Wuchen's eyes became more and more indifferent, and he clenched his fists. When he was about to make a move, a volley of curved flames was drawn towards Fengzao Kamito.


This whip was merciless, and it was accompanied by an attack of flames, which scorched Kamito Kazuya's cheeks.

"Ah, my face!"

Once again, Kamito Fengzao cried out in pain. On his handsome cheek, a scarlet scorched bloodstain was extremely ferocious, the size of a thumb.

"Hmph, you sinister guy, do you think this lady is easy to bully?"

Claire's beautiful eyes froze, she looked at Kazuya Kamito unkindly, and said annoyed: "A man like you is more annoying than Wuchen, no matter how bad he is, at least he won't kill women, although Wuchen is despicable when he does things. Some, but when fighting with others, you will never be shameless enough to sneak attack on others!"

Claire's words were extremely serious, and her firm tone seemed to understand Wuchen very well.

"That's right, compared with Wuchen, Feng Zao Shenren is far behind."

The rest of the girls also nodded, no matter whether it was Alice or Rinslet, they felt that Wuchen was countless times stronger than Kazuya Kamito, and there was no comparison at all.

"Damn, are you complimenting me, or have you negotiated in advance to hack me together?"

The black lines on Wuchen's face touched his nose, which was extremely embarrassing. It sounded that Claire was complimenting herself, but in fact, it was equivalent to pointing at Wuchen's nose and scolding him.

"Forget it, I don't remember the villain's deeds, and this little girl is also an unintentional mistake."

Wuchen finally chose to swallow this bad breath. As a man, sometimes there is no need to care too much, especially if the object is a woman, you should not care about trivial matters.

"How do you feel about this kid now?"

His eyes suddenly turned to Fianna, Wuchen saw her eyes full of disappointment, as if someone had taken away her soul, and said lightly: "Do you hate me for making him look like this?"

"What do you think?" Fianna just looked at Wuchen coldly, but she sighed and explained: "But I don't blame you, it's at most Feng Zao Shen's skill in this field. Not as human."

Before, Fianna called Kazuto Kamito as Kamito-kun, but now calling him by his name directly, it can be seen that the relationship between the two has become a lot subtle in an instant, at least not as harmonious as before.


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Chapter 2238 The Death of Feng Zao Shenren [Fourth More]

Hearing this, he smiled without a trace, and did not pay attention to Fianna. It seems that no matter how stubborn a person is, as long as they are hit a lot, their thinking will be overturned.

"I used to like you very much, and even sometimes I would look at you in my dreams, and when I woke up, I would dazedly talk about where you are..."

Recalling the past, Fiana showed a happy smile on her pretty face. Although the time she met Kazuto Kamito was extremely short, it was the happiest time in her life.

However, what happened today shattered Fianna's dream.Sure enough, it should be said that as the environment changes, everyone will change.

"The little girl is just a little girl, just because someone saved your life and moved the true feelings towards him, this is really childish." Wuchen heard the words but pouted in disdain, and could only say that Fianna was too simple, after all, at that time Still a child.

There are countless people who have been rescued by Wuchen, and they are not seen to promise each other!

"However, now..."

Immediately afterwards, the eyes suddenly became cold, and Fiana's onyx-like eyes, without the slightest emotion, said in a cold and hoarse tone: "You have completely chilled my heart, if it is just for revenge Wuchen I can understand, but You are already obsessed with ghosts, even if you use despicable methods, you don't care, this kind of person is really bad! It's not the Lian Ashubel I know!"

Really bad, three simple words, is Fiana's evaluation of Kazuya Kamito.

"Could it be that you are... great, I remember who you are."

Kamito Fengzao looked at Fianna fascinatedly after hearing the words, suddenly recalled something, slapped his forehead and said, "You are the little girl I saved back then?"

Kamito Fengzao suddenly remembered, the same hair color, the same cheeks, the only difference is that Fiana's pretty face is isolated from the world at this moment, looking at Kamito Fengzao, there is only endless disgust.

"Did you finally remember it was me?" Fianna asked coldly.

"This, this, this is all..."

Thinking of what he had done to Fianna before, Kazuto Kazuto blushed and looked extremely embarrassed. He looked at Fianna very embarrassedly, and still gritted his teeth: "I saved you once, but now you can't die. Help?"

"Humph!" Hearing this, Fianna just snorted coldly and didn't speak, but her eyes were colder and her heart ached.

Kazuya Kamito's remarks mean very simple, that is, let Fianna stand on his side, help him avoid danger, and ask Wuchen to intercede no matter how bad it is.

"I'm very grateful that you once saved me, but..." His eyes fell on Wuchen's head, and Fianna asked indifferently: "I told you not to kill him, will you keep it?"

"This one?"

Wuchen touched his chin, finally shook his head and said, "My kindness was released once before, as long as this kid is out of my sight, I can let him go, let it go, but ah... as you can see, he Kill yourself again."

Speaking of which, Wuchen looked down at Fengzao Shenren with only pure killing intent in his eyes, "I must die now!"

"Did you hear that?"

Fianna nodded slightly, stared at Kazuya Kamito and said, "I have already pleaded for you, but this guy doesn't appreciate it, so you should change other conditions."

"You... find out your identity for me. Without me, you girl would be a corpse, and there would be no one to collect your corpse."

Feng Zao Shenren was furious and shouted angrily: "You bastard, it is this attitude that speaks to your savior? Useless things, even such trivial matters can't be solved, if I knew it was useless, I shouldn't have done it in the first place. Save you, it's better for you to fend for yourself, so I don't waste my words."


Fiana strode forward with her head held high, staring closely at the cheeks that were close at hand, and immediately slapped her hands down.


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