Wuchen sneered, and deliberately blamed Restia for all these faults, just to make Feng Zao Shenren hate her, and the relationship between the two should break up, so that the [-]-year-old plaque that Wu Chen professionally demolished his boyfriend and girlfriend would not be taken down. smash.


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Chapter 2217 Help you wholeheartedly [the third]

"You're thinking about me because of Restia?!"

Fengzao Kamito looked at Wuchen deeply, with a frown on his face. In fact, he didn't know where he had offended Wuchen. Every time this guy saw himself, he thought about how to torture him.

In the heart of Fengzao Shenren, there is a phobia about Wuchen.

"of course."

Wuchen nodded, very serious, and at the same time, there was a bit of disdain and contempt in his tone: "You are just an ant, my future is vast! Do I need to meet a bug like you?"

"You... hum!"

Kamito Fengzao's complexion changed greatly. Hearing Wuchen describe himself like this, he held a sigh of relief in his lungs, but he couldn't let it out.

Who asked Wuchen to say is a true fact, compared with him, Fengzao Shenren is simply scum, and he is not qualified to carry shoes for Wuchen, let alone making things difficult for Fengzao Shenren, there is no need , will only lose value.

It's all because of Restia's fault!

"Restia dares to plot against me, every time I come and go without a trace, I can't ignore Claire last time, right? If you will get justice, right? So, since Restia If you don't come out, then... I can only keep looking for you until I force Restia out."

"If you want to hate, just hate Restia, it's all her fault!"

Wuchen was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and pushed all the faults to Restia. The purpose was to hope that the relationship between the two would break down, and Wuchen could also take advantage of it at that time.


Kazuya Kamito didn't talk nonsense, picked up his own baggage, and left Alicia Elf Academy angrily.

"Oh, am I too bad, this kid was taken away by me, so I'm not too lonely in the future?" Seeing Feng Zao Shenren's lonely background, Wu Chen's face was full of loneliness.

"Also...you should come out, Dean Greyworth, as the boss of a school, you actually eavesdropped on other people's words, are you such a teacher? Hey, even a pure person like me You've been ruined by you, those children are not more innocent, what's the matter, you come to me!"

Wuchen walked out of Kazuya Kamito's dilapidated house and said righteously to Greyworth.

"You kid... can you stop being so irritating?"

Could it be that Greyworth looked at Wuchen with a tone of begging for mercy? This kid is really rude when he speaks. Originally, as the dean of Alicia Elf Academy, Greyworth was respected, but from Wuchen's mouth, turned into a black boss...

"Since you've begged me, I'll let you go with great mercy. Long story short, what's the purpose of eavesdropping on us?" Wuchen asked lightly.

"I haven't done enough to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." Greyworth snorted and said with a sneer, "I just want to ask, did you control Kazuya Kamito to call me old, old maid? ?!"

Greyworth gritted his teeth, and his tone was a little trembling. These three words are really unlucky.

"It's just an old maid, and it's not a big deal. If you want to become a real woman, I don't mind sacrificing yourself to help you accomplish this task." Wuchen looked generous.

"You want to be beautiful." Greyworth rolled his eyes. He didn't expect Wuchen to be so direct. His face was a little hot right now, and it turned crimson unnatural. .

"Does it really matter who controlled Kamito Fengzao? Are you going to help Kamito Fengzao come out and teach him a lesson? If that's the case, I don't mind admitting that I did it, and I want to see if you are a woman. A few pounds or two."

Wuchen looked at Greyworth with deep meaning. To be the dean of Alicia Elf Academy, his strength must be extraordinary, and a long time ago, Greyworth was also the champion of the "Sword Dance Festival", including Kazuya Kamito This kid is her apprentice.

"Forget it, since Kamito Fengzao has left, the rest is not important." With a wave of his hand, all the worries in Greywas' eyes disappeared, looked at Wuchen solemnly, and said, "Since I chose you, You're going to..."

"Stop, you don't need to take your fancy. The sky is high and the bird can fly. Gold will shine sooner or later. Besides, do you need to take a fancy to my gold that weighs a thousand tons?" He despised Greyworth.

"You're right."

Greyworth was not angry this time, but said in agreement: "You are very talented, you don't need me to cultivate, the future [Elf Sword Dance Festival] will also shine."

"What conspiracy do you have?" Hearing that Greywas suddenly admired himself, Wuchen looked surprised, as if thinking of something, holding his body in his hands, "Don't be fooled, I'm not a flower girl, and in public, you How can I meet people in the future if you want to fool around?!"

"Go to hell, bitch!"

Greyworth spit all the stars in the past, but was easily avoided by Wuchen.

"Hey, I know I'm very attractive, but as a woman, you have to be reserved, don't be so excited, my dean." Wuchen looked at Greyworth with a smile and waved his hand: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, just tell me if you have anything."

"It's your acquaintance."

Greyworth leaned closer to Wuchen's ear and whispered, "Since I chose you, I will do my best to help you, and even help you tame Restia."

"You want to understand the best, don't let me down."

Wuchen nodded slightly, and said calmly and calmly: "You can help me find Restia's whereabouts. I will be satisfied if you have this heart. You don't need to do anything else, and you don't need to pay anything. Come on you. Will be very happy with my investment today.”

Taming a mere Restia doesn't need anyone's help, and Wuchen can solve it by himself.


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Chapter 2218 Can I be thick-skinned? 【Fourth more】

"It's arrogant."

Greyworth nodded with interest and agreed. In fact, she quite admired the dust-free way of doing things. It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Although there are many people, there is only one person who can really take the lead.

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