When these words fell, Gio suddenly became quiet, and when he regained his senses, his face was hideous, and he was actually frightened by a sentence, which was a shame. A piece of bone was stuffed, his voice was blocked, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Did Restia fool you to challenge me?" Seeing that the kid was quiet, Wuchen said slowly: "Do you understand, this is her conspiracy?"

"Conspiracy?" Gio frowned slightly when he heard the words, and asked badly, "What do you mean?"

"No wonder you are being used, your head is as stupid as a stone." Wuchen explained softly: "No matter who of us dies, it will be good for Restia, understand?"

"Why?" Geo was even more puzzled.

"Because we are both enemies of Kazuya Kamito, do you understand? As long as one dies, it will be one less obstacle for Restia. If you can kill me, it's best, if you can't, I will be punished. The one who killed is you, and it won't hurt Restia either."

"Restia has no reason to frame me!" Geo's tone was cold, thinking that Wuchen was sowing discord.

"Idiot, don't you understand? You want to be a Demon Lord, it's a threat to Restia, and the Demon Lord in her eyes is Kazuya Kamito understand? So you are destined to be Restia's enemy, she There is only one Fengzao Shenren in my heart, there is no place for you as a spare tire." Wuchen scolded, this guy is really stupid.

"It seems to be right."

Geo lowered his head and pondered. Although he was relatively slow, it did not mean that he was stupid, and he couldn't even distinguish the most basic uses.

"Let's go, I'm not interested in the Demon King's position." Waving his hand, Wuchen said with an expressionless face, and immediately turned his head away under Gio's stunned gaze.

"Wait and see!"

With a vicious look at the dust-free back, Geo finally disappeared.

"Mr. Wuchen, is it appropriate to let the tiger go back to the mountain like this? That man will definitely return in the future." Esther looked at Wuchen and was quite puzzled by Wuchen's approach.

"I know, he will definitely continue to trouble me, and he will not be reconciled if he doesn't kill me." Wuchen explained as he walked, and immediately smiled proudly: "However, these are not important for the time being, now Geo This kid, he definitely wants to tear Restia and Kazuto Kamito into pieces!"

"So that's how it is..."

Esther was stunned, and if he guessed correctly, Geo is now going to trouble Kazuto Kamito.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 2230 Smarter [Chapter Three]

"There are always people who like to be self-righteous. In fact, they all have one head and two hands, nothing special. Restia can use others to plot against me, and I can also use this kid Geo in return."

Wuchen felt ridiculous about Restia's self-consciousness. In fact, as long as this little girl is willing to be funny and bow her head to herself, Wuchen doesn't mind repairing the relationship. Since she wants to play, she can only give her life to play to the end!

"I have to say that Fengzao Shenren's strength is average, but this peach blossom luck is envious of others." Wuchen sighed endlessly, his nemesis "protagonist", it seems that everyone's peach blossom luck is extremely strong.If it wasn't for the demolition, I'm afraid Claire, Rinslet, Alice, and Fiana would all suffer from Kazuya Kamito's murderous hands!

"Jun Wuchen isn't bad either." Esther interjected. Although Claire and the others were very dissatisfied with Wuchen, she could clearly see the naked possessiveness.

"Really? Then I'm really flattered."

Wuchen smiled and left slowly with Esther.


On the other side, far away, in a dense forest of Alicia Elf Academy.


A black shadow emerged from the woods, with red hair and red eyes, as well as red lines spreading down from the corners of his eyes, and his ferocious eyes, like a beast with well-developed limbs, was swept by him. There is a feeling of unease like sitting on pins and needles.

This person is exactly Geo who was brought back by the dust-free water.

"Did you get it so soon?"

Restia looked at Jio who was returning, frowning slightly, reminding: "Jio, that guy Wuchen is very strange, even I can't solve him so quickly, you may be fooled. "

The power of Wuchen, Restia has a deep understanding, and if she can kill her casually, she will not be entangled for so long.


However, Geo was unmoved, staring straight at Restia.

"You seem unhappy..."

Restia's body was inexplicably cold, and there was a chill from the depths of her soul. She knew that she was being targeted by a dangerous killing intent.

With no one around, there is no doubt that the master of this killing intent is Geo.

"Happy? How can I be happy? I went to challenge that guy, but was humiliated by that kid for a while, don't you think I should be happy?"

Gio's words were thorny, like a wounded beast, and he said hoarsely: "Besides, even you have failed, I don't think I am that guy's opponent, in the end, you want to kill that guy more than me. Bar?"

"I... really want to kill him, but, as the successor of the Demon King, he is also your enemy. We should join forces to fight against the enemy, right?" Restia asked calmly. Geo has become a lot smarter!

"Joining forces against the enemy?"

Restia didn't say it, but when he said that, Gio's face twitched a few times, and he shouted: "Don't fart, you can use this uncle as a gunner, and you said that you will join forces with me to fight the enemy, then I think Ask, when I challenged the dust-free, where were you Restia?"


Restia was speechless. Of course, she didn't dare to show her face and confront Wuchen. She could be [-]% sure that as long as she revealed her identity, she would never want to leave. Wuchen would definitely retaliate against herself.

"I'm cooperating with you in secret and making plans for you." Restia found a lame reason.

"Really?" Who would have guessed that Gio just sneered and said coldly: "That guy Wuchen said that he is not interested in the position of the Demon King, and I can take the Demon King anytime, so I don't need to look for him in the future. ."


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