3000 flower reward plus update, 3000 flower plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! !


Chapter 2211 pit you [the third more]

In fact, Claire was only innocently implicated. In the end, it was a grievance between Wuchen and Restia. Since Restia chose to move the disaster eastward and brought Claire in, Wuchen could also use the other. Dao also applied to his body, plotting against Feng Zao Shenren.

"Hehe... If you dare to fight with me, then I will play with you and see who loses the pants first, Jie Jie..." As if thinking of some good strategy, Wuchenwei laughed twice.


Alice and Claire looked at each other, although they didn't know what Wuchen had in mind, but there was no doubt that the person who was targeted by Wuchen must be out of luck.

"Let's go back, Claire."

Thinking of the good idea of ​​cheating, Wuchen was also on a whim, and he said a few more words to Alice, and gave her the task of taking care of the funeral, and Wuchen left with Claire.

"What idea did you come up with???"

Along the way, seeing Wuchen gloating over the misfortune, Claire couldn't help but ask curiously, "But... although I don't know what you're planning, it's best not to overdo it, Dean Greyworth is still very optimistic about the wind. That guy from Hayamito."

"I know."

Hearing this, Wuchen nodded and patted Claire's shoulder, "Leave it to me, this time Restia has tricked you, and I will double it back from Kamito Kazuya."


Claire's voice was as soft as mosquitoes, and this time she was patted on the shoulder by Wuchen. She didn't resist, but a charming blush rose on her pretty face.

"I'm a commoner today, I'm so happy..."

It's just that he was obsessed with calculating Feng Zao Shenren's cleanliness, and he didn't see this scene, or he would definitely drop his jaw, and that Claire, who was hostile to her, would even be moved?

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