
On the other side, in the forest in front of the front door of Alicia Fairy Academy.

A pair of bright eyes, hidden in the dense pile of leaves, can't tell whether it is a human or an animal's eyes, and can only feel that the eyes are very cold.

"Although I'm not a dust-free opponent, other people... together are not my opponents."

Kamito Fengzao was secretly proud, Wuchen was very powerful and could only temporarily avoid his edge, but other people were different. Even if Kamito Fengzao met, such as Claire, Kamito Fengzao had enough confidence to suppress her.

"It's best if it falls into my hands, otherwise, I will definitely double the shame you imposed on me... No, I will return it to you tenfold!"

Kazuya Kamito secretly swore in his heart that since he met Wuchen, his tragic life began, and he was expelled from Alicia College because of Wuchen's relationship. In any case, he couldn't bear it.


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Chapter 2234 The ruthless Fengzao Shenren [Second More]

Kazuya Kamito hated Wuchen to death, because of his existence, he was driven out like a lost dog, and even Greywas, who was optimistic about him, looked at Kazuya Kamito with cold eyes.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the grievances and grievances between the two of them as "unshared".

"Damn guy, damn dust-free, it's better not to fall into my hands in the future, otherwise, I will definitely let you clearly feel how you tortured God-kun in the first place."

In the Alicia Elf Academy, Fianna came out angrily, her expression was indescribable anger, and the whole person seemed to be about to explode. For Wuchen, she could not wait to be beaten violently.

She is often hit by dust-free, so that Fianna has a shadow in her heart.

Fianna, who has been severely traumatized by Wuchen, has no one to express her distress. She can only go out for a walk alone and depressed. She will feel depressed and depressed when she is in the same space as Wuchen.

And it just so happened that Fianna passed by Kazuya Kamito, so naturally Fianna didn't notice him, and Fengzao Shen also looked at Fianna twice, and there was nothing special about it.

"That guy without dust... hum!"

At the moment of thinking of Wuchen, the small face that was originally shattered by bullets was suddenly covered with cold frost. Wuchen was like Fiana's father-killing enemy, and the two had an inseparable hatred.


It's okay not to say these words, Feng Zao Kamito, who happened to be hidden, heard these words clearly, and his deep eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"This guy knows Wuchen?!"

His eyes locked tightly on Fianna's back, Feng Zao Shenren's eyes were shining brightly, he hated Wuchen to the extreme, and if he could, he wouldn't mind dying together.

It is because of Wuchen that Fengzao Shenren was ruined and disgraced, so he hated Wuchen to death.

"Jie Jie, let's take a knife on you, and if you want to complain, go and hate that bastard Wuchen!"

After a few yin laughs, Feng Zao Shenren followed with a cold face. He didn't like Wuchen in the slightest, and he wanted to get rid of those who were related to Wuchen.

And right now, this single woman is the right target!

"How to clean up that dust-free?"

Fianna tilted her head and walked gently in the forest. Her delicate face was gloomy. After all, Wuchen was so impressed by her that she simply refreshed her narrow range of cognition!


The irritable Fiana suddenly raised her brows, her heart became inexplicably nervous, she felt locked by a biting gaze, and she couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

"Didn't your family tell you, in an unfamiliar environment, if you come out alone, you may encounter bad people!"


The sudden voice from behind shocked Fiana, who was in a daze, and fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed, looking at the approaching figure with panic on her face.

"Is that bastard Wuchen ambushing me?!"

Fianna cursed inwardly, but the moment she raised her head, she was stunned. A cheek that was longing for and thought came into view, and her heart suddenly trembled.

"This is... Kamito Fengzao?"

Panic turned into a big joy in an instant. This face is not handsome, but it is very familiar. Every time she dreams, Fiana can't help but think of it.

Fiana's chest trembled and she was extremely excited. Just as she was about to introduce herself, Kazuya Kamito's sudden action shocked her.

"Since you and Wuchen are together, don't blame me for being ruthless. Say your last words. If it's not too much, I can help you complete it and let you die without regrets."

Kamito Fengzao's eyes are like a pool of stagnant water, turbid and unclear, and the reflected gaze is only pure and ruthless.

"You, what did you say?!"

Fiana was stunned when she heard the words, her whole figure was as motionless as a piece of wood.

"Are you an idiot! Can't understand even such simple words?" Kazuto Kazuto yelled and said impatiently: "Now tell me your last words, if it's not too much, I can help you complete it, tell me You, don't try to bargain with me, anger me and kill you!"

Kamito Fengzao's eyes were full of ferocity, and it didn't look like a joke at all. The suppressed murderous aura even made Fianna faintly feel the danger of suffocation.

"You, are you really Feng Zao Shenren?"

Fiana's pretty face was full of incredible colors, and she suddenly remembered Wuchen's previous sentence: The Kazuya Kamito you know can't be the same person he used to be. He was beaten by me and became mentally ill!

Fianna had sneered at these words before, but now she is staring at Kazuya Kamito who is close at hand. This guy is so unfamiliar, and it is the complete opposite of the gentle boy back then.

"No last words?"

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